Beiträge von Niemand

    No disrespect... but you could have summed this up with..
    Why I don't like docker: I'm misinformed.

    None of what you said there is accurate (with some of it outright outlandish). It took me a while to finally decide to give docker a try... now that I have... It's my go to to add just about any feature to my NAS.

    No I gave docker for a few times a try. Two times I needed to reinstall OMV since some Background Docker Processes consumed a lot CPU power without any container running and some other times I lost some data. And since my main server is running with Proxmox and Docker can't run without workarounds on Proxmox and since LXC are easy to install and everything, my way to go is with LXC. OMV is just used as fileserver and as the only service running I'm using Plex, because both servers have the same Octacore CPU.

    @ryecoaaron: In Plex I have the info "a new version is available". But in the update window of OMV no Plex-update can be seen. How can I update it?

    why I don't like docker: too much overhead, too much potential of data loss, too less separation from the host, too many possibilities to loose data and crash the whole system. I like LXC.
    May you write a guide to keep plex up to date on our own?

    I got the same problem. My folder is located on a ZFS Pool "/Tank/Urbackup/Urbackup". Both Urbackup-Folders are owned by urbackup. But still no access. What can I do?


    I got a ZFS-Pool and my disks spindown after 10 minutes without usage. I set this up before with hd-idle when I used snapraid + mergerfs. But now I would like to set it to 30 minuts, but even if I comment the line in /etc/default/hd-idle out, the disks are send to spindown after 10 minutes.
    Since ZFS sets for every drive the same UUID, should I use this UUID once?

    edit: nope, with this UUID the disks are still going down after 10 minutes...


    Since Ubuntu 18.04 and Debian 9 stopped the driver support in the new Kernel 4.16 I wanted to ask you how the driver support of OMV is for this great and fast card?
    I'm using two of these cards and I would hate to move to FreeBSD-Software to use them further.

    regarding to cat /proc/cpuinfo svm is working and the kvm modprobe is loaded.

    Edit: I changed a HDD in my mergerfs-pool, too. Maybe this is the problem? The permissions should be correct (vbox and vboxusers). But even if I create a new shared folder I get this error.


    I upgraded my A4-4000 to an A10-6800k and now I get this error:

    VirtualBox error: rc=0x80070005 The object functionality is limited (0x80070005)


    Fehler #0:SoapFault exception: [SOAP-ENV:Client] VirtualBox error: rc=0x80070005 The object functionality is limited (0x80070005) in /usr/share/phpvirtualbox/endpoints/lib/vboxServiceWrappers.php:2728Stack trace:#0 /usr/share/phpvirtualbox/endpoints/lib/vboxServiceWrappers.php(2728): SoapClient->__soapCall('IMachine_getNam...', Array)#1 /usr/share/phpvirtualbox/endpoints/lib/vboxServiceWrappers.php(54): IMachine->getName()#2 /usr/share/openmediavault/engined/rpc/ VBox_ManagedObject->__get('name')#3 [internal function]: OMV\Engined\Rpc\VirtualBox->getMachines(Array, Array)#4 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ call_user_func_array(Array, Array)#5 /usr/share/php/openmediavault/rpc/ OMV\Rpc\ServiceAbstract->callMethod('getMachines', Array, Array)#6 /usr/sbin/omv-engined(536): OMV\Rpc\Rpc::call('VirtualBox', 'getMachines', Array, Array, 1)#7 {main}

    sudo service virtualbox status
    ● virtualbox.service - LSB: VirtualBox Linux kernel module
       Loaded: loaded (/etc/init.d/virtualbox)
       Active: active (exited) since Sa 2017-10-28 14:35:41 CEST; 3min 3s ago
    Okt 28 14:35:41 Fileserver virtualbox[14079]: Loading VirtualBox kernel modules... vboxdrv vboxnetflt vboxnetadp vboxpci.
    Okt 28 14:35:41 Fileserver systemd[1]: Started LSB: VirtualBox Linux kernel module.

    Andy ideas?

    I deinstalled Plex and tried to reinstall it. But now I get

    edit: rm -rf /var/lib/plexmediaserver/ and then installation solved the problem

    yesterday I updates Plex to 1.92 and since then I can't access to it anymore. The service is running without error and I reinstalled it. But nothing. Any help? ;(
    Edit: I mean, the Webgui works but the server doesn't connect to it or anything else


    actually I got a mergerfs-pool made out of some 3.5" drives. In futurue I'll go with 2.5" drives and ZFS (without ECC; I know...) Is it possible to insert the ZFS-Pool into mergerfs as well? Or should I stay with mergerfs+snapraid?
    Since it got 10GBe now, I want to use my OMV-Fileserver as my mainstorage for _everything_. I want to store software and games from my client on it. Backups will be made offsite and the important stuff on a second server as well.
    I just want to minimalize the bottleneck. In future even video-editing should be performed on the Fileserver-Disks.
    ZFS has the nice option to add some SSDs as a Cache; sadly mergerfs doesn't support this.

    Update: I was curious what happens if I connect Win10 with OMV instead of Proxmox and OMV.
    With Win10 I got ~330mb/s read/write. That's a huge difference! That is, what I've expected.

    But why doesn't Linux<->Linux work?
    I used MC for copying. The Proxmox has ZFS RaidZ1 with 3 Disks. this should be fast enough.
    The only thing I changed was the MTU: 9000 instead of 1500. But this should not have such a huge effect?

    the real-damn-needed-data is backuped on another Server, at my brothers Server, in a cloud (encrypted) and at my mothers NAS ;)
    Mediafiles only needs to be "secured" by snapraid or something like Raid6. But I won't make a full backup of them.

    When will Raid6 in btrfs be fixed?

    the kernel is the newest in OMV.

    Raid0 is not an option because I like my data and raid1 is not an option because I would run out of space.
    I got 4*3TB, and a 1.5TB and a 2TB drive and ~10TB of data. this won't fit on raid1.

    direct_io is already activated.
    hmm a loss of 50% disk capacity is not an option. But Btrfs sounds nice - is something like Raid6 possible?
    But if I read one file, all Disks have to be running, right?


    I got a AMD-Fileserver with enough CPU-Power and 16GB RAM.
    My HDD are some 3TB, 2TB and 1.5TB in mergerfs and snapraid. Everything works fine, but the speed over 1Gbit-LAN was too slow for me. Now I installed a 10GBe and first tested it with MTU=1500. iperf says somethin about 9Gbit/s what is pretty nice, but the Filetransfer between my two server (the other one is a Opteron 3280 with Proxmox and ZFS-RAIDZ1--> fast enough) is not really faster than 1Gbit (120MB/s max; 85MB/s average).
    I think the problem is mergerfs, because every disk is read/write on its own.
    Is there any chance of improving of mergerfs-speed? SSD-Cache or something like that? ZFS/BTRFS/RAID6 on my OMV-Server is not a real option because it doesn't support ECC and I'm using different disk sizes.
    Any ideas?