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    1. ORICO MetaBox Pro HS500

      • somiarun
    2. Antworten
    1. USBbackup question (vs rsync)

      • duojet
    2. Antworten
    1. ORICO MetaBox Pro (HS500) 23

      • Magendanz
    2. Antworten
    3. somiarun

    1. After uprade 6.x to 7x i dont see any Filesystem and disks 2

      • Tuxlama
    2. Antworten
    3. Tuxlama

    1. System keeps crashing. 52

      • F1240
    2. Antworten
    3. BernH

Letzte Aktivitäten

  • somiarun

    Hat das Thema ORICO MetaBox Pro HS500 gestartet.
    Hello OMV team

    Has anyone else been able to install OMV on Orico NAS HS500. There was a post that suggested it possible to install OMV on this NAS. So far i have been able to open the NAs and also connect HDMI and USB

    One post suggested - the NAs has…
  • duojet

    Hat das Thema USBbackup question (vs rsync) gestartet.
    I have a question mainly about USB backup:

    Is usb backup 'syncing' or just copying? In other words, will it mirror the folder just like rsync or just copy. If a subfolder in the source folder was deleted, will USB Backup also delete the corresponding…
  • somiarun

    Hat eine Antwort im Thema ORICO MetaBox Pro (HS500) verfasst.
    @Magendanz @marquim

    Ping - sorry a noob at this, can you please help - how do i get into the boot menu . I have the HS 500 and i cant seem to be able to get into Bios as you mentioned Magendanz

    Can you pelase advise steps - i can connect a monitor and usb…
  • Tuxlama

    Hat eine Antwort im Thema
    • OMV 7.x
    • Upgrade 6.x -> 7.x
    After uprade 6.x to 7x i dont see any Filesystem and disks verfasst.
    (Quelltext, 38 Zeilen)

  • BernH

    Hat eine Antwort im Thema System keeps crashing. verfasst.

    PUID and PGID is the numeric identifiers associated with the user account and group that the user belongs to. These can be found on the OMV user page by displaying the UID and GID columns. As a note though, PUID and PGID are not always available in…
  • F1240

    Hat mit Danke auf den Beitrag von BernH im Thema System keeps crashing. reagiert.
    Reaktion (Beitrag)
    You are quite welcome. Now are you ready for Chapter 1 of a docker setup?

    Give the following instruction a whirl, and question as you need.
  • F1240

    Hat mit Danke auf den Beitrag von BernH im Thema System keeps crashing. reagiert.
    Reaktion (Beitrag)
    Docker is a containerized application deployment mechanism. It builds you applications in layers, consisting of an image, a container, and user data.

    The image is the base part of the container that you can not modify, which essentially holds anything…
  • F1240

    Hat mit Danke auf den Beitrag von BernH im Thema System keeps crashing. reagiert.
    Reaktion (Beitrag)
    With all of that in mind, let's start setting up docker. Some of this may be easier if you have 2 open browser tabs connected to the omv GUI, as we will often have one page we will be editing, but need to copy information from another.

    First, if you…
  • F1240

    Hat mit Danke auf den Beitrag von BernH im Thema System keeps crashing. reagiert.
    Reaktion (Beitrag)
    To install a container, we now head to the Files section of the Compose plugin.

    In here we create compose files along the structure I have outlined above.

    The plus button above lets you add a file in several ways, but lets start with adding jellyfin from…
  • F1240

    Hat mit Danke auf den Beitrag von BernH im Thema System keeps crashing. reagiert.
    Reaktion (Beitrag)
    You can now log into the container by using the ip of your server and port numer in a web browser. (ie., and set up the media libraries and users as you desire.

    I am going to stop here for now, as that might be a bit for you to…