Data disk is read only

  • Hello,
    suddenly my OMV stopped working.
    I logged in the WebGUI and found that the drive is almost full.
    Because i had no idea why, i decided to delete a folder via console.
    Then i got the message the file system is read only.
    My data drive is formated as btrfs and has some shared folders on it.

    What can i do?

  • I would use a tool like Winscp (assuming you have a windows client) to access your OMV box with root credentials and see if you can do something with your files that way. For Linux you need to find a similar tool

  • Thanks, i tried that before.

    I can look into the files an folders, but get slow response and errors when i try to delete things.
    Probably because of the read only thing.

    Via console there is a error mesage that says "cant delete, read only file system".

    Any more ideas?

  • unmount the drives and run fsck on them. Then reboot.

    Or you can try this command as root, then reboot:

    touch /forcefsck

    Google is your friend and Bob's your uncle!

    OMV AMD64 7.x on headless Chenbro NR12000 1U 1x 8m Quad Core E3-1220 3.1GHz 32GB ECC RAM.

  • How can i manage to to that?

    If you have shares on your filesystem you need to remove them first I think. And you should take a look at this topic:


    Maybe there is something in it for you.

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