Posts by henfri


    I have upgraded from omv4 to omv5 and to omv6.

    I cannot reinstall, as the machine is remote :(

    The upgrades did not work smoothly. At some point, I was at an "inbetween" state, where php7.4 was required, but not available in debian 10.

    Now, finally I removed omv (packages), upgraded manually (the debian way) and installed omv again.

    However, I cannot log in to the Admin page.

    even resetting the Password via firstaid does not help - I get 400 Bad user/pass.

    What could be the reason?

    Best regards,



    thank you!

    Indeed, this seems to be the problem:

    Nov  8 12:03:09 homeserveralt autoshutdown[2474]: root: DEBUG: '_get_network_details(): Network interfaces: eth0'
    Nov  8 12:03:09 homeserveralt autoshutdown[2474]: root: DEBUG: '_get_network_details(): Network interfaces status: down'
    Nov  8 12:03:09 homeserveralt autoshutdown[2474]: root: DEBUG: '_get_network_details(): Network interfaces IPv4 address: N/A'
    Nov  8 12:03:09 homeserveralt autoshutdown[2474]: root: DEBUG: '_get_network_details(): Network interfaces IPv4 address valid: false'
    Nov  8 12:03:09 homeserveralt autoshutdown[2474]: root: DEBUG: '_get_network_details(): Network interfaces IPv6 address: N/A'
    Nov  8 12:03:09 homeserveralt autoshutdown[2474]: root: DEBUG: '_get_network_details(): Network interfaces IPv6 address valid: false'
    Nov  8 12:03:09 homeserveralt autoshutdown[2474]: root: INFO: '_get_network_details(): 'eth0' status: down, IPv4 address: N/A, IPv6 address: N/A, retrying in 5s ...'

    After that, the server did not shutdown anymore.

    I now set


    In the expert-settings.

    I hope this helps.




    thanks for your reply.

    Here is the configuration:

    So, nothing really exciting...




    autoshutdown is not working for me... In syslog, I find:

    Sep 18 12:02:58 homeserveralt systemd[1]: Started openmediavault-autoshutdown plugin service.
    Sep 18 12:04:00 homeserveralt systemd[1]: autoshutdown.service: Main process exited, code=exited, status=138/n/a
    Sep 18 12:04:00 homeserveralt systemd[1]: autoshutdown.service: Failed with result 'exit-code'.
    Sep 18 12:04:00 homeserveralt systemd[1]: autoshutdown.service: Consumed 1.825s CPU time.

    After this, no further shutdowns seem to be tried, so it seems that the plugin is not running anymore - it seems not just a proccess that the plugin tried to start, that crashed.

    What could be the reason for this?

    Best regards,



    Let me start again:

    1) for some reason my network looses ipv6 address sporadically

    2) I can detect that in a script, and now would like to fix it in that script as well

    3) re-applying the network settings in the GUI does the trick. Thus, I want to trigger this in from the script

    4) It was pointed out above, that running the complete omv-salt command from above omv-salt deploy run avahi halt hosts issue systemd-networkd would do the trick but potentially more.

    5) Volker pointed out that omv is using netplan

    6) I wonder if netplan apply is sufficient to restart the network with unchanged settings

    Best regards,


    Thanks, I understand that.

    now, AFTER changing the files through omv-salt, OMV does something to make the system aware of these changes (for instance restart the network or at least let the network know to use these modified files).

    What command is OMV using to re-initiate the network after having changed the files?




    I transitioned from 5 to 6. After that, FTP kept working fine.

    But I now changed the Storage and need to update the sharefolder.

    Unfortunately, in the GUI, the FTP is missing under Services.

    I found, that FTP has been moved to a plugin and installed it.

    However, when applying my changes, I get an error-message.

    When running on the CLI to apply the changes, I get:

    Executing: /lib/systemd/systemd-sysv-install enable proftpd
    Failed to enable unit: Unit file /etc/systemd/system/proftpd.service is masked.
    [ERROR   ] Command '/bin/systemd-run' failed with return code: 1
    [ERROR   ] stderr: Running scope as unit: run-r1774517fa2fc4c9c83b264aea557ca01.scope
    Failed to restart proftpd.service: Unit proftpd.service is masked.
    [ERROR   ] retcode: 1
    [ERROR   ] Failed to restart proftpd.service: Unit proftpd.service is masked.

    (more details here)

    How can I get ftp running again?

    Best regards,



    my br0 lost its ipv6 adress today.

    In dmesg I see:

    When I try to restart the network, I get:

    root@homeserver:/etc/openmediavault/scripts# ifdown br0 && ifup br0
    ifdown: unknown interface br0
    root@homeserver:/etc/openmediavault/scripts# ifdown enp1s0 && ifup enp1s0
    ifdown: unknown interface enp1s0

    I was able to fix this, by changing a setting in the Network Interface of br0 in the omv GUI (the search domain, just to trigger an update. That worked.

    Now, it would be great to have a true solution. But I am not so confident..

    If a solution is not possible, a workaround would be a script triggering the same that the omv-gui is doing when applying changes to the network settings.

    What commands do I need to do the same as when applying network setting changes in OMV?

    Best regards,



    here it is:

    sudo /usr/bin/salt-call --local saltutil.clear_cache
    [sudo] Passwort für henfri:
    henfri@homeserver:~$ sudo omv-salt stage run prepare
        Data failed to compile:
        No matching sls found for 'omv.stage.prepare' in env 'base'

    Best regards,


    Hello Aaron,

    sorry for the delay.

    Here it is:

    Best regards,



    in fact, I did a

    sudo byobu

    I tried it with su - now. Same CLI output and same effect in the webinterface (I tride both commands from above).

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export LANGUAGE=; omv-salt deploy run --no-color avahi 2>&1' with exit code '100': ERROR: The state 'avahi' does not exist

    Best regards,



    I am experiencing the same issue, however on OMV6.

    I tried the suggestions above:

    root@homeserver:/home/henfri# salt-call saltutil.sync_modules
    root@homeserver:/home/henfri# omv-salt stage run prepare
        Data failed to compile:
        No matching sls found for 'omv.stage.prepare' in env 'base'

    After the first one, it still does not work.

    The second command fails -supposedly due to changes between OMV5 and OMV6.

    How do I fix this on OMV6?

    Best regards,
