Beiträge von lozsta

    The Docker originally was meant to be running on the SD card inside but that changed with the update and the externall HDD I use for storage on this device ended up as the app runner.

    Like I said I am a newb to linux, use it at the enterprise level but most of that has plenty of paper work with it but my home rig has only recently become linux. I will get there. Like I said I think a rebuild with the media on my NAS and my Pi just serving the pihole would be best.

    Have you ever changed the docker installation path in the past? Or was the default path /var/lib/docker?

    It was in the OVM extras section before just standard "install docker" then the updates and there were obviously changes mentioned from docker and OMV. I will move most of the functions to my new NAS soon so plex will run on there.

    It was the deamon.json file that needed editing but there was a flag you could put on the config file (I can't find it now I am a newb with Linux) which needed something added.

    When I try and remove it

    I just wanted to upgrade my portainer. I couldn't find the old docker location so I read up and it seems I need to update to this new compose. It errored while saving the storage settings so I started again. Followed the "enable docker in ovm-extras" I cleated APT and enabled backports because that was mentioned on one 500 thread.

    Now I am getting the following when I am trying to reinstall the OMV-compose plugin. I am on a Pi4.