Mapping OMV Shared Folders on a Windows 11 PC

  • I have installed OMV 7 on a Raspberry Pi 5 and everything seems OK.

    I have created several Shared Folders inside OMV and I am now trying to display some of these folder pn my Windows 11 PC Home Screen.

    1. In File Manager, Iopened My PC, clicked on the three dots and chose Map a Network Drive

    2. I chose a drive letter and then, next to Folder, I selected Browse

    3. In the drop-down window I see My Windows Computer and the Raspberry Pi displayed

    4. I then select the Pi and I am presented with another drop-down window asking me to Enter Network Credntials for the RaspberryPi.

    It is here that I run into a brick wall. Should I

    1. Enter logging-in details set up for accessing the Raspberry Pi

    2. Should I enter logging-in details for the OMV

    Naturally I tried both but neither worked :(

    Can anyone offer advice to a newbie? How do I proceed?

    Thank you

    Sytem: Raspberry Pi 5 running off NVMe memory added via the PCIe slot and with a 1 TB external USB 3.0 NVMe drive.. The OS is Pi 64 bit Lite and I have the latest OMV installed. I am using this setup mainly as a hobby but also as a media server. I am very new to OMV

  • Sorry for the delay in replying. I have suffered seruois eye problems and I am only just geeting back again.

    Many thanks for the help and clear explanation. I will follow your advice :thumbup:

    Sytem: Raspberry Pi 5 running off NVMe memory added via the PCIe slot and with a 1 TB external USB 3.0 NVMe drive.. The OS is Pi 64 bit Lite and I have the latest OMV installed. I am using this setup mainly as a hobby but also as a media server. I am very new to OMV

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