Beiträge von Nefertiti

    Yesterday since I was going nowhere I was able to go back to OMV 4 with a symlink to a sort of back up folder of container not modified by portainer

    /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_1/docker instead of /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_1/docker/docker on this one I was using this emby 's container I also noticed with this version It was using mount point mnt

    I was using 997 since I thought it was the the ID of the portainer user name: admin

    anyway the main difference about path on emby docker from emby and linuxserver is

    -v /path/to/library:/config \  
    -v /path/to/tvshows:/data/tvshows \  
    -v /path/to/movies:/data/movies \


    --volume /path/to/programdata:/config \ # This is mandatory    
    --volume /path/to/share1:/mnt/share1 \ # To mount a first share    
    --volume /path/to/share2:/mnt/share2 \ # To mount a second share

    Anyway now I think I need to go to back to since, overnight emby reconstructed all data with /mnt/share2 for the movie container path although I did not find anything to put in a stack for docker compose there

    so guys please tell me If I am wrong with this ?

    /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_1/Appdata/Emby:/config \

    /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_2/Media2:/mnt/share2 \

    Well it was a kind of typo AppData instead of appdata, now got back my original library but I am not able to play anything since any way I am writing the path for my movies nothing plays from the path srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_2/Media2 Definitely got some issues with portainer volumes path!


    Not sure why after restart with is page for emby get back again to Jellyfin with is normally on port 8196 so I think is now time to move on and go with docker compose So I did my new stack for Emby but again give me a generic page


    Finally I was able to make a good working OMV 5 clean install, this time emby did not work with relative path but did work with absolute one now no sure why I am not able to access my SMB share from my pc also so far emby with letsencrypt not working yet, just getting the generic page welcome to our servers.


    SMB issue has been resolved after pc reboot

    Cannot even do that, got disconnected at the beginning of the process is rebooting by itself ask me to do dpkg --configure -a but same, reboot right away

    Maybe I can try apt-get install --reinstall openmediavault before performing the upgrade?

    also before the reboot after the first instruction wget -O -…pt/raw/master/upgrade4to5 | sudo bash


    * issue (Y/I/N/O/D/Z) [default=N] ? dpkg: error processing package base-files (--configure):

    end of file on stdin at conffile prompt

    Errors were encountered while processing:


    E: Sub-process /usr/bin/dpkg returned an error code (1)

    second try

    omv-salt deploy run nginx

    -bash: omv-salt: command not found


    root@rockpro64:~# Processing triggers for libgdk-pixbuf2.0-0:arm64 (2.38.1+dfsg-1) ...

    -bash: syntax error near unexpected token `('


    My latest clean install and latest upgrade from 4 to 5 both got major issues! went back to an ancient backup upgraded to 5 first I noticed I do not need to worry about persistence it is done automatically buy putting an absolute path in the docker tab this even survive reboot so this part is resolved.

    Regarding emby/ jelly I thought I would need also an absolute path according to [How-to] Emby on OMV5.x and Portainer but after the second reboot I got some connection to my existing data user and library, without changing the path but unfortunately I did this upgrade on a version of witch had issue of"(5min) of 7.0 matches resource limit [loadavg (5min)" this make the server kind of slow I do not know how to fix it I did try to upgrade a good version 0f omv 4 but like I said at the beginning got me a lot of error and could not deploy nginx, further more on this omv 5 running now airsonic give me This site can’t be reached althought the container is running.

    As soon as I try to enable smb I get this error

    {"response":null,"error":{"code":0,"message":"The property 'localmaster' does not exist in the model 'conf.service.smb'.","trace":"OMV\\AssertException: The property 'localmaster' does not exist in the model 'conf.service.smb'. in \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/config\/\nStack trace:

    Also cannot add share I succeed to make one but the second one got

    Media2\\\/\"}}' is not unique. in \/usr\/share\/php\/openmediavault\/config\/\nStack trace:\n#0 \/usr\/share\/openmediavault\/engined\/rpc\/

    Actually My main issue now

    is to reconnect emby/ jellyfin to the existing directory since they just want me to start from scratch how do that from the container no idea how the mountpoint got changed ?


    I believe I go to fast as before I forgot to setup the existing sharefolder this is probably my issue LOL

    I just did a clean install and wanted to connect again to my existing containers I put as before /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_1/docker/docker to the box in docker tab but the only container it connect is portainer itself when I look in /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_1/docker/docker/containers only one is listed so portainer all my other one look like they are missing but they are not, if i boot to my OMV 4 .11 backup they all there! and working not sure how to get back to them from the new install omv5?


    Never mind i forgot to mount the disk so I just to removed the previous container and reinstall them again LOL

    Of course I did not realize portainer was a container, so just changing the restart policy did the trick antsh I thank you for your help.

    From that I am going to do a clean install because the upgrade got me to much issues with "resource limit" I will reattach those container and go from that.

    root@rockpro64:~# docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -p 8844:8000 --name portainer --restart always -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_1/AppData/data:/data portainer/portainer
    Unable to find image 'portainer/portainer:latest' locally
    latest: Pulling from portainer/portainer
    d1e017099d17: Pull complete
    792234048c53: Pull complete
    Digest: sha256:4ae7f14330b56ffc8728e63d355bc4bc7381417fa45ba0597e5dd32682901080
    Status: Downloaded newer image for portainer/portainer:latest

    This time I guess it took it but when I restart I try to install portainer tru the web interface got

    dokcker storage :: /srv/dev-disk-by-label-WD_10TB_1/docker/docker

    Opt-out :: 1

    arch :: arm64

    option :: portainer

    state :: install

    extras :: 5.2.6

    DNS OK.

    Removing portainer ...


    Removing portainer/portainer image ...

    Untagged: portainer/portainer:latest

    Untagged: portainer/portainer@sha256:4ae7f14330b56ffc8728e63d355bc4bc7381417fa45ba0597e5dd32682901080

    Deleted: sha256:4211f12ec84c848c898610bc136cf64d419df29bec920df77f17168f7be29096

    Deleted: sha256:d08fc03dca8d9b5aeb00d0eda5b8e2e82e131a93ab29281afa2c42d749e941cb

    Deleted: sha256:dd4969f97241b9aefe2a70f560ce399ee9fa0354301c9aef841082ad52161ec5

    Pulling and starting portainer ...


    Something went wrong trying to pull and start portainer ...


    the only way I can get portainer running is by doing docker run -d -p 9000:9000 -v /var/run/docker.sock:/var/run/docker.sock -v portainer_data:/data portainer/portainer

    Witch defeat the purpose

    On top of it but I had this issue before but I think it is getting worse with omv 5 .0 getting a lot of "(5min) of 7.0 matches resource limit [loadavg (5min)"

    I think it come from Emby docker witch is very slow and sometime not even reachable on the network.

    Anyway I removed portainer thru the web interface but did go too far, got port is already allocated in bind mode