[How to] Install OMV on Pogoplug Classic (POGO-E02)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    I don't think you need to reinstall the system. Maybe just OMV?? Before you do that, it would interesting to see your openmediavault-webgui_access.log and openmediavault-webgui_error.log in /var/log/apache2/.

    The USB key might also be the problem. I am using a usb hard disk. What is the output of df?

    Now that I look again, there shouldn't be an entry for omv-plugins on your system because I don't think you installed the omv-plugins.org plugin, did you? How about your output from dpkg-query --list openmediavault-*?

    omv 7.0.5-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.4

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Output from df:
    root@OpenMediaVault:~# df
    Filesystem 1K-blocks Used Available Use% Mounted on
    rootfs 1629320 710180 836372 46% /
    none 124864 32 124832 1% /dev
    /dev/sda1 1629320 710180 836372 46% /
    tmpfs 127836 12 127824 1% /lib/init/rw
    tmpfs 127836 0 127836 0% /dev/shm
    tmpfs 127836 0 127836 0% /tmp

    contents of openmediavault-webgui_error.log:
    [Tue Jan 01 23:48:11 2013] [error] [client] File does not exist: /var/www/openmediavault/Belarc.html
    [Thu Jan 03 10:14:49 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/functions.inc on line 279, referer:
    [Thu Jan 03 10:16:46 2013] [warn] [client] mod_fcgid: stderr: PHP Fatal error: Maximum execution time of 30 seconds exceeded in /usr/share/php/openmediavault/functions.inc on line 281, referer:

    contents of openmediavault-webgui_access.log is attached (compressed .gz).

    Output from the dpkg-query command looked like this:
    root@OpenMediaVault:~# dpkg-query --list openmediavault-*
    No packages found matching openmediavault-*.

    I am not really familiar with the command. Is there a typo in the command line?

    Hope this helps,

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Well, your drive isn't full. I don't see anything in your log files that is a problem. You don't have any plugins installed so they aren't causing the problem. dpkg-query just shows packages (including plugins) installed. I thought you would have openmediavault-keyring installed but not having it installed probably isn't causing a problem.

    So, I am thinking it might be your usb stick causing the problem :(

    omv 7.0.5-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.4

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Can anyone help me in german please?

    Ich habe das openmediavault auf der pogoplug installiert bekommen (trotz dem "Ich-habe-keine-Ahnung-von-linux"-syndrom)
    Ich hab die Installation mehrfach angestartet, bis es auf einmal lief. Bei den ersten versuchen brach die Installation an unterschiedlichen stellen ab.
    Jetzt läuft das System, allerdings in der Version 0.39.
    In der Gui bin ich schon auf aktualisieren gegangen, leider ohne Erfolg. Was muss ich denn tun um die Version 0.41 zu bekommen?
    Meine 2. Frage: Wie kann ich denn einen dnla-server installieren?
    Die Apps, die bei der original Software dabei waren, waren für meine Frau und Tochter recht einfach zu bedienen und die Syncronisierung Ihrer Bilder fanden sie "wichtig". Gibt es da etwas vergleichbares (Haben beide android-handys).

  • hast du dns server gemacht?

    in omv webgui

    system/network/dns server

    primay=deine ip vom Router

    SerErris und Solo0815 spricht Deutsch. Ich verstehe dich aber ich kann auf Deutsch nicht antworten. Ich spreche nur wenig Deutsch.

    OMv gibt eine Plugin fuer Minidlna (dlna server). Du kannst auch Plex installieren. Erst, Du sollst .4 upgrade machen. Du brauchst SerErris odor Solo0815.
    Tut mir leid.

  • Hello
    I've Upgrade to
    Where can i find the plugin minidlna for omv?
    There are only a few plugins in the webgui.
    Only an antivir-prog, an itunes plug, an lvm and two other progs.
    Is there an other place to view?

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Not all the plugins have been ported to ARM.

    omv 7.0.5-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.4

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    Pogo is armel.

    omv 7.0.5-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.4

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Hi hoggle,

    if a missing GUI is no problem for you, just install minidlna by hand
    HERE you'll find a german HOWTO with the needed information.
    As there are not much configuration options for minidlna a GUI interface is not really needed.

    Best Rgerds


    edit: another way is to install by apt-get

  • Hi ranX,

    your HERE-link above leads to a 404 - Not found ... In any case, there is also something in English here, as I pointed out in this post.

    Anyway, if you could fix your link, that would be great!



    • Offizieller Beitrag

    If you want to install minidlna with working OMV plugin on the plug, here are the steps:

    This setup doesn't start/stop the service correctly and gives you an error. It does seem to edit the config file properly. Maybe Marcel and come up with an arm plugin??

    ** Thanks to shyd for the steps 5-8 and providing the binary.

    omv 7.0.5-1 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.13 | compose 7.2 | k8s 7.1.0-3 | cputemp 7.0.1 | mergerfs 7.0.4

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • So, I did as ryecoaaron suggested above and in addition I edited /etc/rc.local to look like this:

    Probably, this also means that I do not really need the symlinks for runlevels 1 and 0, but I will look into this some more. In any case, I was able to use the WebGui to add some media folders and after putting something on them via NFS, I can access that, at least after a reboot. Need to do some more checking, but things are looking not too bad.

    What I noticed, however, is that whenever I try to change something concerning MiniDLNA via the WebGui, it throws some error (mostly something involving sudo ..., which might not be necessary to use on the AMR machine?? Don't know enough ...). Despite the error, however, the changes seem to take effect ...

    More some other time, but for now: thanks for everybody's help here 8-) ! Good night!

  • Rodger,

    Did you install openmediavault-keyring? Without it, apt-get may fail retrieving packages. After install openmediavault-keyring, please do an apt-get update.

    If that's not the cause of your problem, please check /var/log/messages and /var/log/apt/term.log for any messages corresponding to it.

    By the way, my setup on Pogoplug uses a 2GB USB drive as the system drive. So, unless your USB drive is malfunctioning, it is unlikely the source of your trouble.


    OpenMediaVault 7.0.4-2 (Sandworm) :thumbup:
    HARDWARE: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 | SYSTEM: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64

    KERNEL: Linux 6.1.21-v8+ | PROCESSOR: BCM2835 (4) @ 1.500GHz | MEMORY: 4GB | STORAGE: MicroSD 60GB + HDD 6TB
    PLUGINS: nut, omvextrasorg, backup, compose, cputemp, flashmemory, kernel, remotemount, sharerootfs

    DOCKER: nginx proxy manager, pi-hole, wireguard, transmission

  • Zitat von "ciquta"

    Is this working fast also on PogoV4/GoFlexNet?
    I guess not enough resources to use Bittorrent, right?

    I own neither Pogoplug V4 nor GoFlex Net, so can't comment on them. But OpenMeidaVault runs extremely well on my PogoPlug Classic. I can stream a video without experiencing stutters while copying files across my network.

    Due to a dependency problem, transmissionbt plugin needs some tweaking to install. Once it is installed, transmissionbt works reasonably well on my PogoPlug Classic. Seeding multiple torrents hardly put stress on the processor, but downloading one torrent pushed the processor usage over 40%. In either case the memory usage stayed at the same level before transmissionbt was installed.

    OpenMediaVault 7.0.4-2 (Sandworm) :thumbup:
    HARDWARE: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 | SYSTEM: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64

    KERNEL: Linux 6.1.21-v8+ | PROCESSOR: BCM2835 (4) @ 1.500GHz | MEMORY: 4GB | STORAGE: MicroSD 60GB + HDD 6TB
    PLUGINS: nut, omvextrasorg, backup, compose, cputemp, flashmemory, kernel, remotemount, sharerootfs

    DOCKER: nginx proxy manager, pi-hole, wireguard, transmission

  • Some questions relating to the initial installations:
    > dockstar.debian-squeeze.sh installed fine -> "I: Base system installed successfully... Installation complete"
    > after clearing the Win 7 registry entry for Pogoplug, I could log in through ssh. However, the prompt was not "#" as shown in Kochin's instructions, but "Pogoplug:~$". So I'm wondering if something at a low level is amiss.
    > the "/etc/apt/sources.list" file did not exist, nor did the /etc/apt/ directory
    > the apt-get function did not install, so no subsequent packages could be installed.

    Conclusion: (?)
    > incomplete installation ?

    > during early installation, this snippet appeared in the output:
    # Starting debootstrap installation
    I: Retrieving InRelease
    I: Failed to retrieve InRelease
    > also:
    I: Resolving dependencies of base packages...
    I: Found additional required dependencies: insserv libbz2-1.0 libdb4.8 libslang2
    I: Found additional base dependencies: adduser cpio debian-archive-keyring devio gnupg gpgv initramfs-tools klibc-utils libbsd0 libcap2 libedit2 libgssapi-krb5-2 libk5crypto3 libkeyutils1 libklibc libkrb5-3 libkrb5support0 libncursesw5 libreadline6 libssl0.9.8 libudev0 libusb-0.1-4 libuuid-perl libwrap0 linux-base linux-image-2.6.32-5-kirkwood openssh-blacklist openssh-client procps readline-common vim-common

    > Why would "InRelease' be missing?
    > Because dependencies are listed, does this also mean they are left unresolved?
    > any way of cleaning up dependencies beforehand (then re-installing) or afterward?

  • Hi 1coyote1,

    Something definitely went wrong during your installation, but InRelease certainly was not the cause of it. Debian repository uses InRelease or Release file to list index files included in the distribution. See the following quote from Debian document.


    To download packages from a repository apt would download a InRelease or Release file from the $ARCHIVE_ROOT/dists/$DISTRIBUTION directory.

    InRelease files are signed in-line while Release files should have an accompanying Release.gpg file.

    The Release file lists the index files for the distribution and their hashes (the index file listed are relative to Release file location).

    It's hard to say what caused your installation to fail. I can only venture some guesses.

    • Please make sure you are working in a writable folder, e.g. /tmp, so that your USB drive can be properly mounted and written to.
    • Some USB drives are simply not suitable for this operation. Please try another USB drive. Some people posted their experiences with variety of USB drives [url=http://forum.doozan.com/read.php?2,1915,page=2]here[/url].

    The prompt, "Pogoplug:~$", you saw means your PogoPlug still booted from its internal NAND not your USB drive.

    OpenMediaVault 7.0.4-2 (Sandworm) :thumbup:
    HARDWARE: Raspberry Pi 4 Model B Rev 1.2 | SYSTEM: Debian GNU/Linux 12 (bookworm) aarch64

    KERNEL: Linux 6.1.21-v8+ | PROCESSOR: BCM2835 (4) @ 1.500GHz | MEMORY: 4GB | STORAGE: MicroSD 60GB + HDD 6TB
    PLUGINS: nut, omvextrasorg, backup, compose, cputemp, flashmemory, kernel, remotemount, sharerootfs

    DOCKER: nginx proxy manager, pi-hole, wireguard, transmission

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