Upgrading from OMV6.13.1 to OMV7.30 zerconf on client Kodi stop seeing nfs share

  • My system:

    Argon Eon with rpi4 with 4 hdd.

    I upgraded my OMV6-13.1 to OMV 7-30. Shares created on OMV6 are no longer visible via zerconf of my mediacenter Kodi client. I created a clean installation of OVM-7.30 to understand if the problem was due to an update error, but it returns with a clean installation.

    Client and server are set for nfs3, but I tried on the kodi client to set nfs4 but no results. Using OMV6.13.1 everything works fine.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The NFS configuration has been completely changed with the NFS server in Debian 12. I did a lot of tests, but maybe not everything. So please check the NFS configuration on your system, adaptation if necessary, test the connection from Kodi and report back when you know what needs to be changed. Thanks.

  • the rpc-statd-notify.service rpc service appears to be down.

  • Trying to enabling this service:

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