Beiträge von EruIluvatar

    Thank you very much for this step-by-step guide, my box is currently compiling. :)
    However it's not a good idea to configure and compile as the root user.
    In fact other projects even disallow doing so (linux kernel does so I think).
    Only the last 2 steps need root permissions afaik.

    So this should not take place in /root anyway, better would be /tmp (also for better speed) or just $HOME.
    Maybe you can adapt the steps a little.

    Edit: actually that doesn't work for me:

    Apr 12 11:01:38 homeserver smbd[1273]: /usr/sbin/smbd: error while loading shared libraries: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory

    Edi2: Ok didn't realize it was built for raspberry pi, aka ARM.

    My adjusted steps for x86 are here:

    You need SSH (Secure shell) access to your NAS.
    You can do it the right way or the cheap way.
    For the right way follow this guide, section SSH Setup (using Putty):
    [GUIDE] Enable SSH with Public Key Authentication (Securing remote webUI access to OMV)

    The cheap way is password authentication.
    For this you need to enable the SSH service (SSH plugin), disable root login, enable password authentication.
    Create a user (probably same name as your windows user), add it to the ssh and sudo groups.

    Using putty, connect to your server IP using SSH.
    Authenticate with user and password.

    Once logged in, execute above command.

    If you're not feeling comfortable doing that, I think you can even let it be. I guess your setup is fine.
    You could try to reboot and see if everything goes well. If the problem persists then follow the steps above.

    /dev/sda1: UUID="0647cc14-0a19-e514-9be3-1268ccc95f0d" UUID_SUB="34ad2375-d687-4b8b-20c2-d12c447dd5f0" LABEL="homeserver:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="primary" PARTUUID="fdad7612-fd75-4f5d-ab69-049cee88efe0"
    /dev/sdb1: UUID="0647cc14-0a19-e514-9be3-1268ccc95f0d" UUID_SUB="3ed0dfeb-e9cb-c522-53a3-98f6370d7d2a" LABEL="homeserver:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="primary" PARTUUID="fdad7612-fd75-4f5d-ab69-049cee88efe0"
    /dev/sdc1: UUID="0647cc14-0a19-e514-9be3-1268ccc95f0d" UUID_SUB="113d1425-dedb-e33f-f4a9-3d0ec84a116d" LABEL="homeserver:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="primary" PARTUUID="fdad7612-fd75-4f5d-ab69-049cee88efe0"
    /dev/sdd1: UUID="BC9C-706E" TYPE="vfat" PARTUUID="f20855cc-df4d-42ed-b82e-0e19158acbfb"
    /dev/sdd2: UUID="5c908f0f-9b72-4de6-9006-61b74812222f" UUID_SUB="8ba93e0d-9ebc-4a49-ac89-22a8353330f6" TYPE="btrfs" PARTLABEL="System SSD" PARTUUID="565a8199-ca52-4e59-920d-45db9226c0f0"
    /dev/sdd3: UUID="493c67bb-0cb9-45ac-87e6-1755fb5c7d18" TYPE="swap" PARTUUID="da08d50c-bc45-466a-9001-dcebd7e4441a"
    /dev/sde1: UUID="0647cc14-0a19-e514-9be3-1268ccc95f0d" UUID_SUB="1f7b2116-8b96-e165-b293-471c722589d3" LABEL="homeserver:0" TYPE="linux_raid_member" PARTLABEL="primary" PARTUUID="fdad7612-fd75-4f5d-ab69-049cee88efe0"
    /dev/md0: UUID="afae0bad-6794-4af1-88df-cd47ffce1440" TYPE="crypto_LUKS"
    /dev/mapper/md0-crypt: LABEL="BigMama" UUID="ae76bfba-d93f-43fe-b7cf-9d59506a250f" UUID_SUB="13c44b8d-63d1-4dc6-985a-9bb9f5ecccb4" TYPE="btrfs"
    /dev/sdf1: LABEL="BigBackup" UUID="ad8e59f8-571d-4f87-9203-0498d641c1c9" TYPE="ext4" PARTUUID="a0453543-fc1e-4163-8990-3c5521e0bceb"

    /dev/sdd is the root drive.
    I seriously doubt it didn't find the root drive. The backup stopped when ~50Mb of data was already copied...

    However it seem's like the fstab got messed up in a way. The "Sebi_ExFAT" drive seems mounted although it was an external USB drive that is not connected (and the NAS was rebooted since).
    Also that it's mounted as type btrfs makes no sense, it was ExFAT.

    Output of mount -l | grep /dev/sdd

    You don't have any active shares.
    There are 2 possibilities:

    1. Activate "Home folder" (Hemkataloger), for that you strictly need to create a user. Preferably the same user name as your Windows 10 user. This share is only accessible with the users credentials.
    2. For a more general purpose share (e.g. music, films etc) you want to create a regular share. See the "Utdelningar" tab. There you can also make the share browsable for guest, ie. without providing credentials.

    So really depends on your use case.

    I hope that helps.

    I didn't find a solution to this problem so far...
    If nobody has an answer I'm opening a bug report.

    As a workaround I did a backup using borg which I can really recommend.
    My system drive went from 4.3 GB to 1.4 GB with lz4 compression and deduplication, that really blew my mind!

    If anybody needs a hint on how to do that:

    borg init /path/to/backup/location
    # I used -C lz4 for more speed and less compression
    sudo borg create -C zlib,6 /path/to/backup/location::{hostname}-root-{now:%Y-%m-%d} / --one-file-system -p -v -s

    If you go with ZFS and therefor need ECC RAM, AMD Ryzen is a valuable alternative.
    It has (unofficial) ECC support even with cheap R3 processors and cheap boards I think.
    Might be worth a consideration but keep in mind they don't have an iGPU so you need a temporary GPU during install.

    Hi everyone

    I'm trying to make a backup of my config using the official openmediavault-backup plugin.
    Didn't pass any special parameters like --exclude or anything.
    The backup should be stored on a freshly partitioned 6TB HDD.

    However it fails with the following message:

    Trying again leads to the same message with slightly different file list.

    Any idea what's going wrong here?
    Seems like it's trying to copy a file with no filename ''...


    Hi guys,

    I received Emby keys expired, anybody has this issue?

    Jup had the same issue.
    This should fix it:

    wget -nv -O Release.key
    sudo apt-key add - < Release.key
    sudo apt-get update


    `@ryecoaaron` I saw some more development going on github, do you plan to release the omv3 version anytime in the future?
    I thinking about setting up dnsmasq but could easily hold out some time if I knew the plugin is coming at some point.
    Don't get me wrong, I'm not asking for an ETA.

    Thanks for your work!

    How hard is it to transfer the existing instances of say Emby or Plex, etc... to a docker.

    I too am interested in question.
    Reconfiguring the shares/users/metadata would be a pain...

    I know you could just "mount" a directory of the existing installation into the container (say, --volume /var/lib/emby-server:/var/lib/emby-server).
    For that you would need to know exactly which databases / configs are needed.
    Does somebody know that?