Beiträge von Soma

    Err:2 bookworm/main amd64 python3-lib2to3 all 3.11.2-3 Temporary failure resolving ''

    Check your network settings.

    You have a DNS issue

    Problem #6

    I've read better the YML and there's only one remark that you better change before using Nextcloud further:

    Your DATA volume is on your home folder. If this is on your OS drive, it will fill UP in no time.

    If you just started and Nextcloud is still "blank", you better redo your YML but point the volumes to a seperate big drive.

    As for the config.php, for now, after you remove line #5 (be carefull with the IDENTs) and restarting nextcloud, you should be able to access the login page.

    There will be errors showing on the Administration Settings page.

    Post a screenshot of it to explain how to clear them, one by one.

    I'm on phone and can only give better help latter.

    I can tell you that your line #5 of config.php is wrong.

    That's for subfolder.

    Scroll down the guide page and see the instructions for subdomain Access.

    Your SWAG is for subdomain.

    On line 43 you only need the wildcard.


    On line 42 you only need the wildcard.


    Then, delete the nextcloud.subfolder.conf on the proxy-confs folder and rename the nextcloud.subdomain.conf.sample.

    Restart SWAG and access nextcloud with:

    https://nextcloud.<YOUR SUBDOMAIN>

    Use the Debian 12 netinstall which has more recent firmware available.

    If all hardware is recognized, then install OMV with the script.

    This still happens, by the way...

    Just disable the "Proccess Monitoring" and get rid of it for good.

    These are probably triggered by delays on the boot proccess and emails are being generated before everything is running.

    I came from a Pi4 system (then CM4) and the excess monitoring only gives a "false sense that things are failing" (IMHO)

    Now on a x64 system, I just keep it the same way:

    Here is the docker-compose file I used to get SWAG up and running:

    You can't have a YML for SWAG with just a SUBDOMAIN as you have.

    From what I read, you have been doing things your way so, it will be difficult to help sort things out.

    The most basic way to run SWAG as a reverse-proxy is giving it the control of the HTTPS server.

    For this to work, your DUCKDNS domain need to point to your WAN IP and you need a router portforward from WAN 443 to OMV LAN IP 444.

    And this is the only port that you need to open to the outside world.

    Then, the YML need to be like this (I only copy and edited what need to be edited. Since you pasted without IDENTs, you will have to fix it)

    As said above, having the config volume on the root OS is bad.

    Although SWAG is a simple container, if you lose the config folder and you have proxy samples edited (as you will need since you have services running outside of docker), you will have to redo them again.

    Once the SWAG is launched (as I made it above), you will have HTTPS access to it via https://www.<YOUR.SUBDOMAIN>

    When it is done, I can tell you the rest.

    I have Emby, which is installed directly on the host, not through docker. The website is hosted through a domain provider, not on my NAS. So I need a way to link Emby and the other application to my website, which is why I have DuckDNS.


    Website hosted on a domain provider?

    Emby on host?

    For what is the website running? Or it's just a web domain that point's to your WAN ip?

    If you have EMBY installed AND running on your OMV host, and you don't mind having a (4 words) website, duckdns is all you need.

    The onyl thing is, now i have this at boot and it is taking a long time to boot up.

    no arrays found in config file at DuckDuckGo

    boot - Gave up waiting for suspend/resume device - Ask Ubuntu


    My own solution was to add noresume to GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT in /etc/default/grub and run sudo update-grub.

    Had the same issue when migrated from CM4 to the N305 even though I don't use mdadm raid.

    The above solved it.

    But this OMV is running in Proxmox, and the only drive that is on a backup is the OS drive.
    All the other drive i don't care about any loss of the data.

    So when my OS drive dies, i still have a backup everyday WITH all the docker containers.

    Good point and if that's what you want, fair enough.

    At this moment, i will not install anymore docker containers since the containers are al media related.

    This won't prevent of your OS drive to run out of space again, since it seems that your MEDIA container is using the docker root for it's config volume.
    Be it PLEX, Jellyfin, Emby, etc... the metadata lives on that folder tree and will increase as your media increases.

    This will make, in the future, the need to expand again the OS drive.

    Well, if you learn how to expand one time, you know how to do it again when needed.

    Soma I ment absolutely no offence by asking questions. Also, I do apologize genuinely if I upset anyone here by doing so!

    Don't be stressed about it.

    Most of us aren't English Natives and rely on, either the knowledge of written/spoken English or a Translator that doesn't always do the best job.

    Maybe sometimes the meaning of what is said by the writer isn't the same interpret by the reader and something is lost in translation.

    I was just saying my opinion. Take it with a pinch of salt.

    I trully value the will of people wanting to know more.

    So, if that's what you feel you should be doing, keep it up and don't let my opinion or of anyone else stop you.

    Regarding this matter at hand, I just think that you reach as far as it goes.

    Regarding Pi5/OMV/NIC/USB-NIC, there's already the working solutions that were "found".

    For OMV, it's enough and time to find solutions to other issues instead of digging deeper on something that is working.


    What do i need to do to get that to 64GB?

    Instead of increasing the OS drive size, you need to move the docker root to one of the other drives.

    If you continue as you are:

    Now, 32Gb isn't enough.

    Soon enough, 64Gb won't suffice, also.

    And so on, and so on....

    First i started with OMV with a 32GB filesystem since i tought that would be enough.

    Applying what I advised, your OS drive won't have more than 4Gb in use, if proper configured: