[GUIDE] Sickbeard+SABnzbd+Couchpotato Guide [OLD]

  • So I really must have screwed thing up good, AND I am still having MySQL problems. I think I am going to just re-install OMV and start all over.
    Any easy way to do a back up of settings on everything?

  • Zitat von "Relic"

    So I really must have screwed thing up good, AND I am still having MySQL problems. I think I am going to just re-install OMV and start all over.
    Any easy way to do a back up of settings on everything?

    If your going to start from scratch then I would not use anything in your current setup as your having problems and you would not want to use something that could be faulty.

    What I did was keep my database, newznab folder on another drive and backed up my custom scripts on another drive, I was then able to just use my current setup and just install the needed stuff (script will install everything so I did this manually in shell)

    I would recommend that once installed you switch to the scripts I posted on the previous page, they get more releases then the normal scripts.
    If your unsure of anything give me a shout and I will try to help.

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • Thank you very much for the script. I've got sabnzbd, sickbeard, and couchpotato running without any problem.

    I would like to suggest an addition to the script, bittorent client Deluge. I know omv already has transmission but deluge is much better with more functionalities and plugins. I have actually installed it in my omv following the guide here http://dev.deluge-torrent.org/wiki/UserGuide/ThinClient, it is very easy to install so i believe it would also be easy to integrate in your script.

  • update to my update.
    It appears I had the directory address wrong for the new header script. I changed that last night and so far everything is running like it should and once was.
    I hope I do not have to reboot because I do not know if the mysql problems are resolved. I do not have time to check it this morning, but will when I get home.

    Miller, you have been a huge help to me and many others.

  • Thank you for the great script. Everything works well but I think there are some problems with the installation folder. I've chose "/opt" and the install "9 12" (9. Sabnzbdplus and 12. PyLoad). After that:

    root@omv:/usr# ps -axf
     1476 ?        Sl     6:37 /usr/bin/python -OO /opt/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.py --daemon --server = 8080 -f /opt/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.ini > /
     1769 ?        Sl     0:02 python /usr/share/pyload/pyLoadCore.py --configdir=/root/.pyload --daemon

    Sabnzbdplus install folder ist OK. Since PyLoad seems not to be installed in /opt folder i've uninstalled PyLoad and try to install it again ("/opt" folder and "12 PyLoad"). Again:

    root@omv:/usr# ps -axf
     1476 ?        Sl     6:37 /usr/bin/python -OO /opt/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.py --daemon --server = 8080 -f /opt/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.ini > /
     7305 ?        SLl    0:01 python /usr/share/pyload/pyLoadCore.py --configdir=/root/.pyload --daemon

    It looks like PyLoad will allways install in "/usr/share/". It's an issue here or am I missing something?

  • Zitat von "genuk360"

    Thank you for the great script. Everything works well but I think there are some problems with the installation folder. I've chose "/opt" and the install "9 12" (9. Sabnzbdplus and 12. PyLoad). After that:

    root@omv:/usr# ps -axf
     1476 ?        Sl     6:37 /usr/bin/python -OO /opt/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.py --daemon --server = 8080 -f /opt/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.ini > /
     1769 ?        Sl     0:02 python /usr/share/pyload/pyLoadCore.py --configdir=/root/.pyload --daemon

    Sabnzbdplus install folder ist OK. Since PyLoad seems not to be installed in /opt folder i've uninstalled PyLoad and try to install it again ("/opt" folder and "12 PyLoad"). Again:

    root@omv:/usr# ps -axf
     1476 ?        Sl     6:37 /usr/bin/python -OO /opt/SABnzbd/SABnzbd.py --daemon --server = 8080 -f /opt/SABnzbd/sabnzbd.ini > /
     7305 ?        SLl    0:01 python /usr/share/pyload/pyLoadCore.py --configdir=/root/.pyload --daemon

    It looks like PyLoad will allways install in "/usr/share/". It's an issue here or am I missing something?

    Some apps use the providers installer, these apps will always install to the default location set by the installer. ATM only pyload and subsonic are using the providers installer so all the other apps can be installed to a user defined folder.

    I could make it so pyload installs to a user defined folder if that is what you would want?

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • Actually it would be nice to have the option to manually choose the install location for all programs which could be installed by your script. Just for a better organisation... But as I said: "nice to have"
    Thank you again for the great work.

  • Zitat von "ArmandH"

    I can't get headphones to start up anymore, anyone seen this issue?

    log file shows:

    08-Feb-2013 21:14:19 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Headphones on port: 8181
    08-Feb-2013 21:14:20 - INFO :: MainThread : Signal 15 caught, saving and exiting...
    08-Feb-2013 21:14:21 - INFO :: MainThread : Headphones is shutting down...

    Still having problem anyone ?
    In the meantime i tried installed the development branch

    14-Feb-2013 16:19:57 - INFO :: MainThread : Headphones is up to date
    14-Feb-2013 16:19:57 - DEBUG :: MainThread : Using the following server values:
    MBHost: musicbrainz.org ; MBPort: 80 ; Sleep Interval: 1
    14-Feb-2013 16:19:57 - INFO :: MainThread : Starting Headphones on port: 8181

    but checking out the url server it is not running don't know where to look

  • Zitat von "mondaybandele"

    I am missing quality profiles in CouchPotatoServer
    re-installed a few times

    can someone help if possible? i've searched high and low and can't find a solution other than to "re-install"

    Try doing a "service CouchPotatoServer restart" this has been said to fix your issue.

    I would not use the Dev branch, I have had talks with the writer and the Dev branch will give you a lot of issues, the main one will allways say there is a newer version available.

    I would uninstall that and install the normal branch. If you still have problems then stop the service "service headphones stop" and cd to the headphones dir and run "python Headphones.py" this will show whats happing with headphones as it tries to start up. If you can't see any problems try the webui again, if you can, paste the output here and I will take a look.


    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • Hello all.

    The solution to the quality bug is to shutdown couch potato
    delete the /root/.couchpotato/ folder
    and restart couch potato.

    That will bring back your settings for your qualities


  • JhMiller,

    Thanks for your help i stopped the service throw away the headphones directory and run your script again to reinstall it.
    After that i was able to see the webpage and saw the message
    You're running an unknown version of Headphones. Update or Close

    After that i clicked the update and checked the logs and saw it went all fine

    2013-02-19 12:40:49
    Starting Headphones on port: 8181
    2013-02-19 12:40:49
    Headphones is up to date
    2013-02-19 12:40:48
    Comparing currently installed version with latest github version
    2013-02-19 12:40:47
    Retrieving latest version information from github
    2013-02-19 12:40:47
    Checking to see if the database has all tables....

    Going to let it scan my music dir again
    2013-02-19 12:47:19
    Scanning music directory: /media/fac202db-49d5-4dba-92b0-bee63109d140/music

    Its about 200Gb of music so will take a while i guess ;)

    Thanks for your support great job

  • ArmandH, good to hear that you have it working now.

    @all, There was a request for deluge (torrent client) a few pages back, im not really sure if there is much call for another client. Seeing as transmission has a plugin that is working well would many of you want deluge as an extra add on with its own webui?

    I have done some basic work to get it installed and working but I still need to go through the whole script and tidy some stuff up as well as make some more options for the newznab setup (custom locations ect)

    The way I have it now is to compile from source as I don't like adding extra repos to the apt source list as this can lead to problems later down the road and also compiling from source means you get the very latest version.
    The app it self looks ok but I can't see why its better then transmission. I know it has plugins for various extra features but what can these do that transmission can't?

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • Zitat von "laowai"

    Can you port a debian vpn client to OMV instead?

    If you have a request for a particular vpn client then I will take a look at it but can't promise anything.

    Is there not already a plugin for vpn?

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

  • With that app there are no install steps to automate, it is a 1 line install "apt-get install pptp-linux"

    Also just so its clear, my script does not do plugin's as such, it is used to make installing some user apps a lot easier.

    What I am watching/watched on my Popcorn Hour media player
    omv 2.1.1 stoneburner | 64 bit | omvextrasorg 1.29
    MySQL (Percona[size=8]) | Newznab | Sonarr | CP | HP | NZBget | YAMJ | CUPS

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