Beiträge von claredad

    'Fraid so that usb to sata bridge chip has caused a few problems.

    Sorry I'm confused by the above, if you plug the drive in, it mounts, Shared Folders -> Add does Elements show in the list to select a device?

    Scenario 1:

    I plug in the HDD.

    It mounts automatically, no error

    Elements doesnt show up in Shared Folders -> Add list

    Scenario 2:

    Following on from above, I unmount in Gui.

    I remount.

    I get the error message.

    Elements does show up in Shared Folders -> Add list

    Because of the error, I cant apply the changes and fully create the share, so cant run rsysc.

    Does that make any more sense?

    OK, but two things:

    1. Before I reinstalled my OS it mounted fine

    2. If I unmount and remount the drive, I get that error message, but the drives shows up as an option for adding a shared folder.

    Are those two things typical of the issue with Jmicron you mentioned?

    Second part:

    Hi, please insert screenshots and output of commands directly in posting (as code). Most of us will not click on unclear external links for security reasons!

    When has clicking on external links ever hurt anyone? :P

    Sorry, I tried that orginially, but it was over 10,000 characters, so I couldn't post, and was too lazy to split into two posts. Here it is now:


    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; omv-salt deploy run --no-color fstab 2>&1' with exit code '1': debian: ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_df989bbc-7947-4855-a431-de610dd4b6f2 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_df989bbc-7947-4855-a431-de610dd4b6f2 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:05.819084 Duration: 0.772 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_df989bbc-7947-4855-a431-de610dd4b6f2 Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9a39f404-4671-4f25-8a0d-aa2d86e5d5f7 Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 18:01:05.820420 Duration: 130.714 ms Changes: ---------- umount: Forced remount because options (user_xattr) changed ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_5d600a4b-2709-476e-b98c-c45b3796cb22 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_5d600a4b-2709-476e-b98c-c45b3796cb22 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:05.951495 Duration: 2.031 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_5d600a4b-2709-476e-b98c-c45b3796cb22 Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-b00b709e-2403-47c1-a977-1fabf3ef1e9d Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 18:01:05.953728 Duration: 75.346 ms Changes: ---------- umount: Forced remount because options (user_xattr) changed ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_74919cc5-8f8f-49ca-a54e-b5d4f8bd31a9 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_74919cc5-8f8f-49ca-a54e-b5d4f8bd31a9 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:06.029444 Duration: 2.063 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_74919cc5-8f8f-49ca-a54e-b5d4f8bd31a9 Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0f4fbb9f-1bdb-4783-b12f-2f6947c742e7 Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 18:01:06.031705 Duration: 87.287 ms Changes: ---------- umount: Forced remount because options (user_xattr) changed ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_cced3d08-0cb0-4e2b-bdd2-56ee68273732 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_cced3d08-0cb0-4e2b-bdd2-56ee68273732 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:06.119364 Duration: 2.001 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_cced3d08-0cb0-4e2b-bdd2-56ee68273732 Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-37809bb0-77f9-430e-9b2c-399c18e6501a Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 18:01:06.121561 Duration: 76.379 ms Changes: ---------- umount: Forced remount because options (user_xattr) changed ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_670f9364-31bd-4c4b-accb-3e973823d13d Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_670f9364-31bd-4c4b-accb-3e973823d13d for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:06.198277 Duration: 1.906 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_670f9364-31bd-4c4b-accb-3e973823d13d Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-353e1291-284a-4231-852c-62f876e8a0d2 Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 18:01:06.200362 Duration: 82.499 ms Changes: ---------- umount: Forced remount because options (user_xattr) changed ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_5caa7ca6-9193-40ef-abfa-6bc6501a39e1 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_5caa7ca6-9193-40ef-abfa-6bc6501a39e1 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:06.283223 Duration: 2.06 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_5caa7ca6-9193-40ef-abfa-6bc6501a39e1 Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-B7B5-B8FD Result: True Comment: Started: 18:01:06.285469 Duration: 59.651 ms Changes: ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_66489b8a-607d-44f6-8d14-a4d3094d98ec Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_66489b8a-607d-44f6-8d14-a4d3094d98ec for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:06.345520 Duration: 2.004 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_66489b8a-607d-44f6-8d14-a4d3094d98ec Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-F20409040408CE13 Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 18:01:06.347699 Duration: 21.615 ms Changes: ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_893b13e1-2e79-4cc4-b0eb-ad76924c3189 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_893b13e1-2e79-4cc4-b0eb-ad76924c3189 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:06.369636 Duration: 1.782 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_893b13e1-2e79-4cc4-b0eb-ad76924c3189 Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-0A5D1197304686B5 Result: False Comment: ntfs-3g: Failed to access volume '/dev/disk/by-uuid/0A5D1197304686B5': No such file or directory ntfs-3g 2017.3.23AR.3 integrated FUSE 28 - Third Generation NTFS Driver Configuration type 7, XATTRS are on, POSIX ACLS are on Copyright (C) 2005-2007 Yura Pakhuchiy Copyright (C) 2006-2009 Szabolcs Szakacsits Copyright (C) 2007-2017 Jean-Pierre Andre Copyright (C) 2009 Erik Larsson Usage: ntfs-3g [-o option[,...]] <device|image_file> <mount_point> Options: ro (read-only mount), windows_names, uid=, gid=, umask=, fmask=, dmask=, streams_interface=. Please see the details in the manual (type: man ntfs-3g). Example: ntfs-3g /dev/sda1 /mnt/windows News, support and information: Started: 18:01:06.371583 Duration: 50.551 ms Changes: ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_aab24c2c-357c-4de9-b482-14e12fd7b93c Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_aab24c2c-357c-4de9-b482-14e12fd7b93c for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:06.422551 Duration: 2.006 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_aab24c2c-357c-4de9-b482-14e12fd7b93c Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-027A5D6B7A5D5C8B Result: True Comment: Target was successfully mounted Started: 18:01:06.424742 Duration: 9503.947 ms Changes: ---------- mount: True ---------- ID: create_mergerfsfolder_mountpoint_2a67e91d-93f3-4392-beac-33311439878c Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_mergerfsfolder_mountpoint_2a67e91d-93f3-4392-beac-33311439878c for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 18:01:15.929109 Duration: 2.002 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_2a67e91d-93f3-4392-beac-33311439878c Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/5ff686ed-d7b2-48fc-bd37-de20902fa577 Result: True Comment: Started: 18:01:15.931301 Duration: 78.644 ms Changes: ---------- ID: append_fstab_entries Function: file.blockreplace Name: /etc/fstab Result: True Comment: No changes needed to be made Started: 18:01:16.016910 Duration: 6.867 ms Changes: Summary for debian ------------- Succeeded: 20 (changed=6) Failed: 1 ------------- Total states run: 21 Total run time: 10.192 s

    I've seen the thread, it's an NTFS drive, does have spaces in the Label, i.e. usb backup

    No, the label is just "Elements". Before I did the new install of OMV, this mounted without any issues.

    When its mounted on OMV (but I cant see it as an option in Shared folders), I can access the mount through Cloud Commander and move/copy files.


    I have a new install of OMV that I am setting up. I have my storage drive set up, and have a USB HDD that I want to copy information from. When I connect it, it mounts automatically, but it doesn't show up as an option for me to set it up as a shared folder so I can do an rsync.

    If I unmount and remount, I get the error below, but it does show up as an option for setting up a shared folder (but I can't approve the setup because of the mounting error).

    Any suggestions how I can fix this mounting issue?

    Difficult getting time to do things here, but I have the fresh install now.

    When I did the fresh install the degraded RAID was still showing up, and no option to remove. I used the mdadm command you previously suggested, and that stopped the RAID. Today, Im going to try and set up snapraid and mergerfs.

    I haven't had the need to do this before, but something like diff might help in comparing the source to the backup. -> Compare

    When it comes to file corruption or bit-rot, it's likely the source is the same as the backup. The only way to be sure is to open data files in their app's.

    Ok, thanks for all your help. Like geaves, you are a true credit to the OMV community the way you provide such great support.

    I'm planning to do a fresh install of OMV. Can I just remove the current RAID, then do the fresh install, setting up MergerFS and Snapraid as part of the new setup?

    If you have all 10TB backed up, proceeding will be relatively easy but I would CHECK THE BACKUP (really check it) to be sure it's good.

    Note that SNAPRAID does not aggregate (or pool) drives like mdadm RAID does. You can use them individually, setting shares on each drive, or pool them together using Mergerfs. So, do you plan to use MergerFS to pool drives?

    Yes, I was planning to use MergerFS.

    I can visibly spot check files in the backup, but it's there any way to automatically check the backup to be sure it's good?

    Happy Christmas. Sorry about the long delay in responding... difficult Christmas with illness in the house. Not the virus though thankfully!

    My new 6TB drive arrived, and I want to fit it and use Snapraid. Reading the Snapraid documentation, it looks impressive, but starting with an existing RAID, I'm not sure where I'm supposed to start from my current situation. Do I repair the current RAID with the new disk first? Do I then just install Snapraid along with the current RAID?

    Sorry for what are probably stupid questions!

    Thanks again for your help. I assume its prudent not to use the server until I get my replacement HDD, and get the RAID set up with 3 drives again?

    Thanks for taking the time to respond crash test.

    Yes, I went with refurbed enterprise drives, which in retrospect was a false economy. I have a WD RED now ordered to replace this one...will be here the start of January.

    I assume its safest to now power off the server and leave it off until I get the new HDD?

    Yes, we are prone to electricity failures here, and I think this is when my issues started. I have surge protection, but no UPS. Maybe that should be on my list on buys for the new year?

    Would you like me to run extended tests on the other two drives? Below is the basic info.

    SDE Drive:

    SDB Drive:

    8|8|8| most home users, me included wouldn't spend that sort of money, for the cost of that drive I could build a new system :) and still have some money left over for a few beers. But to confirm I'll tag crashtest to check the pastebin output, but IMHO that drive should be replaced.

    Not necessarily but you do need to keep a check on the SMART output and run SMART short tests once a month

    Well I didn't pay enterprise money for them 🙈. Same as you, I couldn't afford that. I got them for less than NAS HDD costs.

    I'll set up SMART monitoring on all drives now.

    Replace the drive!! According to a search that's an Enterprise Class drive 8| are they all the same? I use WD Red's NAS or Seagate Ironwolf NAS drives, in fact I'm about to replace two of mine as they are over six years old. Whilst they are reporting no errors (unlike yours) I would rather replace now and repurpose the old ones.

    Yes, all three are the same. So you think overtime I should replace all three? Ill replace the first one now for sure.

    OK. Is there a way to confirm that sdc is faulty? Of do I just need to buy a new drive?