Beiträge von CValde


    I've just seen the OMV7 release and want to upgrade, but previous to that I want to properly configure compose plugin with portainer.

    When trying to follow this guide: 16 Steps to install the new compose plugin and add portainer I get stuck at step 5. Whenever I try to add the compose folder, I get this error:

    I've got openmediavault-compose 6.11.3 version installed. The shared folder has been created exactly as any other folder.

    This is what I'm trying to configure:

    And over ssh the global.env file has 777

    Any idea what its happening?

    Thanks In advance



    I have a OMV5 running over a Pi4 with Docker (5:20.10.21~3-0~debian-buster) there I have a plex container running with no issues but with an old version (

    I've tried to update this container (duplicating the current container, creating a new container or creating a new stack) using the latest plex image ( or and using the exact same configuration as the one is running, but every time I've done it, I get the very same errors in the log:

    s6-svscan: warning: unable to iopause: Operation not permitted
    s6-svscan: warning: executing into .s6-svscan/crash
    s6-svscan crashed. Killing everything and exiting.
    s6-linux-init-shutdownd: fatal: unable to iopause: Operation not permitted
    s6-supervise s6-linux-init-shutdownd: fatal: unable to iopause: Operation not permitted
    s6-linux-init-hpr: fatal: unable to reboot(): Operation not permitted

    I have also tried to install a qBittorrent container from Stack but again I've obtained the same errors

    Am I doing something wrong? Is there any old working version of qBittorrent?

    Thanks in advance


    I'm trying to update my plex version, now it's running

    My VERSION variable was set to 'docker' so I have updated it to 'latest', but when i do that and try to start the container after editing the value, the plex server wont start and continuosly throws an error like:

    ****** PLEX MEDIA SERVER CRASHED, CRASH REPORT WRITTEN: /config/Library/Application Support/Plex Media Server/Crash Reports/ MEDIA SERVER/5cca32d4-b59f-466f-ab1f5cb4-4aa9ed86.dmp
    Starting Plex Media Server.
    libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__2::system_error: clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) failed: Operation not permitted
    libc++abi: terminating with uncaught exception of type std::__2::system_error: clock_gettime(CLOCK_MONOTONIC) failed: Operation not permitted

    After that, if I set the VERSION variable back to 'docker', it works flawless

    Am I doing something wrong?


    This is my first post in the forum, I've search for it, but can't see the answer:

    I access to my SMB server in OMV5 with my android mobile through "Cx Explorer" app. I have a DDNS pointing to my IP so I can access from everywhere.

    Today I've realized that if I try to access as a guest (anonymous connection) I can see all the shared folders. I can't see its content neither navigate them, but I can see their names. Is there any way to avoid anonymous users to access the server and see the shareds folders names?

