Beiträge von Nefertiti

    About kernel update on my system with a Nvidia direct install I just do

    cd /srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-1942e416-bbf4-4f33-b6a3-00171f82bf75/
    sh ./

    And reboot, take 2mn.

    Got a problem with plex
    network_mode: host able to reach reach ip:32400

    network_mode: swag_default give me white page

    jellyfin same white page working with IP:8196 and network_mode: host but can reach it remote with network_mode: swag_default but not both!

    and for nexcloud unable to reach it either

    No issue with Emby or navidrome both working local and remote


    working Nextcloud

    I picked this method above for the set $upstream_app emby; (Working :)) if you guys thinking a better way let me know.

    Bring down the SWAG stack.

    Pull and bring it up.

    If it doesn't solve it, bring down, save your proxy confs and delete the swag config folder.

    Put it up again. It will recreate the cert.

    Redo your proxy confs.

    It did works and I forgot; I also moved the AppData on the same disk without removing the original, did not see any change for a while

    just question about the subdomain.conf

    the original line

    set $upstream_app emby;

    does not work but

    set $upstream_app;

    which is my local IP is working?

    I just realized my automatic renewal for the swag certificate failed, just wondering if because I move my docker directory out of var/lib. So now how to fix it?

    Compose settings at the section

    Leave blank to use a custom /etc/docker/daemon.json

    I use to have this

        "data-root": "/var/lib/docker",
        "runtimes": {
            "nvidia": {
                "args": [],
                "path": "nvidia-container-runtime"

    Modified it for

        "data-root": "/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-9cd27ed0-ef9a-4346-ae1e-5e835ba05832/Media2/docker",
        "runtimes": {
            "nvidia": {
                "args": [],
                "path": "nvidia-container-runtime"

    Not sure if it is the reason since the appData for the swag has not been changed?

    For me too, but plex is not hw-transcoding with that driver. As far as I remeber you are not using plex, right Nefertiti ?

    I must say I never use plex, but the container is installed so it was easy to enable it I got pass anyway. So in Plex Transcoder-Advanced under Hardware transcoding device My Nvidia GPU is listed along the Intel one, and it is running with this driver5.50.54.14 Same for Tdarr no issue.

    You definitely do not need the X configuration file but just in case got no issue:

    Your X configuration file has been successfully updated. Installation of the NVIDIA Accelerated Graphics Driver for Linux-x86_64

    (version: 550.54.14) is now complete.

    Just in case!

    I am using duckdns and SWAG wildcard got no issue I can access any service by putting name of service in front ex

    (I am aware need to update to the latest swag proxy-confs Lol)

    in Attachment are my opnsense port forwarding

    If you want to maintain a custom daemon.json AND use a different disk, you need to put whatever path you want in data-root. In the nvidia thread, you will still see data-root in the daemon.json for nvidia

        "runtimes": {
            "nvidia": {
                "path": "/usr/bin/nvidia-container-runtime",
                "runtimeArgs": []
        "default-runtime": "nvidia",
        "data-root": "/var/lib/docker"

    Actually working perfect with the code of chris_kmn. Like I found out above just update the stacks in portainer don't even need to copy move the docker Folder

        "data-root": "/srv/dev-disk-by-uuid-2e5438fd-633f-4658-82b0-dce4dccd3b97/docker",
        "runtimes": {
            "nvidia": {
                "args": [],
                "path": "nvidia-container-runtime"

    Well I did something bad, In order to make room I started to remove an old docker file (what I thought) from a non system disk, and I did not rename it.

    Now docker still running but portainer stays down I can still see the container, but they won't restart with error creating overlay2 mount to /var/lib/docker by the way var/lib/doker still have all the files in it specially overlay2!

    How can I fix the mess

    It shouldn't be complicated. You leave it blank if you want to write the daemon.json. You put a path in it if you want daemon.json to only contain data-root. noobs shouldn't be leaving it blank. If they are because they are following a guide, it is that guide's job to explain that they need to set data-root if they don't want the default /var/lib/docker.

    So far mine is blank because I am using a custom JSON for Nvidia, but I would love to move my docker folder out of the system drive, so now can I do that without being rewritten?

    Because it is still saying "Leave blank to use a custom /etc/docker/daemon.json"

    Or, edit the config.php since it's a line there.

    maintenance=true or similar.

    This worked perfect now how to update Nextcloud itself, I did update the app it also the log says?