Beiträge von notdisclosed

    pplucky and others following my workaround. Please have a look at the following blog item: . This item mentions that the issue is revolving around systemd in combination with DHCP.

    I had my system configured with DHCP for the IP address, forcing an IP using my router. As I had made snapshots of the system I could roll back and try the mentioned option of setting a fixed IP address. This also solved my problem without updating to a backport version.

    Too bad that that solution did not get mentioned in this thread.

    I'm also wondering why the problem pops up now. The only relevant changes in 6.4.0 where symlinking /etc/resolv.conf-> /run/systemd/resolve/stub-resolv.conf instead of /run/systemd/resolve/resolv.conf and installing libnss-resolve.

    libnss-resolve should only interact with systemd-resolved and the symlink also only affect DNS resolution. systemd-networkd is not affected by these changes IMO. Maybe something in the kernel has been changed. I think there is a timing problem, systemd-networkd is not waiting long enough before the interfaces are coming up. But that's only an assumption.

    You say that libnss-resolve should only interact with systemd-resolved. When I install the backport version of systemd I get the following notification:

    So systemd-resolved is not installed. Also apt-cache policy systemd-resolved is showing systemd-resolved as not installed

    root@openmediavault:~# apt-cache policy systemd-resolved
    Installed: (none)
    Candidate: 252.5-2~bpo11+1
    Version table:
    252.5-2~bpo11+1 100
    100 bullseye-backports/main amd64 Packages

    So... if libnss-resolve uses systemd-resolved and systemd-resolved is not installed it could be the root cause.

    It looks there is no version of systemd-resolved in the current debian version.

    When installing systemd-resolved I get:

    In case it still works for someone. My server is ok apparently. I did the following:

    - I enabled backports

    - apt clean

    - omv-upgrade still gave me an error related to a firmware and I uninstalled it. apt-get purge firmware-ath9k-htc

    Everything is correct now.

    I have tried solving the issue by following your steps. For me this did not work. Systemd-networkd still crashes.

    Looking at the comments at

    • I noticed that the oldest related bugreport is from 2021, so the issue has been there already for a long time. Why does this issue only surface just now? Is it the latest Debian that got updated recently?
    • In later versions of systemd, not yet in stable debian, the issue seems resolved.

    Based on the steps of chente combined with the bugreport from votdev I was able to find a workaround for the issue:

    • Enable backports using omv-extras
    • run apt update to be sure
    • run apt install -t bullseye-backports systemd and when prompted keep the current non existent version of /etc/systemd/logind.conf.distrib
    • apply the configuration changes using the webinterface
    • Disable backports using omv-extras (to be sure no other backports are installed down the line)

    This works for me.

    In my configuration in folder /run/systemd/network/ there has been and is only 1 network device


    This device (ens18) is the device that I expect

    After a reboot systemd-networkd is working again. I have checked that using systemctl status systemd-networkd. When it is running I can restart the service without a problem. However when the service has crashed (after omv-salt) a restart does not work, the service stays in a "starting" state.

    I had openmediavault 6.3.12 installed and it was not giving me a problem.

    A few days later I installed linux-image-6.1.0-0.deb11.7-amd64 also without a problem

    Today I installed the latest updates that contained:

    - The following NEW packages will be installed: libnss-resolve

    - The following packages will be upgraded: docker-ce docker-ce-cli openmediavault

    I now also notice that after the failed omv-salt deploy run systemd-networkd the contents of /etc/resolv.conf do not contain a nameserver.

    votdev: Am I correct that it seems to go wrong with the latest debian in combination with omv-salt deploy run systemd-networkd?

    I also seem to have the same issue with the same configuration changes pending as pplucky. However I am running OMV inside Proxmox. When running omv-salt deploy run hosts it runs fine. But running omv-salt deploy run systemd-networkd causes and error.

    When running omv-salt deploy run systemd-networkd the console shows the following error:

    After running omv-salt deploy run systemd-networkd the webinterface is down. Also the network interface is down.

    Running ip addr then gives me no ip address:

    2: ens18: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_code1 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
        link/ether (hidden) brd (hidden)
        altname enp0s18 

    After rebooting I get back my IP address

    2: ens18: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_code1 state DOWN group default qlen 1000
     link/ether (hidden) brd (hidden)
     altname enp0s18
     inet 192.168.1.x/24 brd scope global dynamic ens18
        valid_lft 3268sec preferred_lft 3268sec

    I have also tried re-configuring my network device by running omv-firstaid. This also caused the server to hang and lose its IP address.

    I hope this helps in analyzing the issue.