Beiträge von baldman

    I've tried multiple times now with the same results. I also tried copying the files to the new location after I modify the docker path address. I thought (maybe) the changes might not be replicated to the new directory. I don't know what else to try. Will I just have to rebuild all the containers manually?

    Hey, so I tried following your instructions again. I confirmed the new directory is being used etc. I'm on OMV5 and all my drives are labeled with UUID. I use the symlinks plugin for some things but not docker as I've had issues using symlinks in docker before. I always make sure to use UUID in my potainer/containers. However, again, after reinstalling docker with the new path, I had to re-install portainer as it wasn't working anymore. All other containers have exited except for the newly installed portainer.

    I'm a pretty basic user when it comes to docker, so I need to educate myself on what stacks are :S ... In saying that, I have zero stacks in Portainer. I use portainer for everything docker, and there's never been any stacks listed in portainer.

    KM0201, that's exactly what I did following instructions in another thread here: Move docker storage location - Docker - openmediavault

    Anyhow, I will try again and see if I have better luck.

    Just to be clear though. I have two folders to move. There is the docker base folder, and the storage folder where the images are being created.
    I'm not sure why I have two folders. It was so long ago when I started using docker :/

    Hey there, Sorry for the double post. I thought it'd be better to create a dedicated thread for my issue.

    I moved my docker base folder to another drive, but it didn't work correctly.

    I have two docker folders. The main docker storage folder and one for my containers external data, eg plex data.

    The external apps data folder works fine and I haven't moved it. But after I moved the docker folder and reinstalled docker etc, I had to reinstall Portainer to gain access. When I log in all my other containers show as exited and won't start. There's also no "Edit Container" button where I can fix things.

    I'm assuming there's more directory settings that need updating for the individual containers, but I'm not sure where to look.

    Any help would be amazing.

    Thanks B :)

    Hey there, I moved my docker base folder to another drive this way too, but it didn't work correctly.

    I have two docker folders. The main docker storage folder and one for my containers external data, eg plex data.

    The external apps data folder works fine and I haven't moved it.
    After I moved the docker folder and reinstalled docker etc, I had to reinstall Portainer to gain access. When I log in all my other containers have exited and won't start. There's also no "Edit Container" button where I can re-pull the images etc.

    I'm assuming there must be more directory settings that need updating for the individual containers, but i'm not sure where to look.
    Any help would be amazing.

    Thanks B :)

    Removing the old kernels only cleared about 4GB, enough to get me back up and running.
    Out of an 80GB drive OMV has used about 70GB which seems a lot for just OMV. Its been a while since I've cleared the temp files. Maybe I can get some more space out of it yet :/

    Thanks so for your help guys :)

    ● openmediavault-engined.service - The OpenMediaVault engine daemon that processes the RPC request

    Loaded: loaded (/lib/systemd/system/openmediavault-engined.service; enabled; vendor preset: enabled)

    Active: active (running) since Tue 2022-08-02 01:01:02 AEST; 19min ago

    Process: 578 ExecStart=/usr/sbin/omv-engined (code=exited, status=0/SUCCESS)

    Main PID: 621 (omv-engined)

    Tasks: 1 (limit: 4915)

    Memory: 25.3M

    CGroup: /system.slice/openmediavault-engined.service

    └─621 omv-engined

    Aug 02 01:00:49 FILESERVER systemd[1]: Starting The OpenMediaVault engine daemon that processes the RPC reque

    Aug 02 01:01:02 FILESERVER systemd[1]: Started The OpenMediaVault engine daemon that processes the RPC reques

    Aug 02 01:05:43 FILESERVER chpasswd[5677]: pam_unix(chpasswd:chauthtok): password changed for admin

    Yes I did.
    I tried configuring the web control panel part. It only let me set port 80 and that's it.

    Also changed the password.
    Still cant log in.

    It doesn't tell me my credentials are wrong. But if I input them wrong it does tell me when they are.

    Hey All,

    Stupid me broke my web interface ;(

    I was on another Linux machine trying to SSH in and upload an ssh key.

    During the ssh-copy-id process OMV locked up. Once the ssh-copy finished (and failed) I was unable to log into the web interface.

    The web interface just flicks back to the login box with no error.

    I can still log into terminal with root and all my dockers seem fine too. I've also tried OMV-firstaid with no joy.

    It seems like the web interface is broken. Weird though, it worked briefly for one login but not anymore ;(

    Any help would be awesome... thanks:)

    Hey all,

    I'm having some issues with Portainer. I moved docker and all my containers to a new hard drive. I changed the directory path in the docker gui. All my containers are working perfectly except for portainer. I've removed and installed protainer multiple times with no luck. I installed Yacht (which I'm not very familiar with) to see portainers status and it appears to be hanging on restart. I cant stop or restart it either, it just hangs there. I tried restarting the computer too but it's still the same. Any suggestions would be awesome8)

    Thanks heaps:)

    Yes, you have to update both nextcloud and mariadb images first. As you say, keep them updated with watchtower:thumbup:

    I took a few updates with small database repairs along the way, but I'm now updated to 21.0.3 (stable release)
    It's a pretty slick looking Nextcloud now I've updated8)