Beiträge von nick2k3


    I have just reinstalled from scratch my RPi3 with Raspberry OS Lite (debian 12) and followed the wiki for installing OMV7.

    Everything went well up until the point I needed to setup docker.

    Unfortunately I did the mistake of first trying to setup the compose and data folder without installing docker first with the button at the bottom.

    Now my installation is stuck with "Reinstall docker" but if I click on it I get an error as it tries to uninstall docker first.

    500 - Internal Server Error 
    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export LANGUAGE=; apt-get --yes --autoremove purge docker-ce containerd docker-ce-cli docker-compose-plugin docker-compose 2>&1': Reading package lists... Building dependency tree... Reading state information... Package 'docker-ce' is not installed, so not removed Package 'docker-ce-cli' is not installed, so not removed Package 'docker-compose-plugin' is not installed, so not removed E: Unable to locate package E: Couldn't find any package by glob '' E: Couldn't find any package by regex ''

    How can I "reset" the inner configuration of OMV and let it know that it should first install docker?

    And what issue would that be?

    tricky! :D I have been using the ultrafeeder containers ( with a RTL-SD to capture ADS-B signals from planes nearby.

    I had a omv RPI 3B running only pihole and chose to use it for the purpose.

    With debian 11 (Rasbperry OS Lite 32bit version) and omv 6 it has been running great for more than a year.

    When I tried to move to debian 11 64bit version (still from Raspberry OS lite) and omv6, I started having very weird reboots.

    Whenever I deployed any stack (docker compose up / down) , even unrelated to the ultrafeeder container itself, the system would reboot.

    I tried chasing it down with ultrafeeder community eventually gave up since I couldn't do a lot of testing.

    In the meantime debian 11 was being phased out, so I would like to try with debian 12, if the problem persists it would be better to chase it further with 12.

    I didn't write about it on this forum because I believe it is really something related to the RTL-SD management itself, OMV is just a commodity I use for not having to manually install docker vanilla (although I might try it before installing OMV7).

    Yeah. You have to download that script. Then give it execute permissions and run it with the -b flag

    Isn't that guide explicitly for bullseye?

    I am looking to install debian 12 and omv7 to see if an issue that I was having with 11 will be still there (not directly related to omv but I would like to try on another raspberry before updating the main system. So absolutely no production intentions with omv7 :D

    Hi everyone,

    I am struggling a bit understanding how OMV manages the permissions to the shared folders.

    I run a RPi4 with RPi OS lite and I have normally three users:

    - mine (nick2k3)

    - one for my partner

    - one for the docker user (dockeruser)

    - one for the AppleTV

    I normally share some folders with SMB and access them by Apple products (Macs, iPhones, iPad, Apple TV as said).

    My assumptions/understandings:

    • when I create a shared folder and share it through SMB, by default should be writable by anyone
    • I have to manually add the permission (Read/Write , Read-Only, No access) if i want to micro manage the accesses.
    • I must not use chmod, chown from the shell, nor create sub-folders while logged in through ssh (OMV is in full control of permissions)

    This being said I have started fresh and formatted one HD with BTRFS.

    I have then created a shared folder named : TestOMVForum:

    I create one SMB share for this folder (leaving all settings as default):

    By accessing the folder via terminal I see these permissions:

    nick2k3@ceres:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-5a9bbce0-47cc-4bf7-a572-15a7683179bc/TestOMVForum $ ll
    total 16
    drwxrwsr-x 1 root users  0 Aug  7 14:42 .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root root  24 Aug  7 14:35 ..

    I now try to connect through MacOS (13.4.1 Ventura) and I notice that I have writing permissions (no dashed pencil in the bottom right of the window).

    I have created a test hierarchy ( one root file with a subfolder and some files) to try and transfer them.


    if I transfer the image file one by one, the transfer is successful.

    Here are the permissions of these two files:

    nick2k3@ceres:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-5a9bbce0-47cc-4bf7-a572-15a7683179bc/TestOMVForum $ ll
    total 32
    drwxrwsr-x 1 root    users   44 Aug  7 14:47  .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root    24 Aug  7 14:35  ..
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 nick2k3 users 4633 Aug  7 14:40 'image 1.png'
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 nick2k3 users 4494 Aug  7 14:40 'image 2.png'

    If I try to transfer the whole hierarchy "test folder", the root folder is created but the sub-folder copy fails with an error "I cannot complete the operation because you don't have the necessary permissions to access some elements":

    here are the permissions of the folder now:

    nick2k3@ceres:/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-5a9bbce0-47cc-4bf7-a572-15a7683179bc/TestOMVForum $ ll
    total 32
    drwxrwsr-x 1 root    users   66 Aug  7 14:49  .
    drwxr-xr-x 1 root    root    24 Aug  7 14:35  ..
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 nick2k3 users 4633 Aug  7 14:40 'image 1.png'
    -rw-rw-r-- 1 nick2k3 users 4494 Aug  7 14:40 'image 2.png'
    drw-rwsr-x 1 nick2k3 users    0 Aug  7 14:49 'test folder'

    any idea on why this is happening? Am I doing something wrong?

    The situation does not change even if I manually grant Read/Write access to my user (nick2k3) in the shared folder/permission page.

    Actually the PiOs is setting up a file as swap:

    So I think I will try using dphys-swapfile and point it to a folder in one of my drives.


    I am looking for the best way to change the swap file position on a raspberry Pi 4 with RPI Os 64bit.

    Right now I extended it at 600MB in the dphys-swapfile but lately I am reaching this limit as well.

    As I understand, the swap is placed in /var/swap, which is currently placed on the SD card which is pretty slow.

    I was wondering if I can also place it into an external drive which is mounted and maintained by OMV

    This drive would be a SSD that I use to also keep all the config for my docker containers, so quite fast.

    Would it be enough to change the setting in /etc/dphys-swapfile to the following?

    # where we want the swapfile to be, this is the default
    # set size to absolute value, leaving empty (default) then uses computed value
    #   you most likely don't want this, unless you have an special disk situation

    do you see any risks doing so (other than the full dependency of the system on this partition( which is already the case)?

    Additionally, would it be possible to use two swap files, one on the sd and one on the


    Hi everyone,

    I have been running a RPi 4 OMV 5 setup with 5 USB 3.0 external drives accumulated through the years.

    As you can imagine, this resulted in a tangle of cables, USB hubs etc.

    I am thus looking to replace it with a more compact solution and I noticed quite some on Amazon (Yottamaster, ICY BOX, Orico etc) but given the considerable price point ( 150-200€) i wanted to check if someone has some positive experience in terms of compatibility with RPi 4 and OMV.

    Here are the main boxes I would like to tick:

    - at least 4 or 5 bays

    - one or more USB 3 interfaces

    - autonomous power supply

    - possibility to house 2.5" or 3.5" drives

    - compatibility with debian/OMV

    - some sort of cooling system (either active or passive)

    - not particularly interested in RAID

    - I would prefer to keep the RPI outside of the enclosure so that I can still use it for other purposes (GPIO etc)

    If anyone has some positive experiences and models to reccomend, I would be glad to hear it.

    I would also like to understand "what to look for" in those products (like Yottamaster etc) to understand if they are compatible or not, or at least to identify some red flags for cheep chinese stuff.


    HI everyone,

    I am writing because I need some help investigating some errors i've been having this morning.

    My home setup is made by two raspberries running OMV:

    1) Raspberry Pi 3 runs OMV and Pihole via docker (IP

    2) Raspberry Pi 4 runs OMV and acts as main file server and several other docker containers (IP

    I have configured my router to use the Pi3 as default DNS server for the whole network:

    - IP

    - domain:

    If the Pi3 running pihole is up and running, everything works smooth.

    On the Pi4 I have set the hostname and the search domain, and used DHCP.

    As soon as the Pi3-pihole is down (reboot, disconnects, fails etc.) the OMV web interfaces ceases to work correctly, even by accessing it directly with the IP and not hostname+domain.

    It takes ages to load and eventually will simply default with a dialog "An Error occurred"

    From the syslog I can see that nginx is restarted several times:

    The moment I turn Pi3-pihole up again, everything runs smoothly and the interface is way more reactive.

    Is there anything I can do to diagnose further?


    Hi everyone, I am writing because I encountered some errors while updating the docker container for Radarr, maintained by linuxserver.

    They issued an update last night :

    • 11.28.20: - Switch to v3 .NET CORE builds (no more mono, 5.14 tag is deprecated). Rebase to Focal (for issues on arm32v7, see here).

    following the link (…ges-based-on-ubuntu-focal ) their advice is:

    2) Add the backports repo for DebianBuster. As seen here.

     sudo apt-key adv --keyserver --recv-keys 04EE7237B7D453EC 648ACFD622F3D138 echo "deb buster-backports main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list.d/buster-backports.list sudo apt install -t buster-backports libseccomp2
    3) Manually install an updated version of the library with dpkg.

     wget -o libseccomp2.deb sudo dpkg -i libseccomp2.deb

    Note this url may have been updated. Find the latest by browsing here.

    So far, I have managed to run the previous-last image using the following tag: linuxserver/radarr:version-v0.2.0.1504

    But my question is: is this safe to execute these command on a raspbian lite image on which OMV5 run?

    Hi everyone,

    I am having troubles using the NUT plugin with OMV 5.5.5-1.

    The installation is fresh, just reinstalled everything on a new microSD.

    I can install the plugin correctly, set up the name of the UPS (epyc) and the other parameters like timer etc..

    However when I try to apply the modification I get the following Salt output:

    I checked the nut conf used by conf.d:

    and Indeed it has some incorrect folders for upsc and upsdrvctl:

    pi@omv:~ $ which upsc
    pi@omv:~ $ which upsdrvctl 

    I tried to create some links between:

    - /bin/upsc and /usr/bin/upsc

    - /sbin/upsdrvctl and /usr/sbin/upsdrvctl

    and it seems to work.

    However I wonder if this is an error in the plugin (which I believe controls the openmediavault-nut.conf) or the result of some change upstream (like debian or nut changing the installation folders).

    Any hint on how to proceed?


    Hi everyone,

    I would like to configure collectd to export data (which is already collected as part of the monitoring features of OMV) to an external instance.

    In particular I'd like to modify /etc/collectd/collectd.conf

    PIDFile "/run/"
    Hostname "localhost"
    FQDNLookup true
    <Include "/etc/collectd/collectd.conf.d">
    Filter "*.conf"

    adding the network plugin:

    <Plugin network>
      <Server "Server IP" "port"> </Server>
      ReportStats true

    My question is wether or not should I modify /etc/collectd/collectd.conf or it will be overwritten at the next OMV update or salt run.

    Any hint?

    If you need an ultra stable NAS, an RPi should not be your first choice.

    let's say I'm more looking for a compromise : won't' look for trouble going regularly installing the latest firmware and kernel with rpi-update but also want some functionalities and i'll wait for them to be properly fixed int he stable branch.

    Since I know many more will do this, I updated an RPi4 to the 5.4 kernel. Seems fine so far.

    did you do it with rpi-update? or is the 5.4 in the official repository by now?

    But is it really useful to have a larger swapfile on a RPi4?

    Unless you run run out of memory pretty ofter i'd say the swap it's just an avoidable write on the SD card. wouldn't it wear it more?

    Ok, i run a apt-get upgrade  on the "test"rpi3 on which I 've run rpi-update previosuly, and the kernel was bumped to 4.19.118-v7+.

    Is this normal? I was expecting it to go to 5.4.42, perhaps I was wrong.

    so fare everything is working ok..

    Will try in the afternoon to upgrade the RPi4 (not previously updated with rpi-update).