It acts this way when the minidlna package is not installed. We will see what he says.

[SOLVED] MiniDLNA 0.5 plugin (BETA)
is what came back
just in case it's needed, minidlna.conf says this:Code
Display Moreport=8890 8890 #network_interface=eth0 friendly_name=NAS NAS #db_dir=/var/cache/minidlna #log_dir=/var/log album_art_names=Cover.jpg/cover.jpg/AlbumArtSmall.jpg/albumartsmall.jpg/AlbumAr$ inotify=yes enable_tivo=no strict_dlna=no notify_interval=60 serial=31446138 model_number=1 #root_container=.
Your config.xml is doubled up because of the minidlna package. I need to repackage it. You can either edit the /etc/openmediavault/config.xml or uninstall then reinstall.
Would you mind throwing me the command line code to uninstall? I've tried a few times via webui and it hasn't helped. I'm also not horribly fantastic with console codes.
apt-get --purge remove openmediavault-minidlna
Hmm, there appears to be no change after removing via console then reinstalling via webui
I removed minidlna from conf.xml and it seems to be working fineI'll check the stream a bit later, thanks a heap!
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