Since i updated OMV to 4.0 (4.0.5-1 exactly), i can't connect to mysql with mywebsql ("database connection failed to the server"), but in shell with "mysql -u root -p", it's working.
So i've tried to uninstall all the Mysql components :
QuoteDisplay Moredpkg -l | grep -i mysql
mkdir -p /var/lib/mywebsql
apt-get remove --purge mysql\*
apt-get clean
rm -R /var/lib/mysql
rm -R /etc/mysql
dpkg -l | grep -i mysql
And then reinstall the plugin with the OMV WebGUI, but no result.
I think that the "Reset password" in the OMV webgui not work because in "/etc/mysql/debian.cnf" the root password is always empty.
My config is default : / 3306.
Any idea ?