A SparesMissing event had been detected on md device

  • For some unknown reason my array definition in mdadm.conf now contains the spares=1 directive, giving me notifications about spares missing.

    - How can this have happened, did OMV change this somehow? Is this a setting in the GUI?

    - What is the best way to correct it? Can I just change this back to 0 and be done, or will this be overwritten bij OMV again as the header of the file states:

    # This file is auto-generated by openmediavault (https://www.openmediavault.org)
    # WARNING: Do not edit this file, your changes will get lost.
    # mdadm.conf
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    - How can this have happened, did OMV change this somehow? Is this a setting in the GUI?

    No and No

    If this is in the settings file then you have actively added it on your own via an mdadm command.

    OMV is only running a mdadm command to export the current state of the array to the config file.

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