Beiträge von scascalesp


    I mount gdrive disk with

    sudo rclone mount --fuse-flag allow_root googledrivesc: /mnt/data/rclonegoogledrivesc --uid 1008 --gid 100

    1008 y admin user and 100 is user group

    In ssh i can do anything

    In windows i can access to smb folder (and have permission)

    Any idea? Thx


    I want to use SFTP to access external to my OMV shared folders

    Open ports 2222 and use it on OMV (not 22)

    REdirect external port on router from 2222 to 2222 internal

    Now, two options (with two problems)

    - with native OMV SFTP can only login with root user and see root folder. When try to connect with other users (with diferent shared folders) alwas say access denied... Why?

    - with SFTP plugin i create sftp-group and sftp-user, add to group and grant 755 chmod to sftpshared (owner root, group users). When create shared folder on SFTP plugin say:

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; omv-salt deploy run --no-color fstab 2>&1' with exit code '1': ---------- ID: create_filesystem_mountpoint_e56acdfa-4619-46ce-9249-c4b1d8e3415e Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_filesystem_mountpoint_e56acdfa-4619-46ce-9249-c4b1d8e3415e for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 00:46:13.396742 Duration: 3.762 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_e56acdfa-4619-46ce-9249-c4b1d8e3415e Function: mount.mounted Name: /mnt/data Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 00:46:13.403897 Duration: 680.924 ms Changes: ---------- umount: Forced remount because options (user_xattr) changed ---------- ID: create_remotemount_mountpoint_12c74102-be61-4e94-aa5c-2dc2954f5fe9 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_remotemount_mountpoint_12c74102-be61-4e94-aa5c-2dc2954f5fe9 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 00:46:14.085815 Duration: 6.187 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_filesystem_mountpoint_12c74102-be61-4e94-aa5c-2dc2954f5fe9 Function: mount.mounted Name: /srv/12c74102-be61-4e94-aa5c-2dc2954f5fe9 Result: False Comment: mount error: could not resolve address for CASCOSPC: Unknown error Started: 00:46:14.092750 Duration: 179.423 ms Changes: ---------- ID: create_sftp_mountpoint_f34fb58c-960f-4a80-8e3a-5f2a13e111d3 Function: file.accumulated Result: True Comment: Accumulator create_sftp_mountpoint_f34fb58c-960f-4a80-8e3a-5f2a13e111d3 for file /etc/fstab was charged by text Started: 00:46:14.273328 Duration: 5.528 ms Changes: ---------- ID: mount_sftp_mountpoint_f34fb58c-960f-4a80-8e3a-5f2a13e111d3 Function: mount.mounted Name: /sftp/systemsftp/sftpshared Result: True Comment: Target was already mounted Started: 00:46:14.279633 Duration: 62.104 ms Changes: ---------- ID: append_fstab_entries Function: file.blockreplace Name: /etc/fstab Result: True Comment: No changes needed to be made Started: 00:46:14.351727 Duration: 24.598 ms Changes: Summary for ------------ Succeeded: 6 (changed=1) Failed: 1 ------------ Total states run: 7 Total run time: 962.526 ms

    Any help '


    Same error has me. See RE: mldonley on portainer from guide error

    go to options -> Users -> Add User:

    Thx! thats it!


    when starts ssay: SECURITY WARNING: user admin has an empty password, use command: useradd admin password

    HOw i can change password? no web option and inside console of container say

    root@d6114a6d1394:/# passwd admin

    passwd: user 'admin' does not exist


    gderf you mean i must create new user with rwe on this folder and don't use admin or root for UID? Thats my first option but mldonkey use user admin and group mldonkey

    raulfg3 i create new folder in /mnt/data/mldonkey (with no subdirectories) and set 777

    Executte stack:

    version: '2'



    image: carlonluca/mldonkey:latest


    - MLDONKEY_UID=978 #user admin

    - MLDONKEY_GID=100



    - /mnt/data/mldonkey/config:/var/lib/mldonkey

    - /mnt/data/mldonkey/temp:/var/lib/mldonkey/temp


    - 4080:4080

    - 19040:19040

    - 19044:19044

    restart: unless-stopped

    When start container it create folders config and temp on /mnt/data/mldonkey but has same error

    Then i enter on /mnt/data/mldonkey and set owner:root and group:users and 777 to all files and directories

    If i enter on http://localip:4080/ i see 403 Forbidden

    I change ip on downloads.ini

    Restart the mldonkey container and it works

    I try to investigate the correct permission now..... 777 it is not very optimal... my first think is create mldonkey user (seems use this user) and set rwe to this path only


    ok Sir! don't ofuscate

    "I asume that user with PUID = 1005 is your dockeruser, crated by OMV WebGUI." is and user with rwe permission to folder absolutepath/files/Film, sorry, folder ./data/files/Films. I user same user for transmission with no problems

    "Please , remember that absolutepath/config/mldonkey must be your real path to your data disk and folder mldonkey and Incmplete, must not exst when create / deploy the stack , ". Sure! thanks

    Ok then...

    version: '2'



    image: carlonluca/mldonkey:latest


    - MLDONKEY_UID=978 #user admin ssh

    - MLDONKEY_GID=100



    - /data/config/mldonkey:/var/lib/mldonkey

    - /data/files/Films/Temp:/var/lib/mldonkey/temp


    - 4080:4080

    - 19040:19040

    - 19044:19044

    restart: unless-stopped


     -1 }">2021/09/04 23:22:32 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 3.1.7.git ...  -1 }">
    2021/09/04 23:22:32 [cO] Language EN, locale UTF-8, ulimit for open files 1024
     -1 }">2021/09/04 23:22:32 [cO] raised ulimit for open files from 1024 to 1048576
     -1 }">2021/09/04 23:22:32 [cO] MLDonkey is working in /var/lib/mldonkey
     -1 }">2021/09/04 23:22:32 [cO] creating new MLDonkey base directory in /var/lib/mldonkey
     -1 }">2021/09/04 23:22:32 can not create files in directory /var/lib/mldonkey, check rights...

    "That plugin is only meant to backup the OS drive since you don't create shared folders on the OS drive which allow you to use the many other plugins allowing backup.".. thta means only copy sataa19? (sysrtem)

    "There is no need to backup the entire partition. " ??? And all the data and parmissions on sataa20/21/22?

    For example i hacve installed and configured apache on root ssh.. i think this data is on sataa21 or 22

    sataa24 is data to sync outside in pen or similar with rsync

    If my HD is broken i want no install debian with the same partition, execute instruction and get back all my configurations in partitions 20/21/22. Then manually or rsync copy personal data (movies, etc..)


    ok seems the problem is my processor is AMR64 and logicwar/mldonkey is not compatible

    An altrnative is carlonluca/mldonkey - Docker Image | Docker Hub but in stacks i have

    version: '2'



    image: carlonluca/mldonkey

    container_name: carlonluca_mldonkey

    network_mode: bridge


    - PUID=xxxx # Your Docker user here

    - PGID=xxx # Your Docker Group here

    - TZ=Europe/London


    - .../mldonkey:/var/lib/mldonkey

    - .../Movies/Incomplete:/mnt/mldonkey_tmp

    - .../files/Movies:/mnt/mldonkey_completed


    - 4000:4000

    - 4001:4001

    - 4080:4080

    - 20562:20562

    - 20566:20566/udp

    - 16965:16965

    - 6209:6209

    - 6881:6881

    - 6882:6882

    - 3617:3617/udp

    - 4444:4444

    restart: unless-stopped


     -1 }">Waiting for mldonkey to start...
     -1 }">2021/09/04 15:16:02 [cO] Starting MLDonkey 3.1.7.git ...  -1 }">
    2021/09/04 15:16:02 [cO] Language EN, locale UTF-8, ulimit for open files 1024
     -1 }">2021/09/04 15:16:02 [cO] raised ulimit for open files from 1024 to 1048576
     -1 }">2021/09/04 15:16:02 [cO] MLDonkey is working in /var/lib/mldonkey
    2021/09/04 15:16:02 [cO] creating new MLDonkey base directory in /var/lib/mldonkey
     -1 }">2021/09/04 15:16:02 can not create files in directory /var/lib/mldonkey, check rights...


    I change to legacy , restart docker service and it install successfull but have error in container log

    I had the rest of ports (not in your guide) from: logicwar/mldonkey - Docker Image | Docker Hub

    version: '2'



    image: logicwar/mldonkey

    container_name: mldonkey

    network_mode: bridge


    - PUID=1005 # Your Docker user here

    - PGID=100 # Your Docker Group here

    - TZ=Europe/London


    - absolutepath/config/mldonkey:/var/lib/mldonkey

    - absolutepath/files/Films/Incomplete:/mnt/mldonkey_tmp

    - absolutepath/files/Films:/mnt/mldonkey_completed


    - 4000:4000

    - 4001:4001

    - 4080:4080

    - 20562:20562

    - 20566:20566/udp

    - 16965:16965

    - 6209:6209

    - 6881:6881

    - 6882:6882

    - 3617:3617/udp

    - 4444:4444

    restart: unless-stopped

    And view containers is stoped (restart working for 5 seconds):

    same as nft


    After 3 days of work i configured my OMV

    Now i want to backup all except my data partition (sataa24)

    I donwload plugin openmediavault-backup 5.2.4 and do dd method buts seems only backup sataa19 (or not?)

    I can't use clonezilla because is a NAS with only 1 usb.. maybe i can put some url in my webbrowser to see clonezilla?

    How i can backup and restore all my critical partitions?

    I see in others posts dd method but I'm afraid to use it because they call it the "disk destroyer" instruction. Could someone give me an example with some of my partitions and I do the rest?
