My OMV Build [SERVER + VM + NAS]

  • [Notes]
    these are some notes which are leanred from previous build

    • I abandon idea running KVM on OMV, instead running OMV on KVM (Proxmox)
      Because there is no fancy web interface for KVM (I tried webvirtmgr, kimchi, ..)
      I don't like ESXI since it is hardware dependent, fancy stuff is not free and it is proprietary so I cannot change anything
      I think that Proxmox is best for home user in managing VM snapshot, creating VM and Sharing VM with other people
    • linux raid + omv-rsnapshot -> omv-zfs
      zfs is little more safer becuase it handle bitrot
      zfs gives more flexibility for me than raid since I can expand pool
      Also chnaging non ECC RAM to ECC RAM add more safer
    • abandon L version(low-power) cpu, don't use if your computer is almost in idle


    • MSI C236M - 100$, skylake, C236M, xeon board, ECC
    • D2607-A11 - 40$, HBA chip that can be crossflashed to 9211-8i (cheapest I can find)

      • but I don't assign this card for VM, currently there is bug in zfs on linux that cannot handle hard disk spin down
        So, I use HBA card for VM host, and passthrough intel sata controller to VM(OMV)
    • E3-1245 V5 - 370$
    • DDR4 32GB ECC - 230$

    total 740$

    sell previous system

    • 35$ for mainboard
    • 240$ for cpu
    • 120$ for ddr3 memory (for 24GB)

    total 395$

    skylake saves 10W but HBA chip draw 10W, so power is 40W same as previous system
    so, pay for 345$ for Increasing 1Ghz Base Cpu frequency , DDR4 ECC, HBA, +8GB


    • omv-zfs
    • omv-letsencrypt + omv-nginx + ddclient (these are my recommended combination)
    • omv-openvpn
    • zfs-auto-snapshot for daily snapshot


    • windows desktop (intel intergrated gpu passthroug) based on proxmox
      so, it act as windows desktop also omv fileserver, without additional external gpu
    • file server (ZFS, daily snapshot) based on OMV
    • irc server (thelounge) based on OMV
    • tvheadend (tv recording) based on OMV
      tvheadend autorecording rocks
    • plex server with chromecast

    OMV3 on Proxmox
    Intel E3-1245 v5 | 32GB ECC RAM | 4x3TB RAID10 HDD
    omv-zfs | omv-nginx | omv-letsencrypt | omv-openvpn
    Click link for more details

    8 Mal editiert, zuletzt von luxflow ()

  • I don't what you want to do with that machine. what you curious about
    so I cannot give you detail, I used very short time of ESXI
    for me PROXMOX is more convinent than ESXI
    but there is no gui setup for pcie passthrough, there is wiki for that

    Below is my opinion for OMV on Proxmox

    if you want to run NAS and data should be kept very safely
    I recommend ECC memory

    if you use ZFS
    do not use virtio disk (neither entire disk nor disk image)
    why? because ZFS need direct access to hdd disk so as I know it is not 100% safe method due to zfs cache policy
    best method is passthorugh entire PCIe HBA controller such as 9211-8i
    I cannot confirm about SATA multiplier

    if you don't use ZFS
    for example, you use sw raid
    as I know, it is safe to use entire disk passthrough

    you can also passthrough GPU
    so you can make windows desktop (can play 3d game)

    OMV3 on Proxmox
    Intel E3-1245 v5 | 32GB ECC RAM | 4x3TB RAID10 HDD
    omv-zfs | omv-nginx | omv-letsencrypt | omv-openvpn
    Click link for more details

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von luxflow ()

  • My plan is just to run OMV running Plex, UnionFS, 2 USB external 4 Disk Hard drive enclosures (Stores all the media) ZFS is not an option in my opinion mostly because i don't have enough experience with it.

    I currently have DL380 G6 with Dual Xeon 5520's running 96 GB ECC ram and 2 300 GB HDD. The system does have 2 250GB SSD and 1 500 SSD but I haven't figure out how to get that added to the system. As I said the 2 External 4 disk enclosures (16TB) will be with connected via USB and they already store all the media from my other OMV system.

    I don't know enough about the other options in OMV to be able to make a educated decision.

    I think it will works but I didn't tried with USB connected drive

    if you use UnionFS, try snapraid for redundancy
    and try omv-rsnapshot, to take periodically snapshot. so when something is wrong (that means you delete something wrong, get virus in your hdd) you can restore since it is snapshot and not backup it dosen't require hdd space unless you write many things after snapshot was taken (hard link)

    OMV3 on Proxmox
    Intel E3-1245 v5 | 32GB ECC RAM | 4x3TB RAID10 HDD
    omv-zfs | omv-nginx | omv-letsencrypt | omv-openvpn
    Click link for more details

    Einmal editiert, zuletzt von luxflow ()

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    The system does have 2 250GB SSD and 1 500 SSD but I haven't figure out how to get that added to the system

    Add them each as their own raid 0 array (one drive unless you want to raid them) in the raid controller interface.

    omv 7.4.6-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.3 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8 plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • yes, there is no gui for disk passthrough in proxmox, but it is quite easy to add
    for raid, proxmox dosen't support officially sw raid or fake raid(intel raid, cheap raid controller)
    but you can use that raid by installing `mdadm`

    OMV3 on Proxmox
    Intel E3-1245 v5 | 32GB ECC RAM | 4x3TB RAID10 HDD
    omv-zfs | omv-nginx | omv-letsencrypt | omv-openvpn
    Click link for more details

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