Beiträge von writzthecat

    Hey Lads,

    i managed to solve the problem by myself. Ony of my containers bricked and caused docker to crash.

    Did hard reset, then sudo docker service status and located the bricked container. Then sudo docker service stop and deleted with winscp the bricked container. Then docker restart and now it*s working again



    Hi Guys,

    i recently run apt-get upgrade from my OMV 5 rig, since then docker is totally bricked.

    WIthin the OMV Extras docker column it's nothing showing anymore despited the "loading symbol" and then later "communication error". I have no more access to portainer nor to my containers. Also i'm no more able to shutdown my rig properly as it tries to stop the Docker Application Container Engine since 4 hours..

    looks like something is totally bricked with docker-ce

    Any idea how to fix it ?



    worked like a charm ! Thank you

    In Europe they have stopped selling the Atom SOC can only get Xeon, Celereon etc.

    @LarsN Software encoding is what i already have. If the G4560 can't decode by hardware right now i will go for the i3. As written before i will save around 170 € i've im going to choose the "old" i3. For this i3 going to be EOL it's not a problem, because you will find plenty of boards or later used CPU's for LGA1150. So i won't not to worry choosing this configuration. For the current borad it's different as it's with SOC. Despite some Supermicro boards - much more expensive - i have no other options.

    First they told me it's caused due to the Intel C2000 Bug.

    Now as they have the board they have written there is a problem with the powerreil caused by Watchdog flooting some RAM.

    As they have no spareparts and the board is EOL they cannot sent me an replacement - simply because they have none - and it will go to Taiwan and return to me after repair

    I've bought my board in September 2014 and it was running more or less 24 hrs. Asrock Techsupport assumes there is a problem with the powerrail, causing my board to be stuck in boot process. They assume it's due to a bug caused by Watchdog.

    As i was not running latest BMC Firmware i was least that's what they told me...

    Dunno i'f im allowed to post to another Forum, so here is the link for more informations

    As i have 3 Years warranty and the Motherboard is EOL i had to send it to Asrock NL. They will check the MOBO and then send it to Taiwan for repair...this is why it takes so long :(

    The CPU performance is almost identical with passmark scores of around 5000.

    The hardware encoding feature in Plex is still in beta, and not too sure if they'll ever use HW for x265 anytime soon, but I would still go with the newer hardware.

    I know the benchmark is nearly the same. with the i3 the investment costs are much cheaper therefore but the x265 encoding is pretty intresting for me as the Amazon Fire TV stick cannot play mi hi10p animes...therefore i thought for the G4560. But if it's still in beta...

    Hello Guys,

    first of all : HAPPY EASTERN!

    Now let's move to the bad news - at least for me - .

    My ASRock C2750D4I Mobo died on Wednesday due to the Intel Atom C200 bug....after a long discussion with Asrock Tech Support they will replace my board but it will take around 6 to 8 weeks to get the replacement.

    As i'm not willing to wait here are my options so far:


    Intel Pentium G4560

    Asus P10S-I

    KVR21E15D8K2/16I 16 GB DDR4 UDIMM ECC


    Intel Core i3-4160
    ASUS P9D-I

    Why only these two optios ? Because i have a Silverstone DS380 only capable for MINI ITX Mobos...therefore i'm pretty limited.

    My OMV rig is DMS, PLEX and NAS in one. Equipped with 8 3TB WD Red and two SSD

    So what's you opinion ?

    Option 1 seems to be intresting for me because the CPU can encode h265 which seems to be very usefull for me plex server.

    Option 2 is interesting because it's cheaper and i could use my existing ram.

    Also if i choose any of these options is it necessary to reinstall OMV ?

    Thank you in advance for your time and efforts



    Hello Indigo,

    i guess you have already figured out your mistake ?

    the comand usermod -a -G users sonarr adds sonarr to the group of users, but you have to restart/reboot your machine in order to have to desired affect.

    Oone of the reasons you might have received this less feedback is indeed a lot of people have/had similar problems and found the solution already in the forum. Therefore i guess sometimes it's just driving ppl nuts always answering the same / similar questions.

    I've i.E. found the usermod command in at least 4 topics of tekkb not related with sonarr but with emby and plex.



    the DMS System i'm using received an upgrade and is no longer compatible to Wheezy :( so i'm forced to install everything on Windows or reinstall OMV but as testing 3.0 with the Jessie Kernel.

    Therefore i would like to know how stable the current version is and if there are already working plugins for the software im using.

    It would be:

    • unionfilesystem plugin for having pool with mergerfs
    • Snapraid Plugin
    • plexmediaserver
    • Sabnzb usenet downloader
    • sonarr
    • TVheadend, but TVH is no musthave

    I would appreciate any comments and/or recommendations.




    today i wanted to uninstall Clamav and since them my system is causing problems.

    I uninstalled ClamAV through the WEBIF and haven't noticed any Error message.

    Now i have the problem i',m unable to install anything, as i always receive various error messages related with clamav-daemon.

    When i try to remove clamav-deamon i get the following error log:

    Any ideas ?

    Hello Lads,

    don't know what to do anymore.

    As i didn't had enough space in my rig anymore ( 4x WD Red 3 TB + 1x WD Red 3 TB as Parity ) i added 3 news HDD's ( 2x WD Green 3 TB + 1 WD Green 3 TB as parity ).

    I added in Snapraid the additional drives etc but Snapraid sync was not working and recommended me to do a full sync with the comand: snapraid -F sync

    Now after a around one hour sync abort with the following error:

    kernel: [ 6810.747411] Buffer I/O error on device sdh1, logical block 216859776

    I've then checked the disk in OMV and i've seen 4 of my data disk show no more S.M.A.R.T stats.

    So i asked Dr. Google and many ppl. say this is a signal my HardDisk is going to die.

    Well 4 HDD at the same time ? Sorry i can't believe this.

    I checked them with CrystalDisk and WD Tool and according to these tools they work properly.

    If i umount and mount these disks again everything works fine.

    When im now checking syslog is found this:

    For me it's not looking like the HardDisk's are going to die. It looks more like the SATA connection crashes somehow under heavy load.

    Are there any tips what to do ?

    You know, never change a running system, so there was no need to uninstall the old AUFS before.

    But im still unsure, as with the old aufs you had to create the shares manually and when you just delete Aufs and the shares my data would be gone.

    So i guess i have to do it like this : My idea was to first create with mergerfs a new pool, then MOVE all files inside the "Aufs branch shares" - otherwise if i delete the shares, the data will be lost - into the new mergerfs pool folder and set new shares

    Correct ?

    Good Evening Lads,

    hope you don't mind if im hooking in.

    Since a few days i encounter a lot of problems with aufs, when renaming Folders by SMB or WINSCP.

    As i've seen this is normal although i never realized it ;)

    What would be the best procedure to "migrate" from aufs ( old aufs plugin ) to mergerfs ?

    My idea was to first create with mergerfs a new pool, then MOVE all files inside the "Aufs branch shares" - otherwise if i delete the shares, the data will be lost - into the new mergerfs pool folder and set new shares.

    Would this be the best and easiest way ?

    Im a little worried as i want to move in total 24TB and i have no backup plan =O

    1. Wozu dient eigentlich der Button "Laufwerkspool"?
    Wird damit ein Pool erzeugt, der weder aufs noch mhddfs verwendet?
    In meinem Fall (aufs) ist der doch überflüssig, oder sehe ich da was falsch?

    Kann ich Dir leider nicht helfen...aber vom Prinzip funktioniert es ähnlich wie mit AUFS. Ich würde aber schätzen, dass es mit AUFS einfach und komfortabler ist einen POOL zu erstellen und diesen dann im Netzwerk freizugeben, zumal du über AUFS ja auch einstellen kannst ob er die geschriebenen Daten gleichmäßig verteilt oder eine Platte nach der anderen füllt.


    2. In den Einstellungen gibt es die Option "Automatische Sicherung"
    Diesen Setze ich auf "1". Darf ich daraus dann schließen, dass ein automatischer SYNC durchgeführt wird, sobald mehr als 1GB Daten auf OMV kopiert wurden?
    Quasi als Ergänzung zu dem Cron-Script.

    Korrekt oder als Ersatz zum Cron-Script. ABER: wenn du öfters kleinere Änderungen vornimmst und kein Cronscript laufen hast, dann musst Du immer manuell den Sync anstoßen sonst wird der Sync erst nach 1 GB gemacht und wenn Dir davor was hops geht hast Du Pech. Ich würde generell eher im 24h immer Nachts per Cron den Sync machen lassen.

    1. Defektes Laufwerk entfernen
    2. Neues Laufwerk ( egal ob Intern oder USB) einbinden und formatieren
    3. In der Snapraidconfig das defekte Laufwerk über die Option bearbeiten einfach gegen die neue, leere Platte austauschen
    4. Snapraid FIX ausführen
    5. Snapraid CHECK ausführen
    6. Snapraid Sync ausführen