Beiträge von steakhutzeee

    From where you set them up.

    You might as well have something leaking around vpn or something jumping around the loopback. We can play guessing for a long time.

    Look at the firewall rules to make sure everything is ok and make sure the container routing with vpn is properly filtered.

    And set up your logs and listen for another case.

    I think i need some guidance here. I have not touched firewall manually. I just access ssh locally as usual. For the other sevices i mentioned in my previous post i have instead port forwarded the ports on my router.

    Screenshot attached, my firewall tab is empty.

    This is detail from the notifications i receive from fail2ban:

    Lines containing failures of
    Feb 13 09:07:51 DK sshd[30610]: User admin from not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups
    Feb 13 09:07:51 DK sshd[30610]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=admin
    Feb 13 09:07:53 DK sshd[30610]: Failed password for invalid user admin from port 6632 ssh2

    Lines containing failures of
    Feb  7 14:09:14 DK sshd[17407]: User admin from not allowed because none of user's groups are listed in AllowGroups
    Feb  7 14:09:14 DK sshd[17407]: pam_unix(sshd:auth): authentication failure; logname= uid=0 euid=0 tty=ssh ruser= rhost=  user=admin
    Feb  7 14:09:16 DK sshd[17407]: Failed password for invalid user admin from port 14059 ssh2

    How are you verifying that your sshd is not exposed to the internet?

    Cause i had it in the past. I had the port forwarded to the outside. But now since a long time i have that disabled and only access locally. I also tried to access from outside on the port and it is inaccessible.

    Checked again now, i only have opened ports on my router for SFTP, Wireguard, qBittorrent. The ports forwarded are different from the one i use for ssh ofc.

    You opened up ssh to the internet?

    Are you from Finland and Oy Crea Nova Hosting Solution Ltd is your ISP?

    Nope, as said i only connect to my NAS locally or via Wireguard container that's hosted on OMV itself. I'm not in Finland.

    EDIT: Also checked latest handshakes for my Wireguard peers and there is nothing wrong there. So i actually have no clue how/why i'm receiving attempts on my ssh port that's not exposed to the internet :/

    From the Fail2Ban logs i still see attempts now:

    2022-02-13 15:37:59,242 fail2ban.filter         [19528]: INFO    [ssh] Found - 2022-02-13 15:37:59
    2022-02-13 15:37:59,542 fail2ban.actions        [19528]: WARNING [ssh] already banned
    2022-02-13 15:57:01,552 fail2ban.filter         [19528]: INFO    [ssh] Found - 2022-02-13 15:57:01
    2022-02-13 15:57:01,553 fail2ban.filter         [19528]: INFO    [ssh] Found - 2022-02-13 15:57:01
    2022-02-13 15:57:04,160 fail2ban.filter         [19528]: INFO    [ssh] Found - 2022-02-13 15:57:03
    2022-02-13 15:57:04,462 fail2ban.actions        [19528]: WARNING [ssh] already banned
    2022-02-13 16:10:40,745 fail2ban.filter         [19528]: INFO    [ssh] Found - 2022-02-13 16:10:40
    2022-02-13 16:10:40,746 fail2ban.filter         [19528]: INFO    [ssh] Found - 2022-02-13 16:10:40
    2022-02-13 16:10:42,750 fail2ban.filter         [19528]: INFO    [ssh] Found - 2022-02-13 16:10:42
    2022-02-13 16:10:43,532 fail2ban.actions        [19528]: WARNING [ssh] already banned

    Also found this:

    I can actually ping both the ips i mentioned in my first post.

    I mean, i would expect to find someone trying to force my ssh, but it's not public... how possible? I'm ignoring somehow how fail2ban works?

    Hi, I noted something strange lately.

    I have my ssh setup on a different port then 22.

    -Disabled password auth.

    -PKA enabled.

    -Root access disabled.

    I access ssh only locally or via vpn(wireguard container).

    -The IP has just been banned by Fail2Ban after 3 attempts against ssh.

    -The IP has just been banned by Fail2Ban after 3 attempts against ssh.

    What could be happening?


    Please make sure that you have installed the latest version (5.6.15), then run omv-salt deploy run cronapt. This should fix your issue.


    Here is the output:


    i noticed a thing lately. It seems that cron-apt is not running because in OMV i do not see any update until i manually check for them.

    How can i fix this? Also, with both OMV4 and OMV5 now i never received notifications for updates but only for the ones installed automatically.

    Thanks in advance!


    i noticed this entry in my syslogs:

    kernel: [1816962.694777] TCP: enx001e06328f28: Driver has suspect GRO implementation, TCP performance may be compromised.

    Any idea what it is and if i have to do something?


    ddfull gives you an image you can just write to the media. dd requires you recreating grub (on some systems), mbr, etc, and then write the partition image. So, ddfull is just easier. I kept the dd option because some people have extra data partitions that might be very large that they don't want in the OS backup.

    Thanks a lot!

    So my first backup took 40 minutes. All 32 GB were read and the dd full backup image is less than 2 GB. The microsd is 32 GB. Cloning it after shutdown only took 8 minutes. It's because it's live?

    Two other things:

    -It's ok to manually delete the backup files i assume.

    -i can just copy somewhere else the .ddfull.gz file ignoring the other files generated by the backup process? If yes, why they are needed also after the backup is complete?