Any fail on last image of raspberry pi3 OMV? No install

  • Hello good night,
    I've been trying to install OMV 4 on my raspberry pi 3 for 3 days, I've tried several installation methods, always under the image that you provide:IMAGE
    (Linux) Burn the image with etcher.
    (Win) Burn the image with etcher.
    (Win) Burn the image with win32 image writer.
    I have tried to record the image in the microsd:
    2Old Micro SD eb-flash, HC, 4gb FLASH
    And I always get the following errors, I've been looking and nobody comes up with anything like it, that is possible to fail.
    I hope your answer.
    A greeting and thanks in advance.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Is it connected to wired internet? Did you wait 30 minutes for the system to be ready?

    omv 7.1.0-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.7 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Is it connected to wired internet? Did you wait 30 minutes for the system to be ready?

    I have tried connecting it directly to the router and other times to an electrical tplink.
    I've been up all night without touching anything of the raspberry but I keep getting the same message.
    I do not know what else to do.
    I think it's a problem of writing the sd but I can not figure out what's wrong, it's very strange to me.
    A greeting and thanks in advance.

  • Care to explain what the problem is? Other than you connecting a display and being scared by messages you can't interpret?

    What is not working?

    If you follow closely the readme you simply let the RPi connect to the network, wait until installation finishes and the board reboots, then OMV is up and running.

    Messages about failed service at first boot are normal (simply switch off your display or do not even connect one -- it's unnecessary anyway since OMV is a headless system being administered through the network. There's nothing you can or even should do locally). Some messages about proprietary RPi crap (like VCHI) are normal all the time.

    If you want to get rid off messages you don't understand ('FAILED TO OPEN VCHI SERVICES' in capital letters?!) you need to edit /boot/config.txt and adjust GPU memory. This way the irrelevant vchi messages disappears and your RPi has less memory for Linux (this 'GPU memory' adjustment defines how much memory Linux is able to use and how much the primary OS on any RPi: that's a closed source RTOS called ThreadX needed for all sorts of proprietary multimedia stuff you don't need on a NAS)

  • Hello, thank you very much for your answer,
    I have been reporting and understand the error messages, including some things at the beginning of the installation, in fact I prefer to know that I can not access.
    What I do not understand, is that because after trying to burn the image by active and passive in several SD, in different OS, waiting for nights to "finish installing" still can not enter OMV.
    As you can see in the attached images, the problem lies in the non-initiation of the nginx web server. Possibly because the image downloaded is wrong or because of the burning of it.
    He tried trying to enter by ssh, with the only active user "root", but as the documentation says

    "SSH keys are regenerated on first boot but SSH login has to be enabled in web UI prior to usage

    so I connected a screen and show me that when trying to access the user, to change the key, when the change I missed an error, tty1, so I can not access any of the machine.
    Other OS, like raspbian and hypriot work perfectly.
    I'm very sorry about the capitals.
    A greeting and thanks in advance.

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Any idea?
    Anyone has the old images from raspberry pi 3.

    While I didn't keep any, I don't think old images are going to solve you problem. I have used the new image quite a few times now and haven't had an issue. I guess you could install OMV on raspbian since it works for you.

    omv 7.1.0-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.7 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • I have exactly the same problem... I tried absolutly everything, I have same error and same problems with bluetooth etc...
    Please help me :(
    It could be the SD card ? I use a Kingston 16gb

    2 Mal editiert, zuletzt von jojos38 ()

  • I have same error and same problems with bluetooth etc...

    Which 'problems with bluetooth'?! OMV doesn't make use of BT, there's a service enabled by accident that throws a warning and people start to panic?

    The 'problem with bluetooth' might be gone once you execute

    sudo systemctl disable tinker-bluetooth
  • Which 'problems with bluetooth'?! OMV doesn't make use of BT, there's a service enabled by accident that throws a warning and people start to panic?
    The 'problem with bluetooth' might be gone once you execute

    sudo systemctl disable tinker-bluetooth

    Ok but the main problem is that is tell me
    Failed to start A High peformance web server and a reverse proxy server.
    See 'systemctl status nginx.service' for details.

    I can't enter any command because it ask me the raspberry login. :/ Everytime I login it show me the ip and some code and then it ask me login again

    When it give me IP I try to connect it tell me connection denied check your proxy settings (ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED)

    I managed to make it work :

    Here how to fix the problem for those who have the same problem

    - First start the raspberry and let him configure and reboot

    - Then once it started, connect with user root and password openmediavault and set a new password

    - Run the command sudo reboot and wait for reboot

    - Once it rebooted run the commands

    sudo /etc/network/interfaces

    and add this line at the end : dns-nameservers

    - Run command sudo reboot

    - After reboot run the command omv-firstaid and go to Configure network interface

    - Click ok, ok... do not change anything

    - Once it's finished open the omv-firstaid again and select configure web control panel, keep the port 80 and select ok

    Now go to your web browser and try to connect with the provided IP when starting just type it in the url bar (most of the time 192.168.1.***)
    If it doesn't try but by adding :80 at the endd (for exemple

    8 Mal editiert, zuletzt von jojos38 ()

  • I had this same problem. It has to do with the IPV6 setting not being recognized. I believe the file is /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/openmediavault-webgui.

    comment out the second to last line >
    # listen [::]:80 ipv6only=off;

    then reboot or restart nginx-service. After that, it worked for me.

  • Hi,

    BUG 1 [IPV6] the problem about nginx is not about how to flash, os version hardware or any silly stuff.
    Reading the message is explicit: no such adress familly is typical of IPV6 not available.
    find /etc/nginx |grep listen and you'll find some listen on ipv6.
    replace those listen line with listen 80; and it'll work.

    BUG 2 [admin login] before that you need to login, unfortunately, admin can't login because of missing home dir!!!!
    thanksfully, root login (very bad) is available with admin default password.

    BUG 3 [ask to change pwd before setting up kbd] when login in, it asks to change the password. How do I do that with a non US keyboard!!!! crap!
    used basic letters; worked.

    BUG4 [no alternative kbd available] (loadkey fr: no such keymap)

    BUG5 [no fuse] from web interface, tried to mount a ntfs disk. Failed: Failed to execute command 'export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/local/sbin; export LANG=C.UTF-8; mount -v --source '/dev/disk/by-label/My\x20Passport' 2>&1' with exit code '21': modprobe: ERROR: ../libkmod/libkmod.c:586 kmod_search_moddep() could not open moddep file '/lib/modules/4.9.80-v7+/modules.dep.bin'modprobe: FATAL: Module fuse not found in directory /lib/modules/4.9.80-v7+ntfs-3g-mount: fuse device is missing, try 'modprobe fuse' as root.
    then I wanted to connect via ssh: fail for admin (no home), root: disabled. crap!

    BUG6: web ui fails to restart ssh.

    BUG7: tried many plugins and had buch of stupid errors (missing stuffs (deps problems)...

    That is far far far from being an out of the box NAS solution. and the gui fro flashing? it is even enable to resise the root partition to the full flash size and takes ages! dd is so much faster! (to verify: diff /dev/mmcblk0 flash.img)

    1/ As a sumup
    - if ipv6 is missing: nginx fails to start. so nothing can be done without a screen and kbd
    - ip is not displayed until you login. why?
    - can't login admin in the console because of missing homedir
    - fuse missing / not confiogured
    - missing non us keymap in image. (even initrd on major distro includes that)

    2/ I wanted to replace my buffallo link station LS410D for a more open solution, but unfortunately omv is FAR from being usable. The idea and project is wonderfull, but I wonder if a single component has been tested. honestly, login on console as admin?

    OMV_4_Raspberry_Pi_2_3_3Plus.img.xz (I know it's not the stable version, but I expected a beta. What I saw is not even alpha. Sorry)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    That is far far far from being an out of the box NAS solution.

    And yet OMV works for (literally) tens of thousands of users and small companies who don't have problems with it.
    What do you think that means?

    OMV_4_Raspberry_Pi_2_3_3Plus.img.xz (I know it's not the stable version, but I expected a beta. What I saw is not even alpha. Sorry)

    If looking for a reason for issues,,, we're getting starting to get warm here...
    But, even when running an R-PI; with a good power supply, a good quality SD-card, and a bit of attention to detail when setting it up, OMV will run on it. I've been running OMV4 on an R-PI 2B without issues.

  • So much garbage in threads.... do you really think a good power supply will fix IPV6 issue in nginx config?
    do you think a good sdcard will fix issue of lack of home for admin?


    I'v googled a lot for the nginx issue and found only irrelevant answers like yours about try waiting 30 minutes (magic is in the air), rebooting (like windows solution to any problem), sdcard quality(I have samsung high end, and again,quality issues are not about ip, but about FS errors or at most timeouts or race conditions, not about IP v6 issue: waste reading). Good poser suply, lol. either the card works or not. if its about disk, either it works or it shuts dow due to lack of power (and again: none of issues I've reported can be related to power) ,

    It works for tousand of people who use the V3 on intel PC, that doesn't excuse the fact that basic stuffs are not tested.
    Loads the OMV_4_Raspberry_Pi_2_3_3Plus.img.xz and try the following
    - login as admin on the console => Fail
    - have nginx started on a network that doesn't provide ipv6 adressing => fail
    - plug an ntfs drive => fail.

    And at last, the bonus: posting to this forum gave me this from Firefox: 64.0.2 (thanks fully the message got posted, and thus the original poster may find usefull to know that the issue is related to ipv6)

    Fatal error: An error occured. Sorry.

    ID: 0fc7a94bc45e7a80b34475668c4042c03df6220f
    Please send the ID above to the site administrator.
    The error message can be looked up at “ACP » Logs » Errors”.

  • Also got from forum:
    Error Message

    The server encountered an unresolvable problem, please try again later.
    Exception ID: 94a6babfdcb9c7b84aa1c095e8ff5250e1091bfaError Message
    The server encountered an unresolvable problem, please try again later.

    And for the OMV, from webui, disabling and re-eanbling sshd fails and asking for reboot (from web interface) gave me a GRURU MEDITATION. Cool, we have Amiga nostalgic fans.

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von olahaye74 () aus folgendem Grund: double post due to error message. replaced with more infos.

  • It is also irrelevant to the fuse problem.

    You still should read more and write less. If you would've followed the instructions (let the image update itself on first boot) instead of developing funny theories and reporting 'bugs' you could save yourself a lot of time. Last answer by me since obviously just a waste of time.

    • Offizieller Beitrag


    I'v googled a lot for the nginx issue and found only irrelevant answers like yours about try waiting 30 minutes (magic is in the air), rebooting (like windows solution to any problem), sdcard quality(I have samsung high end, and again,quality issues are not about ip, but about FS errors or at most timeouts or race conditions, not about IP v6 issue:

    First and foremost IPv6 is way under developed in most software app's, on nearly any OS.
    Setting that aside, your post what could only be described as an extended rant, complaining about free software and you expect to get support? Seriously?

    As a suggestion, since it's so flawed (in your mind), don't use OMV. Maybe you should stick with the buffallo chip link station since it seems to work for you.

    Last answer by me since obviously just a waste of time.

    While I like to think I'm the patient type, we're in 100% agreement here.

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