Beiträge von mneese

    In the past I have used and still using OMV4, but now upgrading to OMV6. When using USB Backup in V4, i would see a "mount" and Rsynch process for the duration of the backup. Seemed to be flawless for several years now.

    I am setting up a test server with OMV666 and having some configuration issues with the USB backup... I get this error when initiating a backup. The backup external drive was formatted in win 10 (quick) prior to attaching to the server via USB..

    The USB on this old box is v2... I am waiting on a USB 3 board.

    Any suggestions?

    Dell t420, (7) 1gb sas in raid five. OS on SSD via sata.


    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export LANGUAGE=; mount -v --source '/dev/disk/by-uuid/221CA3181CA2E64F' '/srv/7eac253a9287f0b89e3543980fec1ca4' 2>&1' with exit code '16': Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.

    The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which

    could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.

    OMV\ExecException: Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export LANGUAGE=; mount -v --source '/dev/disk/by-uuid/221CA3181CA2E64F' '/srv/7eac253a9287f0b89e3543980fec1ca4' 2>&1' with exit code '16': Mount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.

    The volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which

    could be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command. in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/system/

    Stack trace:

    #0 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/system/filesystem/ OMV\System\Process->execute()

    #1 /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/ OMV\System\Filesystem\Filesystem->mount(Array, '/srv/7eac253a92...')

    #2 [internal function]: OMVRpcServiceUsbBackup->execute(Array, Array)

    #3 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)

    #4 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ OMV\Rpc\ServiceAbstract->callMethod('execute', Array, Array)

    #5 /usr/sbin/omv-engined(537): OMV\Rpc\Rpc::call('UsbBackup', 'execute', Array, Array, 1)

    #6 {main}

    Thanks. So, there's no need for containers and other fancy stuff.

    Low volume, large files... is PCI 3 a big jump? Going from older precision T7500 with PCI 2 and OMV 4, to newer hardware with OMV 6.

    Will my H710 recognize the existing software OMV volumes and shares? Or, should I simply copy my backup files to the new server?

    What are best plugins for a very simple NAS in a dell T420, H710 raid 5, delivery for photographers and graphic artists. Don't need anything for streaming or home theatre, just a simple place to download/store images and serve them in a small business environment...


    My new installation for OMV 6 went fine, then when I booted, the default login did not work!

    *** Root login works!***

    1. The install was done on Dell T420, in UEFI mode, to a SATA (on-board port) SSD samsung 850 drive.
    2. I am not linux fluent so answers must keep this in mind... but that's why I am using OMV for this newest install. I have two other boxes with OMV 4 that have been flawless for several years and I am preparing to upgrade the boxes to server quality hardware. There is an H710 card installed with a virtual array that exists.
    3. The install noted the array, and I selected the SSD for the operating system.
    4. I know that I will catch some flack here with the H710, so let me hear about that before I kill the project... I am ultimately planning to place the old drives onto the new server box...
    5. Is it the UEFI mode? If i resort to legacy bios mode, doesn't that limit the hard-drive capacity to 2GB?

    Any ideas why my default login does not work?

    Thank you very much. I understand everything better now. I appreciate your time and your dedication to users of this fantastic product you and others have worked many years to develop.

    My questions are sincere, and possibly others have the same questions. Now, i have to figure out the best way to keep up with your new versions and I am going to hopefully complete this without losing data.

    Honestly, I am reluctant to upgrade simply because I fear losing data in the process.

    Thank you for your answer. I am not trying to be a jerk, i just want to know if there is a reason to upgrade something that works,

    How does any of this really affect my ability to store and access data in a private network that does everything i need it to do? Is there some imminent threat or something that will stop working?

    Why would security updates be important in a private network?

    EOL? So? My hardware works, the software works... how does EOL change my system.

    These are legitimate questions, so please don't dismiss me as some troll... I'm not.

    I have not updated my OMV 4 install for months. There are no operating issues and everything working fine. However when I go to update it fails.

    From the command line running "omv-update" there are errors:

    Err:14 stretch Release  404  Not Found                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Err:15 stretch Release  404  Not Found                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Hit:17 stretch-backports InRelease
    Reading package lists... Done
    E: The repository ' stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file.                                                                                                      N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.                                                                                                                                             N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.                                                                                                                                                         E: The repository ' stretch Release' does no longer have a Release file.                                                                                               N: Updating from such a repository can't be done securely, and is therefore disabled by default.                                                                                                                                             N: See apt-secure(8) manpage for repository creation and user configuration details.          

    What is a possible solution? I am linux challenged...

    thank you for anything that may help