Beiträge von muchgooder

    As always, thank you so much for taking the time to post this. This is a fantastic resource and I look forward to improving the way that I am creating these containers. I can definitely clean some things up.

    So I corrected the file path issue - thank you for that, I had completely missed it.

    But that didn't fix my issue. The issue seems to be related to the fact that I copied over some of the docker environment from a failing hard drive. Other containers had similar issues - I renamed the container name and things went smoothly. I am still having this issue. Any idea what might be causing it?

    I recently had a disk failure that required me to move the location of Docker to another drive. I have my config files in a different "AppData" folder so at worst I have had to execute the docker compose files again. I am having some errors with a few of the containers. While trying to re-create Docker I copied over the existing Docker installation. I suspect that the "overlay2" folder had issues as I eventually had to exclude it from the copy as it was erroring out.

    The errors seem to be somewhat similar. For example, Murmur is erroring out:

    resulted in this:


    ERROR: for Murmur Cannot create container for service murmur: open /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Backup/Docker/overlay2/59aa666136ad027d5ef4de282616fa10fffe4d06a3d451f5267995dcdd3241c2/link: no such file or directory

    ERROR: for murmur Cannot create container for service murmur: open /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Backup/Docker/overlay2/59aa666136ad027d5ef4de282616fa10fffe4d06a3d451f5267995dcdd3241c2/link: no such file or directory

    ERROR: Encountered errors while bringing up the project.

    Mariadb (which also worked fine before) had a similar issue:


    Building with native build. Learn about native build in Compose here:

    ERROR: stat /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Backup/Docker/overlay2/36ae00f9c685ad098084c6107bab35d563fb2da27e626c60bd4a540acfd7c6c0: no such file or directory

    I am going to close this particular issue as the root issue was solved (bad disk). I have most other containers running again but a few are giving me an issue.

    You can try to exclude that folder.

    Thanks so much - all of this has really allowed me to fill in some areas that I was missing. I have been going through each config folder to issue docker-compose up on the yml files. Most have reconfigured themselves without issue but some are causing a problem. Mariadb is one of them.

    I had this one running previously but it is giving me an error now when I tried to re-initialize it. Any ideas?

    EDIT - it is happening with a couple of other containers as well. There is still a bit of knowledge that I am missing here - I had thought that running docker compose again would fill in anything that was broken? Obviously this is incorrect.

    I can't tell you how much I appreciate your help! I read through everything and it makes complete sense. I am copying over the files now but unfortunately I suspect that the health of the drive is hurting me.

    I seem stuck on a specific overlay2. I've spent the last hour trying to delete it - I could not figure out a way to do it. Every command threw at it resulted in some kind of error (drive is read-write, can't change permissions, etc). I then stumbled onto e2fsk commands - they all dutifully reported that there was an error and that it couldn't continue. Is there anything else I can do? Or is the drive most likely causing the issue?

    Thanks again! This actually reminded me of a different error that I showed in the original post.

    stat /srv/dev-disk-by-label-Docker/Docker/overlay2/1af8e33685ebdd5949f338938e70a05602a35e6995e81a2abfaef335621449fe: no such file or directory

    is there any kind of magic that I can run on that folder? Or is that really a waste of time seeing as that SMART is telling me the disk is going bad?

    Also, one more question. In your post you reference the location of Docker but then you have @docker on the end. Is that indicating that it is the root folder?

    You can try to copy/rsync the docker root to a different folder/path and see if helps.

    Only issue is, if files are corrupted, it will be copied over so, probably the errors will continue.

    If this happens, you'll need to nuke the containers with errors and deploy them again.

    Thanks so much! How do I go about telling OMV where Docker is? How do I tell it to install somewhere else?

    docker info | grep -i "Docker Root Dir"

    Argh, I am sorry - you had me do that earlier. So yes, that is the bad drive and it is the only thing on that file system.

    So what is the easiest way to recover from this? Ideally I would like to have Docker be on another file system that has plenty of room. I don't necessarily need to replace that disk

    If that's where your configs are (or docker root) than, yes: corrupted files there will give you issues.

    I was mistaken - the config files are in HOMEMEDIA on sdg. sdh is the bad file system.

    So next question - how do I find out where docker actually lives? In the UI it mentions /var/lib/docker. I tried to go to that directory but it said it did not exist.

    Similarly, if I even tryin to bring up the docker tab in the OMV UI it errors out. I tried to install Docker again - error.

    Fantastic, thanks so much again!

    So I was going through your commands with no problems until I got to the part where I restart docker. It has been hanging there in the session for more than 10 minutes.

    However, while waiting for Docker to finish rebooting I did some poking around.

    Could this be the issue? The file system that hosts Docker is erroring out with disk warnings. I am trying to run extended tests now.

    Ah, thanks so much for that! I did not know that - I'll adjust my files accordingly.

    How do these look? Anything that I should change?

    Can you post the YML from 1 of the containers that stopped working?

    We can move from there, after.

    And PLEASE, post it on Codeboxes, NOT screenshots

    Thank you so, so much! There was one on the previous page - I'll post another one here. As noted earlier, they are all not functioning correctly in one way or another. Some start but can't be edited in portainer. Others don't start. An idea did occur to me a minute ago - I am making a new Calibre container. It is currently running but it seems to be running for a few minutes, which seems odd.

    linuxserver/calibre - Docker Image | Docker Hub

    User / Group Identifiers

    When using volumes ( flags) permissions issues can arise between the host OS and the container, we avoid this issue by allowing you to specify the user and group .-vPUIDPGID

    Ensure any volume directories on the host are owned by the same user you specify and any permissions issues will vanish like magic.

    In this instance and , to find yours use as below:PUID=1000PGID=1000id user

      $ id username    uid=1000(dockeruser) gid=1000(dockergroup) groups=1000(dockergroup)

    Thank you again for taking the time out to reply. I can't tell you how much I appreciate it.

    I just spent the last hour googling pieces of your post. I think sometimes the people that are experts at this have a hard time connecting to the weekend warriors like myself because they don't understand how little we understand about this area. I also think that's why you see so many people opening the permissions - they don't fully understand what they are doing and the guides tend to skimp on information in this area and they don't want to be admonished here for opening something up that they did not need to.

    Anyway, at a high level I completely get what you are saying. In the guides I set up PUID and PGID to be 1000 and things went swimmingly. Until they weren't, which is now. I did as the guides said and everything was great until last week.

    so this is the state of my AppData folder where I keep all of my docker configs. At this point in time none of my containers are operating normally. Some are working but I can't edit them ("can't find container information" error in portainer). Others have the same error AND they don't start. From doing my research I can see that for many of these "root" is the owner and the group users is also listed. Now what? I completely get that if I type "ID 1000" I should see what you showed me. But how do I get there? Again, I set them in docker-compose the way you described.

    Based on what I said in the previous paragraph doesn't it seem like this is more than just a permissions issue in the individual folders? I can't find any similarities between the errors I am getting and the folders with similar permissions.

    Thanks to all who are helping!

    please post ID 1000 and read about linux permission and Owners, is not difficult and you can solve yourself your actual problems.

    I did post ID 1000 and as I stated earlier I have done a ton of research and learning in this area. As I noted earlier most guides don't go too deep into explanation and I haven't found a good guide that brings this all together. More often than not I end up throwing things at the wall based on guides that are close to (but not exactly) like what I am trying to do. I am just looking for a final little bump to get me over the hill.