Beiträge von ialvarez

    Hi first thanks for your fast answer jhmiller


    ialvarez, it maybe /media/029db756-ba90-482b-9acb-516c38162bd3/books/

    I try to add the folder I made a new calibre library on my OMV
    So I open calibre and the new calibre library is in \\OPENMEDIAVAULT\Books\Calibre Library
    Calibre makes the calibre library folder automaticaly
    as share for windows trough SMB
    When I go to
    and save this page appears
    The requested ressource is not available. This should not happen. Please check your Calibre library for defects

    and have this checked on the install check page (
    info Is URL rewriting enabled? No and a red dot.

    I check with calibre the library and say no errors.

    Thanks in advance

    Can you help me please I can't make this work
    OMV 5.12

    Hello, BicBucStriim problem
    I have make a folder called /books/ on one of my hard drives the hard drive has the label 3tbaplications, and uuid is 029db756-ba90-482b-9acb-516c38162bd3.
    My openmedivault server is working fine except for this when I load this page
    I found the calibre library check and say Calibre directory with a red dot I try
    and nothing I not found how to say where is the folder of my calibre library on OMV :oops:
    I know is noob question but please help :cry:
    The same issue I have with Mylar that I can't add a folder to download
    ANY HELP is welcome :D
