Beiträge von Gonsan77

    You have an DNS issue. Either switch from static IP to DHCP or add a DNS server in the network settings in the GUI of OMV.

    BTW would better to post the output in English, You can do that by putting LANG=C in front of the command.

    Thank you for your response. I just added my DNS, and now I've run 'apt update', it's displaying this (sorry for the output in French)

    Hello everyone, I'm a beginner in the field. I've been facing an error since yesterday. I requested a full stack IPv4 from my router, and since then, my Plex Media Server is not working. When I try 'apt update,' it displays the following error:

    I did some research and came across this

    wget http://packages.openmediavault…t-keyring_1.0.2-2_all.deb

    sudo dpkg -i openmediavault-keyring_1.0.2-2_all.deb

    sudo apt-get update

    But still no luck

    Thank you for your help.