Time Machine support broken

  • Hi,

    I have a file server in our network to which a few computers also write their Time Machine backups. Since yesterday morning, one Mac can no longer write a backup. The following error is displayed:

    The selected backup volume on the network does not support the necessary functions.

    Make sure that Time Machine support is enabled for this volume on the server, or select another network backup volume.

    (translated from German)

    I have already updated OMV to the latest version 6, deactivated and reactivated Time Machine under SMB in the shares, with an interim restart. None of this has helped. But the whole thing happened overnight. A backup was made in the evening and this error message appeared in the morning.

    Other computers are not affected.

    Does anyone have any idea how I can get this working again?

    Thanks in advance

  • As Mac-User using Timemachine with omv seamlessly I just have some ideas:

    1- did anything change on the Mac side?

    2- Mac rebooted? omv rebooted?

    3- setup a new smb-share for Timemachine on omv and try connecting it from the Mac

    4- really no changes on omv/smb configuration?

    5- are your Mac's all on the same macOS release?

    Raspi 4B, 4GB RAM, SSD-Boot, 2TB & 1TB SSD as data-disks in Sata/USB enclosure, IcyBox USB3-Hub

  • There were no changings on Mac side or server side. All computer were booted between test changes. All Macs are on the same OS version.

    The only thing I didn't try yet was a new smb share. I tried that now and it is the same result. I get the same error.

  • Are you using the same SMB-share for all Macs or are you having a dedicated share for each Mac?

    But it all strange ...

    Here is how I did the setup - and this is working seemless w MacOS Sonoma. More ideas i don't have.

    Raspi 4B, 4GB RAM, SSD-Boot, 2TB & 1TB SSD as data-disks in Sata/USB enclosure, IcyBox USB3-Hub

  • YEs, it's the same here. I just had a look at the logs and found this at the Daemon logs. Always at the time when I try to add a Time Machine volume to my Mac.

    smbd[46733]: process_usershare_file: share name /cifs._smb._tcp.local./hanstm3 contains invalid characters (any of %<>*?|/\+=;:",)

    But neither in the username, nor in the password is any special character.

  • sorry - I'm not an expert in these details. Maybe something with code-mapping? Did you have a look at the smb.conf? Maybe data corruption?

    What is testparm showing for this user-share?

    Don't know - just guessing ...

    Raspi 4B, 4GB RAM, SSD-Boot, 2TB & 1TB SSD as data-disks in Sata/USB enclosure, IcyBox USB3-Hub

  • One addional idea (cause I'm thinking that you are german):

    you could place your question/issue at macuser.de forum. There are some experts for Mac, smb, omv, ...

    Raspi 4B, 4GB RAM, SSD-Boot, 2TB & 1TB SSD as data-disks in Sata/USB enclosure, IcyBox USB3-Hub

  • The solution was quite easy. TimeMachine didn't like the first capital letter in the username anymore. I created a new user only with small letters and it worked again.

  • votdev

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