Beiträge von haemburg2021

    tutorial to plex install:…en_unter_openmediavault_5

    tutorial to plex update:…er_openmediavault_updaten

    tutorial to docker install:…eue_nas_kopieren_mit_omv5

    If /usr/lib/plexmediaserver is really the leftover of the previous docker install, you can delete it, but from the name it sounds like a native install.

    I think, this is the installation with the tutorial.

    Is it possible, that docker is not right installed?

    Did you run two instances of the plex container?

    No, not that I know of.

    this /usr/lib/plexmediaserver is not mounted to the container and is not used by it.

    This /srv/dev-disk-by-label-med/Medianas/appdata is mounted inside the container, so do not delete it.

    I think both are not mounted now, because I removed now the Stack.

    One of this was the first installation last year and the second (the stack) is from the last days.

    I reboot the system.

    Now I deleted the stack and tried to reach sudo lsof -i:32400

    I see nothing.

    In the folders I can see

    /usr/lib/plexmediaserver (with any files)

    /srv/dev-disk-by-label-med/Medianas/appdata (with any files)

    Should I delete these folders and files?

    I do not know by which method plex is installed on your system, so the systemctl command was a try if there is a systemd unit to start stop plex.

    Best you ask the one who installed it.

    I was it, who installed it last year. :) (but I wrote it - I do it over portainer -> container

    PS: another idea, I have now a switch between modem-router and NAS, is this an option for the failure? I can also not WOL since I have this switch.

    If I remember correctly, I tried a manual update at the time. (sudo apt install ./) Maybe something went wrong there.

    Forthe moment:

    kill -9 792

    docker start plex

    docker logs plex


    what do you mean with this?

    or try systemctl stop ple<Hit-TAB for autocomplete> and see if it tells you something.

    If I press TAB, there don´t work anythink.

    If I do systemctl stop plex, then I get this output:

    systemctl stop plex
    Failed to stop plex.service: Unit plex.service not loaded.

    ok, it looks so that is run

     docker stop plex
    ##:~# sudo lsof -i:32400
    Plex\x20M 792 plex   60u  IPv6  24721      0t0  TCP *:32400 (LISTEN)

    It was suggested that you read the documentation for the image you are trying to use. Are you going to do that or not?

    Yes I read it.

    I had deleted the container and Image

    I set up new with stack

    I restart it and I see in the webui the same information for an update.

    the log of plex :

    You just need to answer the question: How did you start the contaier?

    From what I see, I assume, that you used portainer create container UI

    Yes, I used portainer to create the plex container.

    I see, I should change it.

    I changed the

    environment variable from UMASK_SET to UMASK

    But I see, there are to much to change, I think the better solution is, to deleting Plex containers and all Plex images.

    Is there also an advantage that I remove Docker and install new?

    For my interest as I'm still not really sure what you guys mean by the docker run/docker create files. Are these the specific names of the files or is the whole thing "only" hidden in the config file of the library? (e.g. Preferences.xml?)

    hmmm ok

    and a restart of docker works also not?

    and what is with the log?

    unable to set up server?

    I can log-in

    container status is running for 5 hours

    but I see this status: