Update to squeeze-backports

  • Hello,

    I plan to use openmediavault with squeeze-backports, as I need to use a Wifi adapter which is not supported by the kernel of squeeze.

    I tried on a Virtualbox machine, it seems to work fine, and here is what I experimented :

    Backup following files :

      - /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
      - /etc/samba/smb.conf
      - /etc/smartd.conf
      - /etc/sudoers
      - /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

    Backup system drive : on a physical machine, I boot on a USB drive containing a Linux system and I use a command like :

    dd if=/dev/sd<> of=<backup_file> bs=4096

    Add the following line in /etc/apt/sources.list

    deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main non-free

    And then the big jump ...

    apt-get update
    apt-get -t squeeze-backports dist-upgrade

    The installation process ask some questions. Here are the options I have choosed :

      - convert RRD files used by collectd (for the WebGUI graphs)
      - do not configure messaging service
      - replace /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
      - replace /etc/samba/smb.conf
      - replace /etc/smartd.conf
      - replace /etc/sudoers
      - replace /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

    After the update, there is some work in these files :

      - etc/collectd/collectd.conf : activate (if needed) plug-ins syslog, rrdtool, cpu, df, interface, load, memory. Add configuration lines, from backup made before, for df (MountPoint statements ) and interface (Interface statements)
      - /etc/samba/smb.conf : add configurations lines, from backup made before, for the definition for shares ; you can also, eventually, add a line in [global] section for the support of SMB2

    max protocol = SMB2

    - /etc/sudoers : add the line, from backup made before, about openmediavault user

  • You can do some garbage recovery :

    apt-get --dry-run autoclean

    You can also install aptitude as you will have to manage packages from stable or backports Debian

    apt-get install aptitude

    and launch the semi-graphical interface :


    And then you can easily remove previous kernel, which still appears in grub menu. But be careful !!!

    Using the WebGUI I see some minor problems :

      - the "update" function says "Failed to execute command 'export LANG=C; sudo apt-get --show-upgraded --simulate dist-upgrade 2>&1': sudo: no tty present and no askpass program specified"
      - the graphs in Diagnostics -> System Information -> System do not show new information
      - Diagnostics -> System logs are empty

    Any more suggestion would be appreciated.


  • omv 2.x omv 3.x (testing) - AMD CPU - RAM ECC 8x4TB RAID6 + 4x3TB RAID5 - SSD 4GB for system

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von fpabernard ()

  • Hello,

    I realize that it could be sufficient to update only the kernel for my original goal of having better hardware support :

    It starts like a dist-upgrade :

    Backup following files :

      - /etc/collectd/collectd.conf
      - /etc/samba/smb.conf
      - /etc/smartd.conf
      - /etc/sudoers
      - /etc/mdadm/mdadm.conf

    Backup system drive : on a physical machine, I boot on a USB drive containing a Linux system and I use a command like :

    dd if=/dev/sd<> of=<backup_file> bs=4096

    Add the following line in /etc/apt/sources.list

    deb http://backports.debian.org/debian-backports squeeze-backports main non-free

    But then, just do that :
    Check kernel version

    apt-cache search linux-image-3

    Install kernel :

    apt-get -t squeeze-backports install linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.2-amd64 firmware-linux-free firmware-linux-nonfree

    Accept the statement where the installer proposes to rename the access points for the existing drives/partitions.

    From there, you should use only apt-get upgrade and not apt-get dist-upgrade !!!

    You can purge unused kernel images (in my case, the debug kernel image was installed ... strange !)

    Look at installed kernel

    dpkg -l | grep linux | cut -f 3 -d " "

    Remove unused ones :

    apt-get purge linux-image-2.6-amd64 linux-image-2.6.32-5-amd64
    apt-get purge linux-image-3.2.0-0.bpo.3-amd64-dbg

    I noticed a useful improvement : the monitor now really goes asleep, before it was only blank but still 'ON'.

    In my case, I then decided to install samba 3.6.6 in order to have SMB2 support

    apt-get -t squeeze-backports install samba

    I choosed to keep the current samba configuration files (it works).

    I added the following line at the end of [global] section ot /etc/samba/smb.conf :

    max protocol = SMB2

    I'm not sure OMV will not overwrite the file or the line in case I update the SMB/CIFS shares ...

    I checked with Wireshark that SMB2 protocol was now effective and I experienced an improvement of approx. 15-20% for transfer speeds (up to 800 Mbits/s in real life file transfer).

    None of the problem detected in my first post occured after that minimal update.

    EDIT 2012/10/18 :
    I encountered problems using SMB2 protocol : after a while, new files created could not be accessed, due to lack of permissions via samba. On the server itself, nothing was different in access mask or ACL between these files ant other ones. Moreover, these files vanished on the server after the samba client disconnect.

    May be something similar to that : http://www.mail-archive.com/sa….samba.org/msg121385.html

    I just removed the line 'max protocol = SMB2' and everything is OK again.

    However, if you want to go back to the previous version of samba, use this command :

    apt-get -t=squeeze install samba=2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 samba-common=2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8 libwbclient0=2:3.5.6~dfsg-3squeeze8

    omv 2.x omv 3.x (testing) - AMD CPU - RAM ECC 8x4TB RAID6 + 4x3TB RAID5 - SSD 4GB for system

  • The Problem in the first post occured due to update of sudo packages, I Haden't backed up /etc/sudoers , And Resolved by editing sudoers file
    I Added these Lines to /etc/sudoers

    Defaults visiblepw
    %openmediavault ALL=NOPASSWD: ALL

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