Beiträge von Wek

    Hi I would like to have a suggestion on how to go about this:

    I have two hard drives in my OMV formatted already in BTRFS sdd and sde and mounted on the omv as single drives, I also modified the fstab and the config.xml to have them set also with defaults,autodefrag,compress-force=zstd:15,nofail tags for autodefragmentation and compression, one of them sdb has already 1tb of files in it.

    my question:

    is it possible to create a raid0 between them without loosing\formatting the data already in it?

    kind regars


    after upgrading to OMV6 I've got some bugs\issues\errors on the boot sequence, I basically ironed out all of them but this one.
    on boot I've got this errors msg constantly:

    systemd-udevd[346]: sdc: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-openmediavault-scheduler.rules:24 Failed to write ATTR{/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.2/0000:01:00.0/ata3/host2/target2:0:0/2:0:0:0/block/sdc/queue/scheduler}, ignoring: Invalid argument
    systemd-udevd[344]: sdb: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-openmediavault-scheduler.rules:24 Failed to write ATTR{/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.2/0000:01:00.0/ata2/host1/target1:0:0/1:0:0:0/block/sdb/queue/scheduler}, ignoring: Invalid argument
    systemd-udevd[336]: sdd: /etc/udev/rules.d/99-openmediavault-scheduler.rules:24 Failed to write ATTR{/sys/devices/pci0000:00/0000:00:02.2/0000:01:00.0/ata4/host3/target3:0:0/3:0:0:0/block/sdd/queue/scheduler}, ignoring: Invalid argument

    I thought was something funky with my pci, but I didn't find anything weird there:

    and finally this is the content of the openmediavault file referenced

    how can I solve this issue?

    mmmh I was thinking the same at the beginning, but I would like to emulate also the wii with dolphin and raspberry pi 4 with 8 gg are not powerful enough gpu wise to succesfully run most of the fun wii games like mario kart and so on.

    Also I was more of the idea to not buy anything new just use what I had around and not to have another node to upgrade\upload and take care in the network especially.

    I would love the portability of it though, but gpu wise...they are still bad.

    Hi I'm opening up this thread, to ask some suggestion an experiment with Omv5 as a Media Server that I would like to try.

    My intention:

    I have a beefy server at home that right now is just sitting in my closet used as a Backup\Nas with Omv5 installed on top of Debian Buster without a DE, what I was looking for is to experiment with it and give it the functionality of a media server\retro gaming station connected to the tv as well.


    My server is in a closet of my house connected at a switch.

    My Smart tv is in another room of the house connected trough ethernet (I would like this to act as a "monitor" for the server in the closet.

    I already installed emby through docker and emby app on my smart tv and that's it for the media server ability.

    Now the last piece that I missed is to install on it retropie (as it works with x86 as well) to use the emulators and have the hdmi signal show through my tv to play with games\emulators and so forth.

    So my main idea was just to install a lightweight DE like xfce on the server, then install retropie on it as well and use and hdmi to ethernet extender to get the signal onto the Tv and call it the day.

    Now it rises the problem:

    • I know that have a DE is not the best thing on a server, so I was wondering is it better to run it on a docker?

    (in this situation I'm worried about performance, I don't think the docker instance can take full advantage of the graphics card installed in the server, I don't even know if it is possible or how to tell the docker container to make use of the hdmi extender for the Smart tv signal).

    • So here my idea to go ahead and install a proper desktop enviroment on the server itself and just proceed from there to have one less layer of abstraction, so to make use of the graphics card and the hdmi extender.
    • Any other more elegant solution that I didn't think of to achieve it?

    Even though I was successful using this script in the past, I just wanted to put it out there that the guys at linuxserver released a docker container for wireguard that I helped verify works for omv 4 and 5 with normal and backport kernels. It has some nifty features like easily adding users and re-displaying QR codes if needed.

    yep I used the docker at first, but I'm having this weird issue with not being able to connect to internet with it but I can connect to my lan, same with the script, I was just playing around to see what was the culprit, but I got almost same result with both methods except maybe with the script a bit worse, I will try again totally manual on the host without script and if that doesn't work I will try again the docker

    Nope unfortunately changing dns doesn't work I tried even with google dns doesn't work.

    Also when I switched back to the normal dns on the android phone, it behaved even stranger, some apps where working like the youtube app whatsapp and so on, but not firefox nor gmail...

    mmmh it seems this docker container is making more trouble than what really needs to, I guess I will delete the container and try to install the proper wireguard on the host itself as ryecoaaron pointed out the package is into buster-backports, this way I hope I will delete the problem of dealing with dns requests not forwarded by the docker gateway correctly.

    Hi nick2k3 my phone wireguard config also seems fine:

    Address =
    PrivateKey = xxxxxxxxxxxxx
    ListenPort = 51820
    DNS =
    PublicKey = xxxxxxxxxxxx
    Endpoint =
    AllowedIPs =, ::/0

    and ipv4 forward is also enabled:

    root@omv:~# sysctl net.ipv4.ip_forward
    net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

    I don't know what else to think about.

    The only thing that I see strange is DNS = on the config, because my normal intranet get dns by my isp through but then again I guess wireguard creates another subnet so I guess is fine, so I'm out of ideas here.

    tinh_x7 thank you, I was more asking specifically about wireguard if it would be better to run directly on the machine instead of docker, because of all this issue the container is giving me, but whatever works it's ok, it's just strange that the lan works but not the wan, but as you can see the config seems fine.

    Hi I have the same issue of tinh_x7, wireguard is working fine to access the smb share of omv through my phone when connected to wireguard vpn, but I cannot access internet, use of firefox or other apps it says there is no internet connection.

    The config file of the server seems fine:

    My router is forwarded correctly (otherwise my phone would not work even to browse lan, as I tested it without using the wifi, but only cellular data).

    I'm using the docker container from linuxserver.

    Is it better at this point to discard, the container\docker way, go directly the debian way installing wireguard from the buster-backports and configure it manually instead?

    Hi, I was setting up my fresh installed Omv5 to have access only through SSH public key auth but no matter what I try it keeps give me authentication failing to connect.

    What I did

    • I created an user and gave him ssh permission (with password works great)
    • created ssh keys with ssh-keygen and check that the public one was matching between the user and the /var/lib/openmediavault/ssh/authorized_keys
    • disabled permit root login and password authentication

    still what I get is wek@ Permission denied (publickey).

    So I went ahead and looked at the /var/log/auth.log to see what was going on:

    Not really informative, so I went inside the server and check the permission for the authorized key and seems fine:

    Finally I thought to check the /var/log/auth.log and found this:

    Now first of all I didn't pay really attention ever to the / folder on other machines, but that directory permissions look a bit strange to me, or am I missing something?

    I did a fresh install of the latest Omv5 iso, I was trying to install omv-etras repos, as per instruction with wget -O -…ckages/raw/master/install | bash but I get this error while installing it:

    so I'm ending up with a broken Omv-Extras broken repo, I already tried install manually and even from terminal, but all gave me same error, looks like something weird with the *.deb package itself

    Anyone knows how to fix this?