nginx update

  • Hello,

    I just perform the system updates and bad surprise: nginx is broken.
    Here, how it happened:

    I did not know nginx-full, nginx-light, nginx-extras packages exist.
    Now, i would like to know what I should do to solve it because I can't restart nginx with systemctl.
    I look for a bit here but it is weird, it seems I am alone with that issue. ?(
    I am on Arakkis version upgraded from Erasmus.


  • Oh my bad ! Never change port from nginx (websites) addon before perform updates. Otherwise aptitude get an error failed (98: Address already in use) and the updates configuration was obstruct.
    To solve that, I executed

    # fuser -k 445/tcp
    # aptitude install -f
    # systemctl start nginx.service

    and it works back again. :)

    Edit: So now, how to turn this thread solved?

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