Another OMV 5 to 6 upgrade problem

  • Hi team,

    I’ve looked at a bunch of different threads on this and managed to break then fix and then brake and fix my OMV install a couple of times. Everything is currently working fine, web GUI, SSH etc all good. Issue I have is not being able to upgrade from 5 to 6.

    omv-grade gives this:

    omv-release-upgrade gives much the same

    ultimately I don’t *have* to update from 5 but it seems like good house keeping to move on form an older installation. Any help would be really appreciated. Thank you!

  • And when I run sudo omv-salt stage run deploy I come across some errors that I can’t make much sense of which brings me here not being able to solve my own issue ;(

  • ryecoaaron

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
  • Your repos are in a messed state.

    arrakis is for OMV4

    usul is for OMV5

    Hit:8 buster-backports InRelease

    Since you have buster (Debian10), you should be on OMV5.

    Start by clean the sources.list and move from there:

    sudo omv-aptclean

    sudo omv-upgrade

  • Thanks mate. omv-aptclean didn’t appear to work

    root@mediavault:~# sudo omv-aptclean
    sudo: omv-aptclean: command not found

    Ran omv-salt deploy run apt which appears to have cleaned up the sources though and after running omv-upgrade now get the below:

  • after running omv-upgrade now get the below:

    Post the output of:

    dpkg -l | grep openm

    dpkg --configure -a

  • dpkg -l | grep openm output:

    dpkg --configure -a output:

  • Your system is borked and I think you are better off:


    start fresh with OMV7

    OR, if you have a backup of the system:

    start by removing the plugins that are on v4.

    remove omv-extras since it show v7 where it shouldn't.

    clean the source lists and try omv-upgrade.


    Honestly, your system is FUBAR.

    1st solution will be way simple.

    Take notes/screenshots of the configurations you can on the GUI and replicate them on OMV7 after

  • Update. Ran wget -O - | sudo bash and that had a field day for with over 700 gets and multiple pages.

    Reattempting upgrade and got the below:

    so then ran apt --fix-broken install but my laptop ran out of battery mid command and now have this little message 8o

    root@mediavault:~# apt --fix-broken install E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process using it?
  • Update. Ran wget -O -…raw/master/fix5to6upgrade | sudo bash and that had a field day for with over 700 gets and multiple pages.

    You ran a fix for a post upgrade from 5to6, which changed the repos to bullseye., when you didn't even managed to have your system in a good OMV5 condition.

    Sorry, but it's no surprise that your system is in a messed state if you just go on running scripts like that.

    If you want to continue that way, see this post to sort the apt lock but I won't continue this since I'm getting lost with ALL these commands:
    RE: [Solved] apt-get upgrade E: Could not get lock /var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend - open (11: Resource temporarily unavailable) E: Unable to acquire the dpkg frontend lock (/var/lib/dpkg/lock-frontend), is another process ...

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