Confused by error message

  • So I tried to upgrade my omv version and I keep getting this error:

    E: The repository ' buster-backports Release' does not have a Release file.

    I checked my source.list file and I see no reference to buster-backports in the list so i'm not sure where the error is coming from. Is there another file I need to edit?

    Any help or push in the right direction would be appreciated. Thank you...

    • New
    • Official Post

    Look at the .list files in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/. And upgrade to a supported OMV version.

    omv 7.4.9-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.13 | k8s 7.3.1-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.9 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • And as far as upgrading, that's what i'm trying to do but this error is preventing that.

    I'll look where you said and see what I can find. Thank you.

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