Beiträge von pratith

    Hello, no I did not as I got no response. The problem is that the installation guide is not working.
    "2. Un-check the "default config' option in the PHP section. (Credit to @Zocker1996)"

    I tried with checked but it's not working either... same 404 error. Did you solve this with .conf and .sock?

    Nope. What I was explaining was the cause behind 502 Bad Gateway error. I tried checked and unchecked too and getting same 404 error. I think I am giving up and going to try with docker. This is too much of a mess.

    Your 'PHP: Default Config" is turned OFF.

    Turn it ON, and try again.

    Thanks for the reply. Ok I am very confused now. Should I use the php default config like you mentioned or use the pool that we create in earlier step? I dug in more and found out that, for some reason (this bug needs to be investigated), the .conf and .sock file was not created for the pool that we created and hence fastcgi_pass $socket wasn't working like @z-vap had faced. I saved the pool config again, and this time .conf and .sock were created for the pool. So after that, I changed it back to fastcgi_pass $socket and I didn't face 502 Bad Gateway. Now back to my bigger problem, if we're using the pool, we shouldn't use the PHP default config right?

    Can you post your NextCloud's Nginx setup screenshot ?

    I upgraded OMV from 3 to 4 now and reinstalled mysql and nginx and set up everything again. I am still facing the 404 not found error. Here is the screenshot you requested. Thank you!

    Here is also screenshot of permissions inside the nextcloud folder:

    OMV version: 3.0.99
    Nextcloud version: 13.0.1

    I am stuck in step 7 of the installation guide. I go to http://<ip>:90 and keep getting 404 error. Error log says "Primary script unknown" while reading response header from upstream.

    I followed the exact same steps but did not turn SSL on yet. This is my server extra options:

    To debug, I added the following to http block of nginx.conf:

    log_format scripts '$document_root$fastcgi_script_name > $request';

    And this to the site's server block:

    access_log /var/log/nginx/scripts.log scripts;

    I then tried to access the site and found this in this log I created:

    /srv/dev-disk-by-label-DATA/www/nextcloud/core/templates/404.php > GET / HTTP/1.1

    I am unable to figure out the problem? Please help...