Beiträge von trythat

    risc may be developing quickly but I don't see it catching ARM especially with Apple and the new Windows AI machines using ARM cpus.

    Totally agree, seems as though everyone is trying to bring out ARM laptops and servers, hopefully they will get cheaper as more come out.

    I don't actually have this SBC, but I like the channel and it's very good for SBC's. Plus I like to put it 'out there' when I see OMV being used in a project. TBH I doubt there are many people who know or want to use a RISC V CPU, but they do seem to be developing at quite a pace.

    I try to promote OMV when I get the chance through the comments sections, even against truenas scale which seems most peoples default go to at the moment, I like OMV a lot, but it will be interesting to see how scale develops when changing to docker compose.

    Unfortunately, it isn't possible for an OMV plugin to do that in the OMV web interface. I've looked for solutions but haven't found one. Currently the only two solutions are ssh console (you could use wetty) or portainer. I guess I could add something to the plugin to at least give the command to enter the console from an ssh session.


    Via ssh, isn't it just a matter of:

    docker exec paperless_webserver_1 "python3

    OR if you need to have the console:

    docker exec -it paperless_webserver_1 bash

    Is there any way of checking and then calling wetty with the above commands , if wetty is installed?

    If not, I think the idea of having a string that could be copied and used once a ssh session has been opened is a good compromise.

    hehe, I like the fact that you start with that, the getting confused part ... ^^

    I barley understand docker compose files and the .yml and what not and this seem to be installed and configured using CLI =O

    No you can use the compose plugin as normal. Perhaps install composerize which can convert docker run command to a compose file, plus there are quite a few guides.

    But the best way to start is to use compose plugin and when adding, use add from example and there it is binhex-qbittorrent and go from there, or post in here :) .


    Haven't dived into NZB at all to be honest, I don't know if I ever will actually, this might be because I don't know what one could gain from it. However if it doesn't even require a VPN then that makes it very tempting to try out so at least I can understand what I'm missing out on. I (for some reason) that thought using NZB's is for those who want to be always involved or like to be engaged by it, but then again, I have zero personal experience so far. Also I come from a time where there was either private tracker or public ones and myself I have always stayed with the private ones.

    I quite often find stuff in NZB's that are not always available via torrents. I do use a paid tracker but there are a couple of public ones to test with, but I find with Sabnzbd uses full bandwidth of my 60mb/s broadband. I also buy my usenet usage by 1tb chunks which works well for me.

    But as with everything to do with computers there is no right way to do it, I use torrents and NZB's and it works for me.

    for me dockers way is enought for home users, but have no problem that K8 pluging exist, other power users / proffesional grade, can benefit from it.

    Actually I have no plans to use/test K8 plugin.

    I'm similar, I watch quite a few youtubes on k8, but I always come away thinking thats more hassle then I'm willing to learn or use, especially as Docker does what I want.

    I don't really use VMs either but have been looking at lxc's and watching some video's about the fork to Incus, not sure if Incus will be built into kvm plugin (or even needed) or even if it's safe to install it as OMV is debian based.

    any suggestions I followed directions from OMV extra's

    was kinda odd that it said to use appdata folder for compose directory?


    I don't remember it saying that, but then I've always separated my appdata and compose folders, so I wonder whether you'd be better to separate compose and appdata folders.

    I think perhaps one of your containers is setting the appdata folder to root only, which would explain why you can access it after resetperms has run.

    I don't want to confuse you, but I use Binhex qbittorrentvpn and a few of his other containers, these are geared to Unraid, but that is the advantage of docker. I used to use Gluetun, but was having problems with it dropping out of sync and having to then restart a number of containers.

    But your mileage might vary.

    I use Windscribe for my VPN is you're comparing VPN's.

    Also have you looked at NZB's? I use these as well and if you want faster downloads I prefer it and I do believe the connections are encrypted, which means you don;t need to run a VPN

    I use Sabnzbd, which works very well.

    Just a thought :)

    I've just looked at MarkusMcNugen qBittorrentvpn github page and see that it the same as other vpn containers, in that you need to the below. But I don't see that you did this in your notes in the 1st message.

    The container will fail to boot if VPN_ENABLED is set to yes or empty and a .ovpn is not present in the /config/openvpn directory. Drop a .ovpn file from your VPN provider into /config/openvpn and start the container again. You may need to edit the ovpn configuration file to load your VPN credentials from a file by setting auth-user-pass.

    Why don't you just change the left 8080 to say 18180?

    I also use binhex qbittorrentvpn using wireguard, but used to use openvpn with no problems.

    Can you post your compose file that you are using now? So I can compare it to mine.

    I would have this in my .env

    And then in my compose file I use


    My 2 cents worth, I prefer the global .env file method. To me it saves having to create symlinks and I find it easier if I want to change drives or folders. The global .env file is one of the best things in the compose plugin, especially when dealing with folders.

    I think you're right. I've been looking to rsync a few folders over to a remote pc. I ended up doing a bash script as it was 4 folders, but if it was only 1 or 2, I think I'd have just used the rsync command and used a scheduled task for it.

    I did look at services->rsync but couldn't really suss it out, especially as I don't use ssh passwords.

    I think I'll continue with scheduled was using either a command or a script.

    So, going to the forum is easier than going to the github page?…lob/main/debian/changelog

    Got to say, that's where I looked first and then remembered check the change log.

    I suppose the easy answer is just pin the above, which for me would be the ideal solution, with a subject of something like 'Compose plugin - change log'. I've no idea how many people don't even visit github, but I suspect its a fair few, plus it a good pointer to point to when that comment would give the answer for them.


    You could also use a command line command on your omv system instead of the extra effort on my part:

    apt-get changelog openmediavault-compose

    I didn't know you could do that :) , not sure I'll remember it though, especially as you have to be ssh'd in.

    But I think the pinned comment pointing to the change log is the best option for me. Of course I can't create pinned comments, so I realise you or someone else would have to do that, but it's a oncer and jobs a good 'un. But again it's not something I'll lose sleep over though.

    Out of curiosity, what did you think it was? It literally changes the string to the compose name. If you use the same name in the Name field in the compose body, you could use it there. If you don't want to, you don't need to.

    For some reason I thought it was going to be in settings and allow you to choose either 'compose.yml' or 'compose.yaml' or 'CONTAINER_NAME.yml' as the compose name, but after reading the thread recommended, I see the use for it. I realise that in a project as big as OMV there are loads of things I've not tried.


    There are many features of the plugin that many people will never use.

    Who is going to write this? I generally try to write the changelog so that people know what the change does. I know I don't want to maintain a second changelog where I have to be more verbose.

    No, I get it, but after reading the change log I'd forgotten how much you've added to the plugin. Of course the worst thing is you think I wonder whether I can do this or that, but forget it's already been added :)

    Perhaps the plugins that are still having additions added, for example compose and k3s could have a pinned comment in general whereby you just add the change log text to it. I don't program and quite often forget that there is even a change log file, plus how many people will go to github just to look at a change log.

    As I say, it's only a suggestion I do appreciate all the work you both do, plus the work the people who do the guides and some of the more complicated answers.

    Thanks for the superbly quick answers, it's not what I thought it was, and I don't believe I'll ever use it. But it's nice to see the plugin maturing and additions being made.

    This kind of thing is what makes using OMV so good.

    Thanks again, I don't mind if this thread is deleted.

    Just a thought and its only a suggestion, as I've had a good look at the change log for compose, would it be worth having a read only thread for it, so when additions are made a slightly more detailed description could be added to the thread as more additions are made? Or for people who forget how much has been added since it was first available?

    Just updated and saw this


    * Add CHANGE_TO_COMPOSE_NAME string that will be replaced with the

    name of the compose file

    But I'm feeling a bit thick, because I can't find out where to see what it means. I have an idea, but I still don't know where to use it.

    I don't see a option either in the settings or when creating a new container, so can someone but me out of my misery and tell me how to use this option please?