• Greetings guys,

    I'm running OMV as a NAS on an i3 9100F system with 2x4gb of ram and 2 3TB HDDs as storage and a SATA SSD for the system.

    I don't need a lot of storage as there are more photos and some files. The disks are 3tb Western Digital Blue Wd30edaz HDs, manufactured in 2022 according to the label.

    I chose to install ZFS to create a mirror between the drives, and started uploading the files.

    When consulting the ZFS pool, the status is DEGRADED and presents the following details:


    NAS DEGRADED 0 0 0

    mirror-0 DEGRADED 0 0 0

    ata-WDC_WD30EDAZ-11SLVB0_WD-WX72D12DCXD2 FAULTED 0 18 0 too many errors

    ata-WDC_WD30EDAZ-11SLVB0_WD-WX72D12PL7S6 ONLINE 0 0 0

    How can I find out if the HD is actually defective?

    Despite the failure, the files continue to be written in a mirrored manner, or is it a general error that has rendered the drive unusable?

    In the extended information of S.M.A.R.T. test of both drives shows that:

    SMART overall-health self-assessment test result: PASSED

    Grateful for the attention

  • crashtest

    Hat das Thema freigeschaltet.
    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I recently (a few weeks ago) ran into the same behavior with very similar hardware and 4TB drives. In a Zmirror, during a scrub, one of my drives was showing errors while the other drive was fine. SMART stat's were fine along with clean short drive tests. Scrubs where repairing a couple of MB of data but I've seen that before. There were no uncorrected errors.

    Since all checked out, I used zpool clear. However, after clearing the pool, the next scrub indicated that the same drive had errors. Finally, I got "DEGRADED" and "Too Many Errors".

    In the bottom line, I ordered another drive and replaced the drive ZFS was complaining about. As follow up, I'll examine the replaced drive with a LONG SMART test and I'll probably run Spinrite against the drive, in another PC, to see if anything turns up.

    In the bottom line, if you want to keep your data clean, I'd replace the drive.

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