Device information shows bad SMART

  • Hey everyone! I wanted to check my freshly bought SSD (it's a Crucial MX 500 4 TB) and noticed that the SMART value shows "bad". I've tried to educate myself on SMART but still don't exactly understand why my SMART status is bad which is why I've decided to create an account and ask over here. What's wrong with the device? I've also checked manually with smartmontools but again, didn't understand too much when it comes to the report.

    The interface shows the Reported_Uncorrect value as Bad.

    Since I can't attach the entire information (I've got the message that my message is too long and has to be under 10k characters) from "Extended Information", I've used Pastebin:

    I've scheduled a self test to see what it does.

    If you need further information, please let me know and of course thank you in advance!

  • ryecoaaron

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    187 (Reported Uncorrectable Errors) for an SSD is not a good thing, but it may not be the end of the device either. Usually, the controllers of SSD and spinners correct errors using ECC and other techniques to correct errors but as it is with anything, statically, there may be an outlier "single count". If 187 increments to 2, 3 or more, I'd become progressively more concerned.

    You might look at this -> article to get an idea of which SSD SMART stat's to look at.

    You might also look at the OEM's -> website for more specific information about their device.

  • 187 (Reported Uncorrectable Errors) for an SSD is not a good thing, but it may not be the end of the device either. Usually, the controllers of SSD and spinners correct errors using ECC and other techniques to correct errors but as it is with anything, statically, there may be an outlier "single count". If 187 increments to 2, 3 or more, I'd become progressively more concerned.

    You might look at this -> article to get an idea of which SSD SMART stat's to look at.

    You might also look at the OEM's -> website for more specific information about their device.

    Hey there! Thanks for your answer, I'll look into the links you have provided!

    That doesn't sound that good - would you send the SSD back if you were in my shoes? I still have time to send it back or exchange it. The question that came to my mind is how high the probability is that I get an SSD which is worse - at the same time my other SSDs don't show up as "Bad" in the interface so I just might go ahead and refund it.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I still have time to send it back or exchange it.

    If its' new and still within the exchange window, I would. As jollyrogr has said a 4TB is not cheap.

    The question that came to my mind is how high the probability is that I get an SSD which is worse - at the same time my other SSDs don't show up as "Bad" in the interface so I just might go ahead and refund it.

    There's no way to answer this. I do know that some OEM's exchange new items, with used or returned refurb's from other customers, that they've tested and found to be good (notionally).

  • Thanks for the answers! It's definitely within the return period and I'll return it or exchange it for a new one if that's possible. Case closed, thanks again and thank you for the links that you have provided :)

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