Beiträge von Misurugi

    Okay so guys, I did it. Here is what I did, in case someone found this thread from Google and has the same problem.

    1st: Check what your folders/users are. I used putty and did this:

    - cd /
    - ls -la (Just in order to check all the folders and who has the rights on them (normally, you'll see only "root")
    - cut -d: -f1 /etc/passwd (You also need to check, with this. If you have "extplorer" as user. if you installed the plugin, you must have it)

    2nd: Create a new folder that will be used by extplorer. I created in the main directory a folder named "partage" (share in french), then:

    - mkdir partage (creates the folder)
    - sudo chown extplorer: partage (this line will give "extplorer" the full power on the folder "partage" (or whatever you named it). Someone on askubuntu said you could use "setfacl -m u:username:rwx myfolder" so it just sets permissions for specific users, without changing the ownership of the directory. But I didn't test it.

    3nd: Now you can create/delete/modify anything inside that "partage" folder, and only into this one. For exemple, you can create inside this one a folder name "files"

    4nd: You can now create a new user (for example "roberto") and give him "/partage/files" in "home directory" (or "home folder", I don't know the english translation), and let "http://localhost" as "root path". I gave my users "Modify & Change password"

    5nd: Open the port 443 (I created a certificate so I can use httpS) and then you can access it, from outside, with the adress
    6nd: You can now connect with roberto / hispassword, he'll only see what's inside "/partage/files" and will be able to create, delete, download, upload.. :)

    I'm just trying to help with what I did. I don't know if what I did was the good way or whatever. So like everyone on Internet i'd say "Do it on your own risk" :P If some people read this and want to add some things, or say if I did something wrong, please do it :)

    But i'm glad it FINALLY works for me!

    Hello. Thank you for your answer.

    What can I do then? Because what's the point to have extPlorer if we can't do anything with it? There must be a solution I think? ^^

    About Groups / users, I tried this (please see files attached)

    Maybe there's another solution to access files from Internet, instead of ExtPlorer? I tried OwnCloud but it's very laggy on Rasp 1..

    Too bad there are no real tutoriels for this.

    Hello there.

    First of all, sorry for my english.

    I installed this week-end OpenMediaVault (omv_2.0.15_rpi_rpi2.img.gz) because someone gave me a Raspberry 1.

    Instead of taking my USB Key all the time, etc, I wanted to create a little server at home so I could access it from everywhere.

    I would also love to allow my wife's friend to share their lessons from classes instead of using anything else.

    I installed extPlorer from the plugin page.

    Problem is:

    - I can login (admin/openmediavault) to extplorer
    - I can change my password
    - I can create users
    - I can navigate

    BUT... ?(

    - I can't delete anything
    - I can't create any files/folder (so creating user is useless since I can't create any folder..)
    - I can't upload any files..
    - I can't right click / chmod any folder..

    I tried to give "extplorer" every rights there's in the list (users) but still doesn't work...

    I've been looking on Internet for hours since I started using OMV. Didn't find any good/full tutorial either.

    If any of you has a solution, i'd love it. Thanks a lot! :/

    PS: Special question if one of you knows why: I tried to install the omv_2.2.1_rpi2_rpi3.img.gz version (just to test), it worked, but It didn't create a 3rd partition with free space..