Beiträge von jackster

    That version is long outdated and to still run it is a huge security risk. Maybe Nextcloud AIO is more suitable for you:

    Alright thanks I'll give that a go, can I somehow still transfer my current NC setup with files, accounts config and everything to the AIO version?

    So my Nextcloud install is getting pretty old (25.0.13) and I'm unable to update it anymore with these instructions: [How-To]Upgrade Nextcloud in docker

    If I've understood this correctly I need to upgrade to NC 26.0 first and then go from there, but in order to do that I need some up to date guide/instructions and haven't been able to find exactly what I need.

    I am running OMV 6.9.15-2 and Nextcloud is installed via Portainer. I'm guessing I need to add a new NC image to portainer somehow but how and from where? The amount of options and differing instructions I find when I try and Google the update process is so confusing :D . Should I get it from or or from somewhere else?

    I just upgraded to OMV6 by using omv-release-upgrade and everything went smoothly except for the grub-pc installation. It seems to have failed because it tries to install itself on a drive which I haven't had installed in the system in a long time. I've upgraded from an MP500 to a MP510 as my OS and Nextcloud drive:

    Setting up grub-pc (2.04-20) ...
    /dev/disk/by-id/nvme-Force_MP500_181779560001233800C7 does not exist, so cannot grub-install to it!
    You must correct your GRUB install devices before proceeding:
      DEBIAN_FRONTEND=dialog dpkg --configure grub-pc
      dpkg --configure -a
    dpkg: error processing package grub-pc (--configure):
     installed grub-pc package post-installation script subprocess returned error exit status 1

    Apart for that error everything seems to work currently after the upgrade, but I am now afraid to reboot the system due to the failure of the grub install. If I run sudo apt-get -f install I get this:

    Can I just straight up install grub-pc on the bootloader at /dev/nvme0n1  (480103 MB; Force MP510) and everything will be dandy, or should I do something else first? Here's my current kernel version:

    uname -a
    Linux Vault 5.10.0-0.bpo.15-amd64 #1 SMP Debian 5.10.120-1~bpo10+1 (2022-06-13) x86_64 GNU/Linux

    Good to know that I'm not the only one who has had this happen :)

    I'll try adding the ":amd64-latest" -tag to the image and see if that makes a difference, thanks for the tip!

    EDIT: adding the tag seems to have done the trick, Portainer now only pulled the requested image and nothing else. Maybe a mention of this should be added to the Nextcloud installation guide at [How-To] Nextcloud with Letsencrypt using OMV and docker-compose since others have had this issue as well?

    For some reason my Nextcloud stack when deployed tries to basically pull all available images from until it fails due to running out of disk space. Here are some of the images it pulled as an example (I'm not on an ARM cpu):

    sha256:f346c7a6d867c5a0efb16b30f79174... Unused     384.5 MB     2021-02-25 22:01:40
    sha256:cfdcfabf18da6564986ed8aa2b44f5... Unused     334.7 MB     2021-02-25 21:58:44
    sha256:fb6a9727905a29d2985fbe798ed15e... Unused     395.4 MB     2021-02-25 21:58:14
    sha256:833fc473deb034860bdb04895e3016... Unused     387.7 MB     2021-02-22 15:34:56
    sha256:5266b2eb3602603d10aa2ec54f8d9a... Unused     336.9 MB     2021-02-22 15:24:13

    I've deployed the stack in Portainer using the instructions found here [How-To] Nextcloud with Letsencrypt using OMV and docker-compose .

    And here is my docker-compose.yml:

    The deployment does eventually finish successfully after the disk has been filled and I can recover by doing a docker system prune --all but it would be nice to know what causes this and how I can prevent it in the future? Should I define a specific image name in "image:" ?

    I couldn't increase the free space preceding because the OS partition was there... Or at least I couldn't figure out how to do it in GParted without messing up my existing data partitions.

    In any case I have now done the resizing so that I deleted the existing swap partition and recreated it at the end of the drive, and it worked except that OMV is of course currently not using the new swap partition. How do I tell OMV to use it? The 'File Systems' section does not even allow me to mount it:

    I have recently done a fresh install of OMV5 on a small SSD with an OS partition + another partition for storage (used for docker appdata "and stuff").

    I have now successfully cloned the small SSD into a larger one and I want to resize the storage partition to take up all of the unallocated space. The problem is that OMV created the swap partition after the storage partition, and therefore in order to resize the storage partition in GParted I have to first delete the current swap partition... I have 8Gb of RAM in my system and I'd like to have a swap partition in the future as well, I can easily leave 8Gb of space at the end of the drive for the swap in GParted.

    The question is how do I tell the OMV install to start using that new 8Gb partition as swap?

    Eh I noticed just now that my OMV OS drive was 100% full, which was probably causing the issue with accessing the database. And yes I used "passwordedited" as password.

    /var/lib/docker/overlay2 was for some reason taking in excess of 27 gigabytes even though this is a fresh OMV install and so far I have only installed the Nextcloud and Swag containers. I have no idea why it was taking up so much space.

    In any case, I did a docker system prune --all which cleared all the extra stuff, after which I stopped and removed the running containers and deleted the appdata -folder.

    ...and that finally did the trick, now I was able to finish the Nextcloud install :). Thank you for the assistance!

    Here is my docker-compose:

    And here is what I enter in the Nextcloud welcome screen:

    I have just done a fresh install of OMV5 and I am in the process of setting up Nextcloud via Docker. I have followed this guide https://forum.openmediavault.o…g-omv-and-docker-compose/and I have the containers set up and working. The problems began when I opened Nextcloud for the first time and tried to configure the database:

    Error while trying to create admin user: Failed to connect to the database: An exception occurred in the driver: SQLSTATE[HY000] [1045] Access denied for user 'root'@'nextcloud.nextcloud_default' (using password: YES) 

    Now I did the initial install with these settings in docker-compose.yml:

          - PUID=1001 #change PUID if needed
          - PGID=100  #change PGID if needed
          - MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=mypasshere

    But it did not work. I then tried to run mysql -u root -p inside the container as per these instructions RE: Nextcloud with Letsencrypt using OMV and docker-compose - Q&A but it just kept saying "ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'root'@'localhost' (using password: YES)" even though the password was most definitely correct. I verified the password in the container settings and it was correct.

    I googled some more and found this thread RE: Nextcloud with Letsencrypt using OMV and docker-compose - Q&A which has a post saying to set up mariadb with these parameters:

    - MYSQL_DATABASE=nextcloud
    - MYSQL_USER=nextcloud
    - MYSQL_PASSWORD=secretpassword

    So I changed those in docker-compose.yml, (in order to rule out locale issues I tested this with just secretpassword) ran docker-compose up -d but I am still having the same problem with the Nextcloud setup and I still can't access the database via CLI.:

    root@39142896bec1:/# mysql -u nextcloud -p
    ERROR 1045 (28000): Access denied for user 'nextcloud'@'localhost' (using password: YES)

    This is not making any sense, it seems that for some reason the user settings for mariadb are being ignored and I therefore can't access the database. There are no errors in the nextclouddb container logs and the config looks ok:

    What on earth could be the problem? :D

    Did you read the other post? You can manually update your repos and add the new signing key if you insist on staying on OMV 4.x. Why do you need to stay on the unsupported version?

    There are upgrade scripts - Upgrade Scripts for non-interactive major release upgrades (2->3, 3->4, 4->5)

    Thanks, I did read the post but I didn't find/understand the necessary information needed to update my repos. I followed the link at to Plugin and tried the steps mentioned there but it did not work, and I saw nowhere what I should update my repos to or how to actually do it.

    In any case I agree it's best to the upgrade route. I have been putting it off because installing OMV4 was quite a lot of work with a lot of issues and I'm afraid I'll have the same problems again. Oh well, I guess I'll just have to bite the bullet and try the script :)

    Since last night I have been getting these emails from my OMV installation (4.1.36-1) and I get the same errors in the webGUI Update Management:

    E: The repository ' stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file.
    E: The repository ' stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file.
    E: The repository ' stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file.

    Now the issue obviously is that the repo no longer has the requested Release files. Is there another repo I can use to fix this and which file(s) do I need to update? Thank you in advance :)

    Ok so I figured a reinstall would be easier and faster than trying to troubleshoot the issue and I did the reinstall by following this guide found here on OMV forums: HOWTO-PiHole.pdf

    However, it did not help. The pihole container is still restarting with 254 second intervals. This is a snippet of what I can see in the Container log:

    ::: Testing pihole-FTL DNS: FTL started!
    ::: Testing lighttpd config: Syntax OK
    ::: All config checks passed, cleared for startup ...
    ::: Docker start setup complete
    [✗] DNS resolution is currently unavailable

    Hmm I took a peek inside pihole-FTL.log just now and it seems that there is a recurring issue where "FTL" crashes with 254 second intervals?

    [2020-09-21 10:37:05.662 534M] Shutting down...
    [2020-09-21 10:37:05.662 534M] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [2020-09-21 10:37:05.662 534M] ---------------------------->  FTL crashed!  <----------------------------
    [2020-09-21 10:37:05.662 534M] !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    [2020-09-21 10:37:05.662 534M] Please report a bug at
    [2020-09-21 10:37:05.662 534M] and include in your report already the following details:
    [2020-09-21 10:37:05.662 534M] FTL has been running for 254 seconds

    I installed Pi-Hole a year ago or so via Docker and it has been working fine, but for some reason I am no longer able to access the webGUI of Pi-Hole. I don't know when the problem began because I haven't opened the GUI in a while but it did work before.

    When I try to open I get this error:

    This site can’t be reached refused to connect.

    And if I log in to the Pi-Hole container and list the open ports there is indeed no open http port:

    lsof -i -P -n | grep LISTEN
    pihole-FT 528 root    5u  IPv4 27823662      0t0  TCP *:53 (LISTEN)
    pihole-FT 528 root    7u  IPv6 27823664      0t0  TCP *:53 (LISTEN)
    pihole-FT 528 root   10u  IPv4 27822681      0t0  TCP (LISTEN)