Beiträge von BlueCoffee

    Maybe journalctl -u smbd.service will give you some hints.

    Thanks Votdev

    i seem to get getting permisson errors

    ill look into it

    im moving files from OMV to a Windows PC large files few GB each and the transfer goes from 100mb to 200 than down to 6mb than 0mb and stays like this for some time.

    Is there a way to find out how and why this is happening ?

    did you create a user and give the user the correct permissions? does the MineDLNA have this user?

    I've been using Linux for 25 years, only use Linux at home, and work on Linux for a living. As long as you want to learn and keep at it, it will come.

    what OS do you use?

    Zorin is £39. ill have a look for a free one to start out with i think.

    Cheers tho.

    Your docker version reported that you have the package installed and docker-compose 1.25. is from the Debian repo. You would have the docker-ce package and docker-compose 2.19 if the docker repo was enabled.

    how did you know to ask for that from this? if you don't mind.

    Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; export LANGUAGE=; docker-compose --file '/srv/dev-disk-by-id-nvme-CT1000P3PSSD8_2321E6DA4CB3/Compose/Portainer/Portainer.yml' --env-file '/srv/dev-disk-by-id-nvme-CT1000P3PSSD8_2321E6DA4CB3/Compose/Portainer/Portainer.env' --env-file '/srv/dev-disk-by-id-nvme-CT1000P3PSSD8_2321E6DA4CB3/Compose/global.env' config 2>&1': Define and run multi-container applications with Docker.

    You don't have the docker repo enabled. So, your system is getting docker from the debian repo which means old versions. Make sure the docker checkbox is checked in omv-extras and click the apt clean button. Then run: sudo omv-salt deploy run compose or make any small change in a compose file (add a comment of something).

    all working now thanks, can't believe i forgot to tick that box. how did you know it was that Reycoaaron? trying to learn and not just get the answers/

    I used the example for portainer and got this error? new install of omv also