i installed Owncloud-plugin and I can access Owncloud from the LAN.
I also entered the public domain in the config.php but when I try to access Owncloud from the WAN, I get the "Untrusted-Domain"-Error Message.
Owncloud Runs on Port 8443 in the LAN and it is published on Port 443 to the WAN. (NAT/PAT configured at the router)
I added following lines to config.php:
0 => '',
1 => 'xxx.de:443',
2 => '',
(The third address is for OpenVPN but the VPN isn't yet configured)
After adding the lines I executed "service nginx restart".
Is there anything else to do?
By the way:
In the first try I added the domain-name in the hosts-file and after starting the plugin over OMW the config-files are generated with the fqdn in the array.
But after the first execution (the autoconf.php disappears) only the local ip-adress stays in the config.php and all other lines (domain and vpn-ip) are gone.
Thanks for you help