• Zitat von "tekkbebe"

    Mallow, you should make a post about your machine in the "My NAS build" section of the forum. The lcd4linux project seems to be dead. It looks like there have not been any new packages since like 2009 or 2010. You did a post in the How Tos topic a few days ago about your machine. I am going to delete that in a few days. We really don't want people adding topics there. Please give more info and pics on your machine in the "My NAS build" section. Also, I don't understand why you would want to add that system monitor stuff because there are sections in the OMV web-gui that already give those statistics, perhaps not as detailed.

    Hello tekkbebe,

    I think it's a good idea to start a new post in the "My NAS build" section, sorry for that.

    Don't worry for my another post, I have deleted the contents of my server box.

    The reason I would like to install a monitoring system with graphical user interface is same reason that you can see in my display / monitor these data instead of "omv login:", is a server box exclusively for OpenMediaVault, would aesthetically beautiful as well as practical.

    If my English was good I would make a "how to" step by step in creating my server box, but it cost me my life, lol :?

    Thanks for your attention.

  • Zitat von "MALOW"

    Yes.. and http://translate.google.es/ its my friend :lol:

    Thanks :P

    http://enes.dict.cc/ :geek:

    Added to the firefox searchengines. Made available via Keyword to the Firefox Adressbar. Mucho Fasto.


    "Well... lately this forum has become support for everything except omv" [...] "And is like someone is banning Google from their browsers"

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

    Upload Logfile via WebGUI/CLI
    #openmediavault on freenode IRC | German & English | GMT+1
    Absolutely no Support via PM!

  • Zitat von "puterfixer"

    Thanks for the tip! I installed Mobile PC Monitor and wrote a newbie's tutorial on how to do this step by step. Waiting for approval in moderation queue now :)

    And where can we find this tut? Timelife books?

    It's so nice that you tell us that you managed/found something, however, without a valid link, your information is just worthless.
    Otherwise, your tut might be mouldring in the moderation queue since 2013, and then it's really not your openmedia fault.

    Mir ist egal, wie schräg eine Lösung ist. Hauptsache, sie funktioniert intuitiv, reproduzierbar, schnell und zuverlässig...

  • Thorsten, before you go any further, stop crawling threw old Forum entries and try to piss us off. Criticism is very welcome in this Forum but what you're dooing right now is just off the limits.

    ~ Moderation ~


    "Well... lately this forum has become support for everything except omv" [...] "And is like someone is banning Google from their browsers"

    Only two things are infinite, the universe and human stupidity, and I'm not sure about the former.

    Upload Logfile via WebGUI/CLI
    #openmediavault on freenode IRC | German & English | GMT+1
    Absolutely no Support via PM!

  • Zitat von "davidh2k"

    Thorsten, before you go any further, stop crawling threw old Forum entries and try to piss us off.
    Criticism is very welcome in this Forum but what you're dooing right now is just off the limits.

    ~ Moderation ~


    Ok, so sorry for this.

    I definetely did not want to piss you off,
    and the proof for this should at least be my appreciation for the work you and the people here do, which is of course automatically implied by the job I/we chose.

    However, I must admit, that fate, experience, impatience (and maybe my floating diet) finally lead to
    my language constructs mainly based on irony and sarcasmn, but meant in a highly motivational matter.

    Actually, I really am just a very nice guy with a strong penchant for technical surrealism.

    So, please do be not angry with me!

    Mir ist egal, wie schräg eine Lösung ist. Hauptsache, sie funktioniert intuitiv, reproduzierbar, schnell und zuverlässig...

  • It is good post Thorsten. It will take some time to be familiar with OMV and Debian. Be patient. Do not write unnecessary thoughts in your posts. Do not ask a million questions in one post. When you post try to talk about 1 problem you are having so just that issue can be addressed by the forum members. Then if you have another question make a new topic, so a new post. Many here are willing to help you. :D:D

  • Hi,

    i just updated my old omg server mit an dell t20 xenon system.
    I'm using omg 3 beta 3.0.50 with the 4.8 back ports kernel.

    I installed lcd4linux out of the debian repository.

    During running i got some dizzy facts.

    1. the cpu is not speed stepping
    2. the cpu load is at about 25% all the time.

    I also run a raspberry pi with the same display and lcd4linux.
    There is the load maximal at 6%.

    Does anybody got the same problem?
    Or anybody have a reason for that behavior.

    Cheers Robert

    OMV 5.x always up to date.
    Modded dell t20 into 19" rack case with Pearl LCD Display (Status Display!)

    xeon e3-1225v3 / 32GB RAM / 1x500GB WD Blue SSD (OS) / 1x250 SSD (not used) / 1x1 TB Toshiba HHD (MultiDisk) / 4x 4TB WD40EFRX (Raid5)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    What is producing the load? Post the output of the processes tab.

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • Here a screenshot.
    It is lcd4linux which caused the load.

    -First shot with lcd4linux running
    -Second shot with lcd4linux stopped

    LCD4linux is not going under 85% of load.
    I'm will have a try tomorrow if the my config is responsible for the high load.

  • Hi,

    it did try now several configs.
    There was no change.
    the load is all the time at the high value.

    OMV 5.x always up to date.
    Modded dell t20 into 19" rack case with Pearl LCD Display (Status Display!)

    xeon e3-1225v3 / 32GB RAM / 1x500GB WD Blue SSD (OS) / 1x250 SSD (not used) / 1x1 TB Toshiba HHD (MultiDisk) / 4x 4TB WD40EFRX (Raid5)

    • Offizieller Beitrag

    it did try now several configs.
    There was no change.
    the load is all the time at the high value.

    This is an lcd4linux issue. Never used lcd4linux so can't really help.

    omv 7.4.2-2 sandworm | 64 bit | 6.8 proxmox kernel

    plugins :: omvextrasorg 7.0 | kvm 7.0.14 | compose 7.2.1 | k8s 7.2.0-1 | cputemp 7.0.2 | mergerfs 7.0.5 | scripts 7.0.8

    omv-extras.org plugins source code and issue tracker - github - changelogs

    Please try ctrl-shift-R and read this before posting a question.

    Please put your OMV system details in your signature.
    Please don't PM for support... Too many PMs!

  • I'm trying openmedivault from Nas4free. They will not update more 32 bits systems.

    I have a LCD 16X4 to display the stats working without any problem with nas4free it's possible to use it with openmedivault.

  • Just for a new Homeserver which I'm building at the moment, I was still searching for the problems with the 100% system load.

    And at the moment I looks like I found the problem.

    The Problem was coming from the calculation of the times.

    So I changed it from:

        # Ticks:
        second 1000
        minute 60 * second
        hour 60 * second


        second 1000
        minute 60000
        hour    3600000
        static 3600000

    Anrolle replaced the update 0 to update static.

    Attached is the new working file. lcd4linux.working.conf.zip

    Cheers Robert

    OMV 5.x always up to date.
    Modded dell t20 into 19" rack case with Pearl LCD Display (Status Display!)

    xeon e3-1225v3 / 32GB RAM / 1x500GB WD Blue SSD (OS) / 1x250 SSD (not used) / 1x1 TB Toshiba HHD (MultiDisk) / 4x 4TB WD40EFRX (Raid5)

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