Beiträge von AndiB

    On i found that for Debian 9/10 there is a backwards compatibility rule in /etc/udev/rules.d/70-persistent-net.rules that should be removed for Debian11. Commenting out these 2 lines i had in there made it work again.


    i just updated my omv to 6 from 5.x latest and have problems with my network configuration. It fails to get applied although it seems to be configured correct.

    I did omv-release-upgrade via ssh and after some time, i lost the connection to my server. I opened a second ssh session and monitored with top the system activity. When i only saw my normal processes, i waited a few more minutes and restarted my server, assuming apt was finished.

    Somehow my network is not configured after reboot. I can log in via console and everything seems to be fine.

    I can bring up my network with

    ifconfig eth1 netmask up

    OMV WebUi is accessible after that and most of my services run normally. Some docker containers fail to start, but thats something i can deal with when my network is up again.

    I googled a lot but can't find a way to make it work.

    My config is included in /etc/openmediavault/config.xml and files in /etc/netplan look okay.

    But still, after every restart my eth1 is not configured. Setting this via omv-firstaid makes no difference. If it does not fail (ERROR: (Errno 11) Resource temporarily unavailabe) my setting is still gone after reboot.

    Although there are a lot of network messages, I can't see a real problem in dmesg, but perhaps someone sees more than me. dmesg.log.txt

    Does anyone have a clue what is wrong or what i need to check?