Beiträge von rals2007

    I used to be on a EXT4 filesystem for my storage drive, but docker just refused to load on that filesystem.
    i have modified /etc/default/docker to make it work:

    DOCKER_OPTS="-s overlay"

    Now, i converted my storage to BTRFS and need to undo the changes i made in /etc/default/docker.

    Anyone knows what is the default DOCKER_OPTS= is?


    Just had my first btrfs crash today. The storage drive suddenly went into read-only mode and cant mount it.

    mount: wrong fs type, bad option, bad superblock on /dev/sda3, missing codepage or helper program, or other error In some cases useful info is found in syslog - try dmesg | tail or so.

    Good thing i have a backup. Redoing all over again.
    This is fun :D

    It was the cable lol. sorry guys :)

    I didn't. it changed on its own after i convert my storage from EXT4 to BTRFS.
    Here's what i did:
    1. Backup my storaga data
    2. Unmounted and created BTRFS filesystem n my storage HD
    3. created shared folder as MediaHD
    4, restared, then i noticed the stab changed by itself

    Old FSTAB (Storage HD is EXT4)

    # <file system> <mount point>   <type>  <options>       <dump>  <pass>
    # / was on /dev/sdc1 during installation
    UUID=623ec8c1-d525-4b4f-be5c-fdcb9a31c1a6 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
    # swap was on /dev/sdc5 during installation
    UUID=5ab274bb-0d42-4228-b823-cff5b3753747 none            swap    sw              0       0
    # >>> [openmediavault]
    UUID=af6e6a5c-6392-4584-a524-1a479a6524a6 /media/af6e6a5c-6392-4584-a524-1a479a6524a6 ext4 defaults,nofail,user_xattr,noexec,usrjquota=aquota.user,,jqfmt=vfsv0,acl 0 2

    New FSTAB (Storage HD is BTRFS)

    # / was on /dev/sdc1 during installation
    UUID=623ec8c1-d525-4b4f-be5c-fdcb9a31c1a6 /               ext4    errors=remount-ro 0       1
    # swap was on /dev/sdc5 during installation
    UUID=5ab274bb-0d42-4228-b823-cff5b3753747 none            swap    sw              0       0
    # >>> [openmediavault]
    /dev/disk/by-label/MediaHD1 /srv/dev-disk-by-label-MediaHD1 btrfs defaults,nofail 0 2

    The destination /media/af6e6a5c-6392-4584-a524-1a479a6524a6 exist????

    It doesnt exist. thats the old value written in fstab.i wrote it down before converting it to BTRFS

    Yes this is correct. OMV doesn't use UUIDs anymore since they may be duplicated with LVM snapshots. The default mounting location changed in 3.0.67 (I think) to /srv.

    Great! Thanks for the info :)

    So does this mean I'm all good?

    so after creating btrfs, /etc/fstab now shows it as:

    /dev/disk/by-label/MediaHD /srv/dev-disk-by-label-MediaHD"

    it used to be:

    UUID=af6e6a5c-6392-4584-a524-1a479a6524a6 /media/af6e6a5c-6392-4584-a524-1a479a6524a6

    Is this correct?

    It seems the location is somewhat changed from /media to /srv

    thats what i meant, btrfs filesystem for the storage data and leave the OMV HD filesystem as default.

    My setup is:
    128gb SSD for OMV system.
    4TB HD for storage

    thank you for the reply :)
    One more thing...
    if ever i decide btfrs as my filesystem which is still under development, can i simply just "update" it with a cli command/gui if a better "stable" one comes out later on without destroying the existing filesystem and start from scratch again?


    Is it possible for the Docker to have an option to disable a Container? What we have now is STOP but it runs again after a restart or fresh boot up. it would be nice if there is a DISABLE/ENABLE feature