If I had four 2TB drives, identicals, three of them in a pool, one outside of pool as parity. How can a total of 2TB be able to compensate for/ recall for potentially six TB of data.
Then if a 2TB chunk of the 6TB fails (single drive), how can the parody fill in that 2TB chunk? Maybe I am thinking of it too much like Raid redundancy. I messed with Raid when it was first being marketed. Moving on.
60GB SSD - OMV System
1TB SSHD - "workspace" "download, writing space. etc
2TB Black
2TB Black
2TB Green
1TB Green
What to do? Based on many readable sources, 2TB Green as parody, Both 2TB Blacks + 1TB Green in pool. Use of raidsnap, merger, unionfilesystem. At least those are where the trails lead me.
Are these pool+parody combos another way of achieving similar goals as RAID, but different? Have to be one or the other?
Because I am concerned a little bit of the performance of the green drives. I want 1TB SSHD on its own . striped 2TB Black total of 4TB for archiving, and the green drives to mirror/redundancy/backup. BUT that is only 1TB+ 2 for combined of only 3TB.
My demands are not as high or complicated as I sometimes try to convince myself. Bored, challenge, what not.
Those are my cards to play. Please suggest something simple that makes the most of these hardware. Thank you!
added: I don't even know if striping the Black drives would do a gain that is worthy of the effort. They were marketed as performance drives. This is where experienced and knowledge can answer.