Beiträge von donh

    Glad you got it sorted out.

    A hosts file is used by the os to resolve names to ip address's. Checks this before using dns. On most linux flavors it is at /etc/ hosts. It is just a plain text file. OMV may manipulate this file so read it before editing it. On windows at least before 11 it is available. But be careful to use a text editor that does not add an extension or use fancy fonts etc. Google can give you the path.


    Power off the vm. Go to Hardware and resize the disk. Boot into a live cd and expand the partition. Boot again and you should see the added space.

    You can also run apt autoremove --purge to remove old kernels and no longer needed packages.

    If you have not done so lately run autoremove --purge. It will get rid of old kernels and other no longer needed packages. Should give you enough space to login and do other things.

    I am not against the OMV way. Proxmox is the way I have been running OMV since version 2 or 3. So it is just more comfortable for me. If it aint broke don' fix it.

    ESX is no longer free so that is out.

    There are advantages to either way it all depends on your case what is best. I prefer OMV as a vm but I am not using docker etc. I don't know if you can run those on a OMV vm. I tend to like my vm's sort of stand alone so if one thing causes problems it only effects that vm. And it is easy to restore a snap shot. Another thing I like is the much larger support community of proxmox. That is not to knock us here just the numbers.

    Good luck whatever you choose.

    Can you hookup a monitor or hdmi screen to see the messages when it stops? Maybe the ip has changed and it is just on a different ip. If no monitor search for listing all ip's on your network.

    Good luck

    I tried to use only sssd but never got it to work without winbind. You are welcome to try again. As for the loss of connection to AD it seems to happen after some updates for me. I have not been able to tell which ones so the script is just what I figured out by trial and error. There is probably a better way to do it but this works for me so I shared it. It may be something about expired kerberos tickets but I don't know how to test it.

    The dual domains may well be due to using both sssd and winbind. I would rather use only sssd but never got it to work that way. You might try again as there might have been updates to sssd that make it work. I wont have time to look at it any time soon. I did have it working without winbind on an older version of OMV. Look through some of my older threads.

    Good luck

    Welcome to the forum. I like and use proxmox but it is a very advanced way to do things. It can be amazing and complicated. Depends what your ultimate goal is. You might be better off using OMV as your main system and running containers from there. It might be easier to get answers on this forum that way. It should work either way. I would bet somebody is doing similar to what you are trying and will follow.

    USB drives can be very tricky to deal with.

    Good luck

    How will I know when the motherboard starts to give out?

    Any thoughts on this stuff?

    You will be the one to know if it doesn't meet your needs or uses too much electricity. If it is just basic things and it works, keep it. If you use it to trans code video or such hard core work you will know.

    The easy way to see it is

    root@omvad3:~# df -h

    Filesystem Size Used Avail Use% Mounted on

    udev 1.9G 0 1.9G 0% /dev

    tmpfs 393M 2.6M 390M 1% /run

    /dev/vda1 12G 7.7G 3.5G 69% /

    . Looks a little nicer than that and shows more disks. You could probably write a script to do it daily and make you a graph.

    You could also install "librenms". It does give many nice graphs for whatever you setup in it. Should be able to run on OMV. Nagios and probably others can do that too.